Homily on the 2nd week of Great Lent
Such a high priest truly meets our need - one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself. For the law appoints as high priests men in all their weakness; but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever. Now the main point of what we are saying is this: We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, and who serves in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by a mere human being. Heb 7:26-8:2
Earlier this week I was relaxing on the couch; watching videos on my phone after a long day at work. Whilst flicking through videos I stumbled across a touching one of a kitten that was abandoned by its owner and suffered from grave injuries.
Thus, as I continued watching a woman discovered the kitten, immediately realizing that if the kitten was left alone it would die. Therefore, the woman grabbed the kitten and wrapped it in a towel; swiftly bringing it to her local veterinary clinic.
Hence, upon the vet's examination they discovered that the kittens rear legs had to be amputated in order for it to survive.
Thus, the woman agreed to the amputation as any loving pet owner would. Fast-forwarding several months later the woman was able to purchase a wheelchair for animals. It is a steel frame with two wheels – attached to a harness that wraps around the body of the animal; enabling the animal to have a much better quality of life.
Therefore, at the end of this video you can clearly see the joy and happiness within the kitten; a truly heartwarming and uplifting story about love, friendship, determination and courage.
Hence, as I was pondering on what to write this week, I remembered the story of the Good Samaritan.
A man who was walking through the streets minding his own business was robbed and attacked by robbers; being left for dead. Thereafter, a priest is walking by and seeing the lifeless man laying on the streets crosses the road to the other side in order not to dirty himself.
Then a Samarian pasted by and saw this poor, helpless, lifeless man laying on the road motionless and rushing over to him he began to render first aid as we know it today.
Now we must remember that Jew’s of that time and Samaritans did not get along because in the eyes of the Jew’s, Samaritans were considered to be defiled and half breads. They never dealt with one another for any reason what so ever.
Therefore, the fact that makes this story all the more heart-warming is that the poor man's own people would not help him when he needed it the most. However, the only one who did render assistance was the one person least likely to help.
Thus, returning to the story of the little kitten, if only people would show the same love and support towards one another what a wonderful place this world would be.
Unfortunately, today everyone is for themselves and are so self-obsessed that no consideration for the next person is given. These days you can barely get a hello or a smile from some people.
However, these same people would go out of the way for animals, which please don’t take it the wrong way is wonderful! To help any animal (the Lord’s creation) is wonderful, however what about our own kind; our brother and sister human beings?
Hence, I completely understand and sympathies with people who have been hurt and wronged by others in disgusting and unthinkable ways, however to shut one's self off from everyone; becoming somewhat heartless towards everyone is not the solution.
As we know too well with things in life such as culture, religion, race, gender and so on, the minority ruin it for the majority. However, we as a people that have allowed this to happen. We have become too scared to offend others that it has even gone to the extremity that we have become scared to speak of the truth! (Jesus Christ)
In addition, the next time we think that our faith may offend someone may we remember what Jesus says in the Gospel of Luke - Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. Lk 9:26
Thus, the way the modern world is going does not look good! If we are too afraid to offended others by what the Apostles and Church Fathers have taught us, what chance does the Church have do continue evangelizing and bringing people to Christ via the Church and Her Mysteries?
On Saturday the Church commemorated Saint Benedict of Nursia in Italy. Saint Benedict was born in the year 480 AD in the city of Nursia in Italy. At the age of 14 he was sent to study at
Rome, however there he was unable to deal with the corruption and pomp within the Church so he decided to live an ascetic life in the high mountains.
Hence, he encountered a hermit in the mountains Effedum who tonsured the Saint as a monk; advising him to go and spend time in a remote cave. Thus, from time to time the Effedum would bring the Saint food but other than that they both spent their days in prayer and meditation.
Thus, after word went around the surrounding villages - many men wanted to leave their old lives behind; living under the guidance and direction of Saint Benedict. The men that had come to him were large in number to be together at the one time, so they were divided into twelve groups of monks that were spread out across the region.
Sadly, the monks were often victims of vile attacks from the people for the life they had chosen to live; not only physical but severe spiritual attacks.
Therefore, the Saint finally remained in Campagna on top of the mountain called Monte Cassino. He there founded the monastery which to this day remains as a monetary to the Benedictine monks in which belong to the church of Rome.
Moreover, as long as we follow our Lord’s greatest command to “Love one another” we should sleep easy at night. When others see the love and peace that we have within ourselves (Jesus) they will certainly wonder if they also can acquire it also.
Furthermore, if we are mocked, ridiculed, made fun of ect... we can rest assured that we are certainly in God’s grace. Thus, if we live a comfortable life and are loved and admired by everyone something is certainly wrong. It is just like the Pharisees that stand in front of the people in the temple and show off; they have their reward – the admiration of the world.
However, God sees right through them and knows it is all an act. The people who render help onto others wholeheartedly wanting nothing in return are truly blessed by God in ways unimaginable.
Thus, if the occasion arises for us to do a good deed whatever it is, may we do so wholeheartedly; expecting nothing in return. May we give a person in need the greatest gift we can give another person – our time!
Therefore, time as we all know is precious, so when we give some of that precious time to someone in need, it often times makes a world of difference. Although it is us that is engaging with the person, but through baptism and chrismation because we live in Christ and Christ in us,
He (Jesus) is able to minister also to that person through us.
Through the prayers of the Thetokos and Joseph Her Spouse Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us!