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Ave Mariam

Homily on the 13th Sunday after Pentecost.

“No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light".

Over the years I have had the honour and privilege to have met many wonderful and extraordinary people. Many of which have been blessed abundantly with natural talents. Such wonderful singers, musicians, craftsmen/women, painters and so on.

However, most of the time sadly these gifts from God go to waste for reasons such as no time in the busy life we live in, lack of confidence or a person may have put another off by being cruel due to jealousy or envy.

When one is blessed with gifts like those mentioned above the greatest way one can use them is to Glorify God. For example, our voices can resemble the angels in heaven praising and worshiping God. Our hands may build the Churches we worship God in and maintain the maintenance upkeep. Our artistic nature can paint the beautiful icon we see depicting events within Holy Scripture and Holy traditions.

Thus all these gifts not only serve to worship God the All-Holy-Trinity, they serve another purpose; to teach the next generation of Orthodox Christians and new converts to Holy Mother Church. For through the icons they will learn Holy Scripter, through the beautify of the architecture they will experience a taste of Heaven and by our voices they will hear the angels praising God.

"For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they think they have will be taken from them.”

I myself would be what you call an amateur wood worker. From when I was young, I always enjoyed making things made out of wood. I made chairs, tables, play-houses and many other fun things in my teenage years.

Thus, after Holy Illumination/baptism, I made a few crosses which hang above altars, tabernacles for my home chapel and for our bishop's, I made the altar on which I celebrate the Divine Liturgy and a few other bits and pieces.

Therefore, I put the gifts that God ever so graciously gave me to work. Not for my glory or to benefit me, but all for He Who Is!

Of course life is so busy especially when one has children and a spouse to tend all while holding a full time job, It's hard to find the time, let alone to relax, but every now and then I'm sure we can find a minute or two to give back unto God with these wonderful gifts He has given us.

The Metropolis is very blessed to have each and every individual person that worships with us and they are all loved equally. However, there is one woman that stands out from the rest which I will not reveal due to privacy reasons. This very Holy woman has had a hard life, but no matter what tribulations she has endured, she always gave thanks to God for being by her side and believe me when I say; she did it tough!

Now, she has been asked many times by the Church to become a monastic nun, but due to fear and the guilt complex that was drilled into her head from the former church she frequented, she has regrettably declined the church's offer.

So sadly here we see a waste of a gift God has given. But God being true to His word will never impose and go against our free will.

Yesterday on the 21st of September in the year of our Lord 2024 the Church Universal (Katholikos/Catholic) gathered to commemorate the birth of the Mother of God, Mariam Theotokos - True Birth-giver of God.

The parents of Mariam Theotokos, Joachim and Anna whose memory the Church commemorates today tried many years to have a baby, but sadly Anna could never conceive.

In those days, being unable to have children (bareness) was considered a curse or punishment from God for a sin that was committed by the person or their ancestors.

Sadly, they were mistreated horribly by their peers and ridiculed for most of their lives.

Thus, in their old age and when the time was right according to God, He (God) sent the Archangel Gabriel to give them the news that they would conceive a child. And thus Holy Mariam was born; silencing the mouths of those who once mocked them!

It pains all Orthodox Christians when people give no importance to the Mother of God and talk about Her as if she was nothing. We the Orthodox faithful know Her importance but many do not due to the schisms throughout history.

Now Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see him, but they were not able to get near him because of the crowd. Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you.” He replied, “My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice.”

Some people fail to see that if it wasn't for Mariam's wholehearted response to God's invitation to bring God into the world, our history would be much different. For starters, we may not be here today.

What mother wouldn't given her children everything good this world has to offer?. They give a child the gift of life; of course the father also - it takes two to tango (Ole) as we say in our Australian slang.

Thus, She, Holy Mariam, gave all of humanity the greatest gift of all! She gave us the Gift of Life. I am the way! The Truth! And the Life! Jn 14:6

Therefore, as we contemplate and give thanks to our Holy Mother and the perfect life She lived, let us pray for those who do not know Her or do not understand Her importance to humanity. Rather than hate such people let us feel sorry and pray for their conversion.

Through the prayers of the Holy Theotokos, Her Parents Joachim and Anna and Her Husband Joseph of Nazareth, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us! Amen

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