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We have found the true faith, worshiping the undivided trinity

From the Divine Liturgy of the Orthodox Church!

The Apostolic Faith (that which has been handed down by Christ to his apostles and their successors-bishops) is known to us as the Apostle Paul exhorts in the opening verses of his 11th Chapter to the Hebrew Church:

“Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (The Church Triumphant) Indeed, by faith, our ancestors (the saints of the old testament/covenant) received approval. By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God (Jesus) so that what is seen was made from things that are not visible.”(As stated in the apostolic creed)

Thus, faith is not a matter of thought because to think encourages freedom of interpretation – which in this case  leads to heresy (departure from that which has been established as truth) eg: the tendency to make God in our own image and likeness rather than knowing him as revealed to us in the faith of HIS Church!

Furthermore, to know is to be sure of – affirming with the whole church catholicos (universal) which is orthodox (correctly giving due worship and glory to God in the true faith) - continually reaffirms our creed! Whereas to think opens the portals of doubt due to limited understanding rekindling our interpretation which leads to deceit which is the product of our emotions that are in a constant state of flux…….the faith does not change as exhorted again by the Apostle Paul in the 13th chapter and 8th verse to the Hebrews: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”  For there is no deceit in God but only truth which proceeds out of love.

Hence, we have known Him - for that is the meaning of Solomon’s 85th psalm and 10th verse where “Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.’’ Thus in the 3rd chapter and 16th verse of the Gospel of the Apostle John: “God so loved the world, that he gave us his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish (depart into absence of God) but have eternal life.” (Enter into communion with Him) In addition, the iconography of the Church, in particular the hospitality of Abraham – the opening verses of the 18th chapter in Genesis account, outlines this extraordinary occurrence of the above quotations…….

Within the context of the Latin west - the Greek word ELEISON (mercy) has a threefold meaning in the Latin: MISERICORDIAE! Although this is made up of two words MISERERE – Latin = (MISERY) Greek - CARDIA = (HEART) the word CUMPASSIO – Compassion = (WALK WITH) highlights the operation of the Holy Trinity as seen in this sacred Icon of icons.

God who is Father of all sees our need for help (Miserere) God the Spirit heeds the cries of our hearts (cardia) God the Son assumes our mortal frame to restore our dignity which was tarnished (cumpassio) as expressed again in the opening chapter of the Apostle John’s Gospel.

“In the beginning was the Word… the word is God… all things came into being through him…

in him is life… the light of all people… the light shines in the darkness and darkness could not overcome it… he came to what was his own people, but they did not accept him.

But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood or the will of the flesh or the will of man, but of God. (Baptism)

And the word became flesh and lived among us and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth… grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

No one has ever seen God.

(In essence)  It is God the only Son, who is close to the Fathers’ heart, who has made him known.”

The Orthodox Church which IS the family tree of Christ our God and the fulfilment of the new covenant (the continuing Church which began in the old law, was renewed by Jesus in the New Testament and is unchanged from day one) remains obedient to this very day to its bishop: Christ the Lord. If at any time we came to err and began expeditions of our own reasoning’s like many other denominations – we would sever ourselves from Christ the vine and become obsolete – powerless and stripped of all grace and inheritance received via the apostles…..we have been warned by the Apostle Paul in the 1st chapter and 8th verse of his letter to the Galatian Church;

“I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—not that there is another gospel, but there are some who are confusing you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ.

But even if we or an angel from heaven should proclaim to you a gospel contrary to what we proclaimed to you, let that one be accursed! As we have said before, so now I repeat, if anyone proclaims to you a gospel contrary to what you have received, let that one be accursed!

Am I now seeking human approval, or God’s approval?

Or am I trying to please people?

If I were still pleasing people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”

Thus, faith to remove mountains can only occur if we have THE FAITH and not a mere philosophy which we employ due to commodity; faith has fallen into the category of religion where we observe/take what we want out of it – the weekly/Sunday shopping cart: Low in fat doctrine – we don’t want to be told! High in calcium emotions – there is nothing wrong with me! Hence, this is no longer faith but personal choice – although the Lord gave us the gift of free will, we can’t have it our way when it comes to the reality of being and being enlisted into the eternal Communion of Saints.

The meaning for us here in contemporary society is threefold…..

(A) Private revelations – the Archangel Gabriel supposedly appeared to the AL-Ameen (Mohamed), Joseph Smith (Mormon) and many others who believe they have become the way, truth and life assuming false messianic characteristics which produces fruit rotten to the core………

(B) Departure from Patristics – modern theological and philosophical tendencies harboured in houses of clerical formation………….               

(C) Compromising the faith – playing ones cards right in parochial settings according to the status quo (church politics) in order to advance and gain prestige rather than assuming the role of the good shepherd, nurturing the flock and receiving the grace from on high to have the faith to remove mountains so to speak!

Eternal! God is eternal! He is and always remains the same! Therefore, anything that proceeds from God can’t change, alter or contradict that which He has set in stone so to speak! In meaning (A) entitled Private Revelations, it must be made clear once more that God can’t change his mind, because God is and always will be – nothing changes for conflict in the eternal (the severing of communion within the Holy trinity) has not, does not, and never will be! Thus, if a being from heaven  or supposedly a saint/prophet on earth were to reveal anything in the name of God (IESUS CRISTOS) it can never contradict that which has been handed down from the Lord who is truth - for God never speaks in deceit nor falls back on his word!  In addition, there is a tendency to tarnish/ corrupt that which has been revealed due to personal interest – the interpretations and expectations of men mar holy writ (the scriptures) in order to bring about THEIR fulfilment not the Lord’s plans!

In the context of the feast of the Transfiguration, we read in the 9th chapter and 28th + verses of the Apostle Luke’s gospel that the Lord was transfigured/revealed his glory (the uncreated light) to his Apostles: Peter, James, and John upon mount Tabor; the presence of the old testament saints Moses (who received the law) = confirms that Jesus IS the Christ the fulfilment of the covenant, Elijah (who was assumed into heavenly glory) = ratifies that Jesus IS the resurrection, the life and light of the world as written in the 9th Chapter and 2nd verse of the book of the prophet Isaiah exhorting :

“The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness – on them the light has shined.’’

Furthermore, at the presentation of the Lord in his temple; where the Christ child was brought to be presented and circumcised according to the Law of Moses, the Elder Simeon recognised that the child brought before him Is truly the Messiah. Hence, the Holy Spirit promised Simeon that he would not taste death until he saw the Saviour, and at that as recorded in the 2nd chapter and 29th + verses in the Apostle Luke’s gospel he (Simeon) uttered: “…….My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared for all people, the light to enlighten the gentiles and the glory of your people Israel.” (Israel is not the current understanding as a nation, but we the baptised are now the Lord’s inheritance and Church of new birth!)  

The Lord in the 4th chapter and 21st+ verses of the gospel of the Apostle Mark exhorts that we must live in the light (live in Jesus – God revealed to man) for “Would anyone light a lamp and then put it under a basket or a bed? Of course not! A lamp is placed on a stand, where its light shines. (hence no deceit in God)…….the closer you listen, the more understanding will be given…..and you will receive more.”(The gifts of the Spirit are imparted in the sacrament of Chrismation/confirmation – Grace = free gift) Thus the notion of being born again is accomplished in baptism and Chrismation!

Thus, pondering on this theme of light – the light which was seen on Tabor – the glory of the Lord revealed; Deification – Christ who is the light lives in us Christians! Hence, if ever overcome with unsound doctrine; we stand firm with the martyrs (those who gave witness to Christ via blood) the martyrs are saints who did not give up their life in order to gain prestige, did not go around killing others in the name of God, but were people who lived their life and honoured the Lord as one honours their spouse in marriage: preferring their lives to be forfeit rather than betraying the one they love!


Moreover, we like the martyrs must stand firm in the faith – not allowing the most convincing lies of the world to blind us from the truth. Unfortunately, many who may think they are Christian due to the sacraments they have received but don’t live them have been blinded by the darkness of ignorance; I’m a good person and I’ll be ok! If we are good then we stem from goodness and always would want to keep on going to He WHO IS the source of all goodness to be strengthened and replenished daily. Therefore, if we indeed are as good as we profess to be, then we will have the wisdom to swim through the murky sea of doubt and deceit training through such currents of uncertainty with the light of hope and assurance which dwells in us – anchoring onto Christ the cornerstone of the edifice of our faith and existence!

Finally, after we have received the Lord in Holy Communion, we (the Lord’s people, inheritance and Church) reaffirm the gift of faith we have received in baptism.  Hence, we have been adopted as the Lord’s own via divine command recorded in the 28th chapter and 19th verse of the Apostle Matthews’ gospel at the Lord’s ascension where he breathed on his Apostles imparting grace and commissioned them to become fishers of men with the words: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” 

Thus, within the Divine Liturgy in the words of St John Chrysostom, we who are the Lord’s anointed (the Communion of Saints) sing in thanksgiving :

“ We have seen the true Light for You Lord Jesus were acclaimed as the light to enlighten the gentiles by Simeon and your apostles Peter, James, and John beheld the light of your transfiguration!  We have received the heavenly Spirit for you breathed on your apostles and through them hallowed the new priesthood and sanctified all people who partake of thy mysteries! We have found the true Faith, worshiping the undivided Trinity, who has saved us for you commanded all nations to be baptised in your name; we render all glory and honour to thee!

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