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Celebrating the Nativity of the Holy Theotokos and the Exultation of the Holy Cross

Saturday 21st September 2024 @ 7pm

Good Shepherd Chapel


Bells began the celebration; ringing out across the urbane streets of Abbotsford. The liturgy began and Metropolitan Raffaele sang a hymn to Mary - the Holy Theotokos.

Father Mark read from Corinthians - it spoke of being constant in the Faith and greeting each other with a holy kiss. The Gospel was then brought among the people and Father Matthew read from the Gospel according to St Matthew. He read of when a man built a vineyard and leased it to farmers who killed his servants and sons whom had been sent to collect the fruits from the vineyards. When the man came himself, he took it off the farmers and gave it to someone else who would share the fruit. This parable speaks to us today as we still encounter those who hijack the agenda and won’t share their fruits - we need to share the gifts we’ve been given with others, as God gave these gifts to be shared.

The Liturgy continued and the Gifts were brought to the altar and consecrated. The Clergy communed, and the congregation partook in the Holy Mysteries.

Metropolitan Raffaele gave his homily; it spoke of:

  • Jesus proclaims himself as the Messiah at the Synagogue in Nazareth by reading the Prophecy of Isaiah

  • Mary’s birthday is the first of the major feasts celebrated in the liturgical year.

  • Mary’s parents, Joachim and Anna, who were a virtuous couple and were advanced in years, couldn’t conceive a child. They were ridiculed for being barren, as it was considered a curse. Yet God turned their shame into fame by bringing forth a baby girl who would be the Mother of His Son.

  • Three disobediences - in the Genesis we read of humanity being tricked into trying to prematurely cease salvation (forbidden fruits). Secondly, Jacob is given a vision of salvation via a ladder of the angels - but he wrestled one and lost, suffering the consequences of his arrogance. Thirdly, humanity thought that they could outsmart God by building a huge tower at Bable to hijack heaven. There were others, but these were all rectified by the humility of Mary wholeheartedly complying to the will of God by being his ladder into the World.

  • Next, Exultation of the Holy Cross - the second major feast of the church where the cross becomes the ladder to salvation. For, through His wounds we are healed.

  • Empress St Helena desired to visit all the Holy sites in biblical lands so that Christians could render homage to them. But most of these sites had been destroyed or covered by those hoping to conceal the Truth. She had a dream after fasting for three day; it showed Jesus pointing to a Basil bush. The Archbishop of Jerusalem (St Macarius) understood the Basil was the plant of the king (the Greek name Basilico). The True Cross was found and raised in blessing where great healing took place that day.

The relic of the Holy Cross were lead in a procession around the church and then people venerated in exultation.

Then snacks

Video: Our Father prayer

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