Calm restored amidst unsettling doubts
When Jesus blessed the crowd and bid them to go in peace he asked the disciples to climb into the boat and go ahead of him for he would greet them on the other side. At that he ascended a mountain and spent the evening in prayer to which the hours of contemplation went well into the night. (Mt 14: 22-23)
There have been times that people have been touched by God in the little day to day miracles that occur and most are providential – the means of certain situations we may be troubled with being accomplished smoothly. Other times, people find it hard to distinguish what is of God and what is not – we have it in the gospels; the Lord is always reassuring and calms the hearts and minds of those he touches. In other words, if something is of God then its fruit is abundant and never perplexing – God is always transparent; rendering wholeness and truth!
Prayer and contemplation should be a central fount of nutrition for the Christian – not as the means of mumbling words away, imagining biblical scenarios, or even beating oneself up mentally because they don’t feel to pray as others do. Rather, it is a call from God for us to get away with all the daily bombardments and hectic noise of society – withdrawing into the comforting presence of the Father Pantocrator; allowing him to speak through the quietness and stillness of the night.
We see the ancient ways of meditation rekindled via various disciplines which is to be admired for it’s the only way these days to offer thus to many who aren’t nourished by their faith institution….but if only people and clergy would rediscover that which the Church and her monastics practiced from day one : Hesychia (the practice of silence via withdrawal through stillness and contemplative prayer) further exhorted by the Apostle Paul when he addressed the Church present in Thessalonica: “The Spirit comes to aid/perfect our weakness for we are not self-sufficient in prayer for the Spirit is the Paraclete/ the one that gives council and guides us with the groaning’s of intercession he brings to completion in us.” (1Thes 5: 17-18)
These days true prayer has become either a communal affair – where people gather with the renderings of various religious activities, a private devotion with a recitation of a few prayers or a particular pattern for thus, or just some quite time in a religious building with the absorbing of such surroundings. I would like to mention what a friend of mine mentioned in his sermon which I wholeheartedly agree with: “or a gathering with screaming the place down with shouts and other carryings on that resemble a religious rock concert!” – Can I add that Carols by candlelight has sadly covered Christ more as time goes on; not the dance, but the veiling of more than seven veils on the Saviour for he offends others!!!
The boat which the disciples’ road was still far off from shore and was further impeded to reach land via the wind that caused enormous currents which pushed the boat out further. Around the early morning while it was still dark the Lord went out to meet them via walking upon the waters of that lake. At this, the disciples were terrified for the happening along with the commotion of the waters resembled that of a spirit appearing upon the lake and thus cried in fear: “It’s a ghost!” (Mt 14: 24-25)
The other day, I was a guest for an evening meal at the house of a most pleasant family that are truly salt of the earth so to speak/write. These are the good natured that would do anything for you and are not afraid of getting their hands dirty (hard workers) if only we would have more of them. Yet when it comes to faith – it’s like an accepted tradition which is respected; however hopeful they are of what the faith promises, doubt assails them when rough patches are encountered along the way!
It was interesting to note the contrast between the family members from those who hang onto a little faith, those who are not sure, and others who say it’s a wonderful story but can we really be sure of what was written and has it been tampered with. Tampered with – that needs to be raised at the next pan orthodox synod for there are many aspects of Holy Scripture that needs clarification and re-translation via being put back into its APOSTOLIC CONTEXT!
I always find it interesting when the old tales come out from people stating that they have seen something out of the ordinary or have experienced the paranormal – a relative made present in a split second……all I will say here is that DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE TO SEEK MEDIUMS! It is most rare that a soul should make contact……rather it is always that which is deluded (unholy entities/fallen powers) that seek to impersonate souls that have gone to the Father. For such is warranted in the Wisdom of Solomon exhorting: “The souls of the faithful dwell in the presence of God where no harm can reach them!” (Wis 3:1)
After sweets, I was conversing with the elderly members of that family, these are people that never had the possibility to study and become someone, nor did they have the means to be a great success on their family farm for their produce was bled from them by their lords of the time. Yet they stood strong and their faith carried them through various trials and tribulations, but they made things work arriving in a new land, overcoming obstacles and by God’s grace – forming a solid and wondrous family whose members in turn became well respected in high society. The old couple were theologians in their own right for what they said is truthful and just: “Un Cristiano senza Dio e come una pecorella senza pastore! A human that has not recognized the divine spark of the living God within is as an abandoned sheep that has no shepherd to tend to its needs!”
Seeing their frightened state, Jesus reassured them and rendered peace to their hearts via boldly affirming: “Don’t be afraid, let courage take hold of your hearts for it is I that speak!” With that, Simon Peter took heart and said: “Lord, if it is truly you – permit me to walk across the water and reach you!” At this the Lord affirmed saying: “Come!” (Mt 14: 26-29)
There may be times in life that we may have gone through thick and thin so to speak/write, and this can leave us a little disorientated when it comes to relying on the works and evidence of others. Even those of us who have a habit – good or bad in trusting others wholeheartedly, but when we have been burnt even if it’s just once; we like to see for ourselves and warrant that which others convey with the certainty of our own investigation rendering personal satisfaction.
We may all strive for perfection in that which we have been gifted with or evolved via the experience of our trade…..and it can be a dilemma when we have become multi tasked and expect others around us to be likewise. Delegation becomes a cautious affair especially when the results of thus equate at an unsatisfactory level – half-baked tasks as it were! If such delegates are left to do such for an extensive period of time without regular follow ups (one maintaining a low profile not to appear as obsessive and controlling) that which should be of primary importance for such delegates imminently evolves into secondary nature; the means of malfunction.
Just as the Lord himself gave signs and wonders to his apostles within his earthly ministry so that he could cast out those sands of doubts which assailed the oyster of their faith in him – so too does he enrich his all Holy Church with such that we too may like Simon Peter acclaim: “Permit me to walk across the water and reach you!” In other words, that our faith may transcend the limitations of our surroundings and excel with that very encouragement of his presence into empowering us thus via reshaping the faith of others around us who may have stooped down into the abyss of doubt.
One can become many things, reach many degrees in the institution they serve and honour, and even excel in the ranks of the clergy; yet, if you are spiritually dead – in other words, if this is just another career in order to fill in the blanks or fuel your pride, then you have not only allowed the ancient rebellion to have sway over you, but you may well become the means of crippling the church/institution even further than it has been.
Many in my position of Apostle (bishop) are furious at what I write for it threatens the establishment, but when the Lord empowered his Apostles to catch souls in the nets of his Holy Church – it was for the salvation, wellbeing and growth of the human person, not for their downfall, or for their crippling in mind, body, and spirit, nor was it for their conditioning from his (God’s) love. Rather, the Church is not only the Spiritual hospital as our Father amongst the Hierarchs St. John Chrysostom exhorted, but we have become the battlefield clinic (for religion these days is so messed up) where we need to work fast, cut the stupidity (mission not ambition) and realise that human lives and SOULS are at stake!
Then Simon Peter climbed out of the boat and began to walk upon the waters towards Jesus. At a certain point, he was overcome with fear due to extreme weather conditions around him which took his eyes of the Lord. With that, he began to sink into the sea crying onto Jesus: ‘’Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and pulled him up from the sea saying: “Your faith is still poor – why do you still doubt me?” (Mt 14: 30-31)
Although the various hiccups and heartaches others cause us can be the very stormy seas that impede our vision of faith and numb our logic that after a storm the sunshine emerges. Yet at such a time we must come to a realization that those we trust, lean on when weathering such storms have never let us down but been right by our side – calming our fears by their very presence that is not only reassuring but soothing also! Hence, coming back to the notion of the old couple previously mentioned – such people who are a rock of support onto us are in actual fact the cause of “The divine spark of the living God’s presence within” a living gospel!
Orthodoxy does not seek science to explain the supernatural….how can it? These are two different realities – one which belongs to the natural order/composition of the cosmos and the other which belongs to the unseen – that which is above and beyond theories which scientists, philosophers and some theologians “not in accordance with the Fathers of the Church” have either fallen short as inconclusive or gone around the twist so to speak/write!
The wonderful iconography of our Church portrays this divine reality with the composition of colours from dark to light – light emerging from the darkness; the presence of the Holy Spirit within the life of the believer and the greater Communion of Saints. Such is depicted with the halo/orb which mirrors the uncreated light and presence of God made present in us via his call and our response to communion! Hence, our satisfactory reassurance IS in the mere simplicity of what is familiar and mystical at the same token; here I am! It’s me! You know me for I have called you out of mere existence into the fullness of my life made possible in you! “Partakers of the Divine Mysteries of his Church”
When he lead Simon Peter back to the boat and both climbed in the weather calmed and with such they blessed him and rendered worship with having observed that which just took place and in united confession acclaimed: “You are truly God’s Son!” When they had crossed over they docked at Gennesarat. (Mt 14: 32-34)
