Like Father Antonio, Australia had been over-run by the National Orthodox as was the case in Italy and other areas….it’s either Greek or Slav: you can’t be Aussie and Orthodox because (in their minds) that’s too close to heresy! When I served the Slav (Russian) Church (Abroad) receiving the succession given to St. John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco, I (Father Raffaele) as a Deacon was reprimanded that my Slavonic (Slav – Church language) was pronounced too Serbian and not Russian enough! Likewise, when I served the Greeks (Genuine Orthodox Christians) receiving the succession given to St. Chrysostomos of Florina,

I (Father Raffaele) as a Priest was reprimanded for not having a classic command of Greek which sounded too Italian and further complained that my hair should be long so I can tie it up in a ponytail and look like a proper Athonite (monk from Mt Athos) not short – it doesn’t help when one is balled!
Many amongst the clergy (converts and cradle) longed for Australia to have (become) its own Church, yet did not have the courage to step out of their comfort zones and make things happen. Of course, when one does this, they lose status, commodities and other such renderings, yet I had nothing to lose, and as experience taught me and the Lord continuously exhorts in the Gospels: “BE NOT AFRAID!” Thus, I appealed to the Synod to send someone to take care of the situation here which was intolerable especially when private committees hijack church buildings and run it as a business; hiring and firing at their leisure which is totally un-canonical for they have no right to administration.
However sympathetic the Synod was, there was an extraordinary reluctance to make waves due to the commodities they were reaping from the committees over here. Thus, being of Italian heritage, I (Father Raffaele) appealed to the Church in Rome (2015AD) regarding this intolerable situation to which I was placed as administrator (Archimandrite) of the Australian Church (2016AD) until further notice. Thus, the synod then informed me that an election would take place for a bishop to oversee our affairs. Canon law prescribes that any cleric in the diaspora must come under the administration of the Church of his heritage. Thus, I was elected bishop of the Australian lands (2017AD) and was summoned to Rome in the month of September for consecration.