Homily on the 30th Sunday after Pentecost.
Christ is born! Glorify Him!
Jesus' foster father, Joseph the carpenter from Nazareth was a prominent figure in our Lord’s life. Not only was Joseph to take up the role of foster father, he was also obliged to grow the child in the faith and teach Him the skills of the carpenter. Everything Joseph did for Jesus he did with all his heart. Regardless of the fact that Joseph had children from a previous marriage, James, Jude, Simon and Joseph; it did not deter him to love Jesus as one his own.
When the angle of the Lord (Gabriel) appeared to Joseph and proclaimed the Lord’s conception through the Holy Spirit Joseph was somewhat troubled. He could not comprehend how the Lord’s conception was possible, in fact he doubted the whole thing, coming to the conclusion that it was just a dream and nothing else.
The orthodox church is at odds with a perspective that has caused divisions in the past and has not been rectified. It has used the one time that Joseph lost his faith and doubted, and used it as a means of belittlement; making it forbidden that the faithful should look up too him as a role model. It is sad to see that a man that would have put his life on the line for his Son, is not being given the due recognition he deserves!
If the church can see past Peter denying Christ three times, then acclaim him as Martyr, Saint, Apostle and all tittles that the church bestows, like dealing a pack of cards, then thinking in a logical manner, how is it possible that the one who brought up Emmanuel taught, fed, clothed, sheltered, loved and nurtured not be recognized as a prominent figure of Holy Mother Church?
On pondering such questions, I have come to the conclusion that, not recognising Joseph as a prominent figure within the Church is an insult to our Saviour; after all it is His earthly dad.
Moreover, he is the husband of the Theotokos, our Lord’s Mother our Mother, which by their Holy betrothal makes Joseph our father also. Thinking back, seeing it in a different perspective, how horrible it feels that we have some what shunned our foster father! The foster father of our Lord! The husband of our Mother!
It is time that the church ask for forgiveness for supressing such a Holy man! A man who would “die for his child" as many fathers including myself have said!
And he sent forth and put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all it’s districts, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the wise men. Mt 2:16
The slaughter of the Holy innocence is by far one of the most outrageous, disgusting and evil act ever committed in human history! However, such vile acts continue to happen even today, in our streets and countries; sometimes by people that we call family and friends. Paedophilia, is in fact the same act of human violation that Herod commanded the soldiers commit. It is one of many acts of evil that satan thrives off; the drawing of blood.
In times past and to this day, people who dabble in dark magic or religion used to offer sacrifices whether it was animal, human or the ultimate sacrifice of a pure unblemished child. It is evident that evil personified has infiltrated certain religious institutions, and has used it as a means to receive this ultimate sacrifice. Moreover, the violation of a child is the equivalent of offering a sacrifice onto satan upon a consecrated altar of God! A complete and utter desecration of the highest form!
We must always pray for the children of the world, for the are our future the future of the church; most importantly the are so vulnerable and easily made to be victims of such horrors. Thus, one thing is certain and that is that such individuals who commit such horrendous acts of violations against these pure little beings, will get there such sentence! An unpleasant eternal one at that!
Forgive me if I write with such passion on this matter but I too like many am a parent and I would also die for my girls and any parent would! As Saint Joseph would have!
Proclaim the wonder, O Joseph,/ to David, the ancestor of God: /you saw a Virgin great with Child, / you gave glory with the shepherds, / you worshipped with the Magi, / you received the news from the angle. / pray to Christ God to save our souls! Troparion to St Joseph