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Credo Series

I believe in One Church

Guided by those who are chosen and called!



The Mystery of Holy Orders are a commissioning or appointments of office/ranks (3 major and  4 minor orders) to men who have proved themselves worthy of living and abiding to the teachings of the Church; who after a period of pastoral, academical, and liturgical formation - are then consecrated by the Bishop, successor to the Apostles for the threefold Sacred Ministry bestowed on them being either that of the Deaconate, the Priesthood, or the Episcopate; depending on the needs of the local Church. While that of Sub deacons, Readers, Chanters, and Acolytes are of a more common nature.



The appointment of Sacred Offices are given for the edification of the whole Church which is the Body of Christ it’s head; that each member/function may be kept healthy, wholly, and free from any spiritual harm and physical infection. Thus, each rank (order) compliments the other in the Service of Christ to His people via the various ranks. For the Lord is shepherd (bishop) host (priest) and servant (deacon) to us his flock.  Thus, we are called to serve one another (sub deacon) in order that we may not falter but remain faithful till the end. That we may heed His words (reader) and follow His instruction. Just as the Psalter (book of psalms) are sung prayers to God, who ever sings (cantor) prays twice (St. Augustine of Hippo). Hence, it is a privilege to serve (acolytes) the servants of the living God for the benefit of God’s Holy People (the Church).


Just as the Church gathers around its Bishop for the celebration of the Eucharist as was the case in formative times, so too the bishop dispenses the orders to those found worthy of office. Normally by the laying on of hands (Act 6: 6) Thus, each order; that of major or minor according to rank, is given at different stages of the Divine Liturgy which in this case would take place on a Sunday.  


We the Church of the New Testament are the continuation of that which was in the Elder Law. Thus, the Lord said that He came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it (Mtt 5: 17) so to we continue the sacred traditions of the old temple which have been renewed and perfected in the Apostles by the Holy Spirit for the continuation of keeping Holy the day of the Lord. Hence, unlike other denominations that sadly have no apostolic foundation, only men (for we are the continuing priesthood of old - now perfected in the SON of Man) who are of sound mind, grounded in the traditions and teachings of the Church may be presented to the Bishop by the recommendation of their supervising presbyters.


Just like the other Mysteries are served in the temple, these too are also commissioned there and according to rank; the place in the temple differs. Thus the major orders take place in the Sanctuary while the minor orders take place in the middle of the temple.


In the book of Ecclesiastes (3:1-8) we are told that there is a time for all things under heaven. Likewise, the differing but complimenting orders are given when the candidate has fulfilled the necessary requirements, and those in charge of his formation together with the ordinary (bishop) are pleased for such steps to take place. Thus, if the candidate is an aspirant to the Priesthood, it is desirable that he has ample time in the Diaconate to fully comprehend his function and compliment the next.       

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Updated June 2024 by Nika Designs

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