Homily on the 8th Sunday after Pentecost
I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought. 1 corinth 1:10
From the time of our Holy Apostles to the present day, there have been endless divisions within the Orthodox Church regarding various topics. Such ranged from major discussions such as the nature of Christ, to minor topics such as the vestments for the clergy.
Thus, within the institutional state churches, there exists an issue that has been around for quite some time; the notion that Deacons are merely glorified altar servers. This concept could not be further away from the truth.
In actual fact, since the time of the Apostles when they ordained holy men to the service of Christ; within the rank of the Diaconate, these holy men (deacons) played an integral part in the daily life of the Church.
First and foremost, these Deacon Fathers were teachers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Secondly, they would teach our faith to the catechumens or persons under instruction; teaching the basics of the Orthodox faith – prior to the persons receiving Holy illumination. (Holy baptism and chrismation.)
Thirdly, they (deacons) were masters of ceremonies. They would lead the faithful in prayer - reminding all when something important was about to take place such as the Epiclesis or the calling down of the Holy Spirit upon the offering of bread and wine.
Fourthly, they would offer the Liturgy of the proscomedia ; a small Liturgy for the preparation of the gifts of bread and wine, prior to the Divine Liturgy.
Last but certainly not least, they were the Apostles or bishops right hand man. They would follow the bishop at all times, assisting him in his apostolic ministry.
Having stated thus, via God’s grace through the prayers of His All-Holy Mother Mariam Theotokos, this Holy Metropolis consecrated to the Apostles has restored the Diaconate to its original form and rightly so.
The reason why the institutional churches demoted deacons to mere altar servers in the first place was plainly due to pride, lust for power and control. Such priests and bishops wanted to be the centre of attention, so they pushed the deacons to the corner; stealing the spot light so to speak.
Thus, all a person needs to do is to watch a video on YouTube of a hierarchal liturgy and they will see bishops taking over and performing the role of the deacon in an act of superiority or flashing his teeth as a baboon does to show its dominance.
Hence, let us call to mind the first of seven deacons ordained by the Apostles; the Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen of Palestine.
St Stephen was a relative of the Apostle Paul. He served the Church and the faithful in Jerusalem, becoming a prime example of what a deacon is. He truly adhered to the commandments of Christ by his service to the widows, orphans homeless; radiating Christ’s love to all via his love and charity.
The Jews of that time hated St Stephen because he professed Jesus as the Son of God and Saviour of the world! Hence, just as the Jews made false accusation about Jesus when they brought Him to trial, so too did they make false accusations about St Stephen; attempting anything and everything to have him killed.
However, St Stephen was filled with the All-Holy-Spirit; being granted Holy wisdom that surpassed that of the Jews so they could not speak a word contrary to his, which enraged the Jews all the more.
Thus, the book of Acts tells us that whilst St Stephen beheld a vision of Jesus sitting at the right hand of God the Father in Glory, the Jews drove the Saint out of the city and stoned him. As he was being stoned to death, he cried in a loud voice asking God not to punish them for killing him; at which he fell asleep in the Lord. Acts 7:55-60
This Sunday we commemorate the falling asleep or Dormition of the righteous Anna; mother of Mariam Theotokos. Saint Anna and her husband Joachim were old in age and well past the age of conception.
In those days if a married couple was childless or barren, they were considered somewhat unworthy of God’s love and looked upon as they would the Samaritans, half-bred, outcasts and/or defiled. So, the Jews of the time treated them harshly for this very reason.
However, God had His own plans in stall for them. After much heartfelt prayer by Joachim and Anna, the Lord sent the Archangel Gabriel to announce to them the they would conceive "a daughter most blessed, by whom all the nations of the earth will be blessed, and through whom will come the salvation of the world."
Therefore, things that people may laugh at and think are impossible are made possible in God who hears the cry of our heart when we approach Him reverently in prayer.
Hence, tonight we celebrate the ordination of our Brother in Christ - Father Michele Alberto to the office of Deacon.
As he enters into holy orders where he will give up his life up for the service of Christ, I ask that we remember him in our prayers, as he will be continuously be praying and remembering us as he offers the Liturgy of the proscomedia and within his daily prayer.
Let us implore the Archdeacons Stephen of Palestine and Laurence of Rome to intercede and guide him as he undertakes this wonderful walk and service in Christ who is Bishop of His Church!
Moreover, may our Holy Mother Theotokos overshadow and protect him under the shelter of Her Holy Omophorion all the days of his life.
Therefore, Lord Jesus Christ bless and sanctify your servant Father Michele Alberto; granting him many blessed years in your service. Moreover, have mercy on us all and save us for you Lord Jesus Christ love us the work of your hands beyond conceiving. Amen
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinth 1:18