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Credo Series

I believe in One Hope

Embraced by the compassion of the Good Shepherd!



The word Repent taken form the Latin (Paeniteo) is a call to the conscience when feeling a deep sorrow for ones’ distasteful action(s) with which a particular situation which could have been dealt better with. Thus, the call to Repentance is as St. John Forerunner of the Lord stated in the words of the Prophet Isaiah (Lk 3:4) “The cry of one in the wilderness to prepare the way of the Lord!” Hence, when we come to our Senses (humility) and are aware of the parched land deep within our heart, we seek to draw towards the Lord the Living Water in order that the well of our soul may be filled and the arid terrain become fertile once more. Thus, like the parable of the prodigal (Lk 15: 11-32) the Mystery of Repentance is an occasion to rejoice; for they which were lost have now been found!


Any one with good sense would go out of their way to repair or even replace what has been broken which of course would have a great deal of value. Thus, human relations should also be mended or renewed when things go down hill. Hence, our relationship with God should not only be a priority, but a central factor in the life of a true believer! Thus, we are icons of God’s image, we should treat each other as such, and therefore when we hurt one another, we offend He who has given us life!


When we come to our senses by recognizing that we are at fault: morally, spiritually, or physically, we should go out of our way by striving to make reparation for our actions either to the people we have hurt, by the affairs we have miss handled or by any other offence we have committed. Once this has been achieved we then should move on to receive this Awesome Mystery in order to be at peace and enjoy Communion with our Lord and Savior. (Mtt 5: 21-26) Traditionally speaking, this Mystery is normally made available on the Saturday evening at the All Night Vigil and it is desirable that people approach the Sacrament on this night in order not to delay the Divine Liturgy on the Sunday morning!  In addition, the presbyter may make the Mystery available when the need arises.



Just as we have discussed in previous series; those in full Communion with the Orthodox Church along with those who truly believe may approach the Mystery.


All liturgical actions are proper to the sacred space the place set apart which is the temple (church building). Due to various circumstances, the Mystery may be served anywhere at any given time which also accompanies the Rite of communing the sick.



Thus, when weighed down by our actions, it is desirable that we approach the Mystery when served or alternatively make an appointment with the presbyter. Furthermore, when people have been absent from active participation in Church life; it is desirable that they benefit form the Mystery before drawing to Holy Communion; for the Lord wishes to embrace His people. (Lk 15: 1-10) 

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Updated June 2024 by Nika Designs

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