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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele


He then ferried his way across, and entered his own city. Then there approached a group carrying a man on as stretcher who was paralysed. Yet, when he saw their faith, he absolved the paralysed saying: You are set free from sin, I thus command you to rise and take up your stretcher and go home. (Mt 9:1-8) – “condensed”

- A Plea for Mercy - the longing for complete peace, strength and happiness; persisting to strive for thus via hope.

The gospel passage above written by St. Matthew elaborates an earlier account in the Gospel of St. Mark (2:5-11) describing how the members of the paralytic’s family came to an understanding that such a state was beyond the best physicians, remedies, prayers and alternative means for help.

Furthermore, such a grand action/intrusion was not only a leap of faith for those involved - although the Levitical law condemned those impeded in the body as it did with the leapers. Such was seen as an act of apostasy for adheres of the law in contrast to them (the paralytic’s relatives) and other believers in the Nazarene: complete wholehearted trust that Jesus can truly make their infirm relative whole!

It is interesting to note that the Pharisees (teachers of the law) and Sadducees (priests of the law) lamented that only God can forgive sins. When one determines what has occurred, who is at fault, and what the procedures to ensure justice are, such is normally allocated to a Judge in authority.

Hence, God alone is Judge. Here is revealed who Jesus is. Either he is God, or he is not!

Thus, he takes on the weight of that imperfection, cancels the debt, and restores wholeness and dignity via divine grace for he is grace personified! This is what Archangel St. Gabriel meant (Lk 1:26-28) at the words of the Ave Maria: grace itself fills her womb rendering her all blessed and eternally sanctified - for that fruit (Gen 3: 1-24) which was coveted in the Genesis, now ripens for human hearts to receive in Holy Communion!

We may all be watching the current events closely and many are bracing for what could be…..others are boasting how the wrath of God is near if we don’t repent. If that is not sickening enough, let me draw your attention to the poor people of the Ukraine who other nations are helping migrate.

One in particular that has an outstanding bible bashing brigade had the audacity to demand these orthodox Christians to accept Jesus as their personal saviour. Holy Orthodoxy was there from day one (I invite you to look at our apostolic succession documentation) and these sects who were fabricated centuries later now tell people who are apostolic (trace linage from Pentecost) and suffering the pangs of hell, if they (Ukrainian people) know and accept Jesus….ignorance, fundamentalist religious mentalities and dictatorship is and always has been the downfall of society!

Then you have those who are convinced that like David of old, God is on their side (Ps 109) and will smite their opponents: what happened to Thou shalt not kill!??? Oh no, this is a holy war, a noble act of true valour – we will pray it away for God listens to us and acts if we ritualize correctly! What happened to take away these your offerings from my sight (Is 1:11) if you have a quarrel with your brother, go and amend it and then come back (Mt 5:23) love does not keep records of the failings of others (1Cor 13:1)

Apart from the political and religious shenanigans that have and are plaguing the world at present, we are dealing with an economic crisis which raises concerns for our living arrangements – as if Covid 19 wasn’t enough. Fuel and grocery prices are rising along with other necessities…..we desire a solution in returning to normal – let’s not mention tax increase! Modern society is not accustomed to change as such in previous years, centuries and civilizations who were far more advanced than we are – however ignorant we are kept concerning these facts in our age of technological brilliance.

Yet, are such indignities experienced helping us think and strive to live better in evolving as a race – the race God made in his image and likeness? (Gen 1:26) or will we be like the crowd at the shops in last couple of lockdowns who were fighting over the last few packs of lavatory paper extraordinarily escalated???

St. Gregory Palamas (1296 – 1359AD) who is a champion of patrology (writings of apostolic fathers) was a bishop and Abbot of Esphigmenou monastery on the Holy Mountain of Athos in Greece. He was not popular amongst some of the monastics due to his rigid stance on monasticism, yet he was gifted in word and doctrinal homiletics - leaving us a nurturing homily regarding our present dilemma and this day’s gospel proclamation stating:

People in general are not only pleased to listen to sacred teaching, but also enjoy passing their opinions on the words, each one apparently scrutinising what is said, according to how ignorant or wise they may be.

Yet, putting such words into action, however, or reaping from them the fruit of beneficial faith, requires gratitude and good intent, which are not easy to find, especially among people who consider themselves righteous and are wise in their own opinion as were the scribes and Pharisees.

- Crucifixion - he is the ransom and pearl of great price: God on trial.

Unfortunately, there is a tendency especially amongst orthodox and other traditional Christians to cast blame, and label its inheritance on the future generations. Let’s not mention of those who were indeed guilty of killing God the Son in the flesh via crucifixion; the one who came for the House of Israel and desires to bind the sheep of other folds also into that same holy pasture.

The Hebrew people made their way in the diaspora and knew the art of living and production – trade from biblical times was a prosperous legacy. Just as Joseph of Egypt prospered amongst the pharaohs via the Lord’s blessing upon him, so too did many of the saints and people of Israel make their presence known in the world via successful business – resented by many which resulted in sufferings to come.

Hence, under the persecutions waged on them by the demon of dictatorship (WWII) at the time via the Nazi regime, many became victims of hatred which ultimately resulted in national condemnation.

Thus within the concentration camps of Auschwitz, the people and rabbis resorted to the Talmudic teachings and considered placing God on trial (the charge of not bestowing mercy) due to atrocities of such holocaust. A brilliant production based on these occurrences which was taken from Elie Wiesel’s tragedy genera (The proceedings of Shamgorod 1979AD) was screened by the BBC in 2008AD entitled God on trial.

- God present in the goodness of his mercy via the compassion of some soldiers that rendered care onto the Jews.

Years later at a synagogue in commemoration of the event and memorial prayers for the lives of those who perished, the rabbinic ministers sang psalms and gave praise onto God for his glory, mercy, peace and presence amongst the Hebrew community.

At this same service, there was a lady who confronted one of the chief rabbis regarding God’s presence and mercy within the community saying: “Where was God when our children were starving and our people tortured and imprisoned? Where was God’s glory when our own blood was delivered onto the camps – many shot along the way whilst others met their lonely end at the gas chambers?”

“Yet one thing I know, when we were completely exhausted and tried; I saw his mercy in the discretion of a few soldiers who had compassion and passed us bread, a few blankets, water, and within their regimented state of office - offered us a kind smile in reassurance that that which befell us was never meant to be!”

- The call for the Christian to become his hands and feet in the world and transfigured body which crucifies the unthinkable of others via raising hope on wings of prayer.

Last year around Great Lent, I sent a pastoral letter to a kind Russian priest I knew and have not seen for some years now….although we are part of the Ukrainian Church, yet this presbyter was kind to me when I was a deacon and served in the Russian Church – such was a letter that would raise the eyebrows of Pharisees, yet would be pleasing onto God who desires love amongst his people; may I share the following extract with you. Although there was no response, and perhaps for delicate reasons, it was important to convey my sincere thoughts and sentiments as any good pastor/shepherd should.

In these most uncertain times where human fragility seeks to point fingers with the passing of judgement and blame, Holy Mother Church is united with the thoughts, prayers, and sufferings of wholehearted believers who are her sons and daughters - experiencing the pangs of hell brought on via the jealousy of the ancient rebellion who desires to destroy the Father Pantocrator’s creation.

Unfortunately, the lust for power and prestige have and will always continue to exist in all parts of society including the instituted Church which indeed cripples the spiritual and fraternal growth of God’s people as a whole.

Having stated thus, it is paramount that the body of Christ’s Church (the faithful) become the immune system which fights the infection of hatred, slander, and hurt that is present when human passions stir – forgetting to anchor onto Jesus our Lord who reminds us to love unconditionally as he loves; becoming his hands and feet in the world via living out our baptismal promises as carriers of Christ – Christians!

Therefore, in this hurtful time where sister nations are overcome with human fragility and 12 century territorial disputes, I would like to convey my fraternal solidarity and sentiments of pastoral care which is the duty of any bishop, cleric and Christian onto you and your flock.

This week, we have celebrated the patronal feast of our Church, the Holy Apostles of the Lord. When I was consecrated a bishop, a successor of the Apostles via the laying on of hands, I desired that they safeguard our Church here in Australia (dedication of diocese) which is in desperate need of re-evangelization – going back to what the Church always was; tradition and teaching made holy in God!

When one is an apostle, not only through subscribing to the criteria of election and appointment via ritual ceremony, but one such should above all have a deep sense of the spiritual which opens the heart to true pastorality. Thus, he is commissioned to bring the fullness of the gospel onto those who have no idea, have some idea, (of the faith) have abandoned the idea, and may be struggling with that very same idea.

When we gather for the Divine Liturgy/Eucharist/Mass, we commune with one another – we have something in common and in this case, someone who unites us and invites us to share life in him. In the early centuries of our story (church history) all the baptised were called saints precisely due to the fact that they had received God himself through the Holy Mysteries (sacraments) bestowed.

We see this after the Pentecost in the letter of St. Paul to the Philippians (not Filipinos but those which were in an area of Greece called Philippi) which opened the doors of faith to all nations. (Phil 4: 21-23) Everyone is welcome, and so are their traditions and cultural mindset. Unfortunately, there is a tendency for people to place biblical languages and races above others – Pentecost debunks such instantly!

Again, apostles are called to be fathers to the people the Lord gives them and to love them as they are despite lawed humanity. Apostles are flawed human beings also but what sets them apart is that they stand before God and see their fragility, humbling themselves in service to likewise broken individuals. The greatest testament we can give to another human being is to sympathise with their suffering through our own. It is here that the Holy Spirit renders healing onto them through our reaching out, and onto us through our sincerity of will in wanting to help.

Alike the Church of yesteryear, there are always challenges and ideologies that creep in which were never part of the apostolic tradition of the Church. Yet, we must have clear discernment and see what aspects of the local church need tending to in order for the family table to cater for the church family so to speak.

St. John Chrysostom (Patriarch of Constantinople 397-407AD) was adamant (in his writings on the priesthood) that when certain traditions (ways of doing things) no longer suit, place them aside as it then becomes a hindrance. It is here that the bishop as apostle needs to be the goal keeper and avoid quarrels and other such obsessions disrupting the unity of the family that gathers as the Body of Christ.

Of course, Apostles (those Jesus sent forth) then passed their legacy via the grace of the All Holy Spirit they received in that upper room on Holy Pentecost - bringing spiritual birth to men of good will who were found fitting to serve in the high priesthood of Christ. Truly, a call to safeguard, foster and nurture those assigned them (the flock) and those (vocations) to come after.

Mother Mary the all Holy Theotokos gave physical birth onto the Lord who is grace personified. Yet he as the new and eternal Adam (Son of God become Son of Man) rendered spiritual birth to a priesthood that became obsolete – John being the last of its presbyters and first offering unto God through witness and true faith.

“Truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you!”

Once again we encounter what, or how important it is to have the gift of faith in order for fulfilment to be brought about. Hence, where our will and the interaction of the Holy Spirit renders a positive outcome in perhaps a negative situation.

In the words of the Apostle Paul addressed to the Hebrews:Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Indeed, by faith our ancestors received approval. By faith we understand that worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was made from things that are not visible.”(Heb 11:1)

We may be familiar with the account concerning Peters’ faith, which was overcome by wind and waves as he was making towards the Lord on the Sea of Galilee. Also, there are other accounts that inform us regarding those close to Jesus, Apostles in status who could not overcome spiritual warfare, due to sands of doubt cast into the oyster of their own faith in the Son of man.

Yet, in the first Epistle to the Corinthians, Paul states: “God has exhibited us Apostles as last of all; we have become a spectacle to the world, to angels and mortals.” When one reads chapter four of this letter, the Apostle clearly exhorts those in authority or anyone with status to beware of what happens when one does not build on firm ground; how things collapse around us when we are too sure of ourselves and have not securely anchored onto Christ the corner stone.

In today’s Epistle to the Romans, Paul outlines the duty of each, and invites us to safeguard the various gifts (ministries) we have in order for the Church which is the Body of Christ to ensure health at all times. Thus, never lagging in diligence, being fervent in spirit…..blessing rather than cursing. (Rom 12: 6-14) Just as a body has an immune system to fight off infection, we too in that great communion must not be two faced when we act; for we must bear in mind whose name (the Lord) and hands we extend onto others.

Further, in my pastoral ministry I have come across Christians of diverse traditions. These happily taking part in many ecclesial activities, but when ill health handicapped such to some degree, they too were overcome with fear and began to sink beneath the waves of hardship.

This reminds me of an unfortunate account of a priest who was filled with much zeal for the faith and accomplished extraordinary works in his ministry alas, when ill health impeded his functions which caused much deterioration, he slowly let go of the faith. Despite this, he baptized me into the faith and hopefully the Lord will recompense him for the seed he implanted in me and may I always keep firm!

And that is our commission, where the Spirit of God sends us forth called to witness the kingdom of Christ to all nations; called to console the hearts overcome with great sorrow that our spirit may truly rejoice in God our Saviour.

Therefore, it is our duty to assist each other as best we can when the going gets tough, and try to be more understanding and perhaps sensitive to our neighbour’s hurts and fears. Thus, being the hands of Christ for our neighbours, raising them from the murky sea of doubt by lifting them back onto the boat of reassurance - the Church!

In conclusion, when we approach the mystery of love partaking of the Body and Blood of our Saviour, let us ask him to strengthen our faith that it may reshape the world around, us and that one day its inhabitants may exclaim:Receive me today, Son of God, as a partaker of your mystical supper. I will not reveal your mystery to your adversaries. Nor will I give you a kiss as did Judas. But as the thief I confess to you: Lord, remember me in your Kingdom!”

Through the prayers of the Apostles preserve your All Holy Church from all harm that with them we may rejoice in the wonders accomplished in your name Lord Iesus Kristos!

May I leave you with the following hymns that will acquaint you better with the Apostles, and perhaps invite them to assist you in living your faith to its fullness via appreciating the gift of life and love bestowed us.



Blessed assembly of Apostles called by the Lord who is Bishop of his Church, you were sent by the King of Heaven to all nations via baptising them in his name. Pray with the Theotokos and women disciples who stood with you on the glorious day of holy Pentecost, that the Lord renew his Church and provide for our journey – granting peace amongst us.


Christ is the unshakable cornerstone, rock and foundation of his Church confirming his apostles in the gift of faith they received. The Paraclete empowered them to become fishers of men and overcome all obstacles of impediment; clearing the delusion of darkness with the light of the holy gospel. May we ever be confirmed in the apostolic faith handed down onto us through the grace of succession; loving unconditionally and remembering that his Spirit will not abide where charity lacks. Holy Apostles, preserve us from schism and quell heretical doctrines that have split Christendom; May we stand strong and testify to the Lord through our unwavering faith as his Church and vineyard his right hand has planted!

KONTAKION 1 – PETRVS ora pro nobis!

The Lord who revealed himself as the Good Shepherd that cares tenderly for each of his sheep, even for those who are not of his fold desired true shepherds to tend to the herds. Therefore he knew that many were not shepherds, but hired servant who did not love the sheep but merely fulfilled an obligation. These would be the first to run at the sight of danger, and leave the sheep scattered allowing the wolves to devour them. Hence, he asked Simon Peter: “If you wholeheartedly love me, then love the sheep I have given into your care; nourish and safeguard them and praising the lamb in chorus of Alleluia!”

KONTAKION 2 – PAVLVS ora pro nobis!

Blessed Apostle Paul, you who were commissioned by the Most High to be apostle to the Gentiles, thus wholeheartedly believing in the One whose flock you formally persecuted – for his presence was made known to you as the uncreated light. You who were versed in the scriptures were blinded from the truth via the ancient rebellions sway over the temple. Hence, the Spirit illumined your mind and the scriptures were revealed to your heart - Jesus the suffering servant Isaiah prophesised and David dedicated psalmody too. Therefore, your soul cried before God and acclaimed him as the Lord as you joined with the prophets and sung; Alleluia!

KONTAKION 3 – IOHANNES ora pro nobis!

Blessed Apostle John, you worked the nets on the shores of Galilee with your brothers on those boats as fishermen. Yet he who is Fisher of men called you and your brother Apostles to cast your nets in the world - safeguarding against those who corrupted true knowledge of God, in restoring truth via the Gospel in the hearts of all flesh. Your heart beated to the rhythm of love personified who called you his beloved. He thus protected you as the youngest, and kept you form Levitical harm; that you may know the love of God which surpasses all things. Thus, rendering this testament onto souls who longed to be enfolded in his love; singing onto the shepherd of souls: Alleluia.

Kontakion 4 – ANDREA ora pro nobis!

Blessed Apostle Andrew, you were the first called amongst your brothers to follow the one John the forerunner and Baptist acclaimed as: The Lamb who is offered for the worlds’ sins. You desired to follow God’s ways rather than man’s fabrications, claiming him to be the only way possible for all. Thus, you learnt that the road to God is narrow via the Baptist’s monastic life; discovering the fullness of joy when love personified was revealed to you via John’s acclamation. Hence, your heart desired to welcome him in when you asked: “Rabbi, where do you live?” He thus replied: “Come and see!” Although the world and all that is in it belongs to him, yet you were reminded that his kingdom via divine grace dwells in the hearts of his people who with you cry out with the heavenly host and all the just: Alleluia!


Blessed Apostle James the eldest of the Zebedee brothers, you worked the nets on those shores where he who is fisher of souls drew near. At the sound of his voice, your heart beated to the rhythm of his call and like a leaping fish you were caught into the net of the divine fisherman. Thus, you desired hearts to likewise follow him that they may know the love, mercy and wonder of God teaching them to cry out to him: Alleluia!

KONTAKION 6 - PHILIPI ora pro nobis!

Blessed Apostle Philip, you were versed in the Holy Scriptures from a young age and your heart longed for the Messiah to appear and save his people. Hence, when the promise of the revelation of light amongst gentiles and glory of Israel stood before you, your heart recognised his presence as the voice of the Shepherd of Israel beckoned: “Come follow me!” Instantly, you leapt as a deer to refreshing waters, nurturing your soul in the presence and source of he who is the giver of life. Thus, you could not contain this blessed encounter, and hurried to Nathaniel affirming: Jesus the Nazarene is the one whom Moses and the Prophets proclaimed - he who comes with the Name above all others who is the Lord; singing onto him: Alleluia!


Blessed Apostle Nathaniel Bartholomew, the one who sees all things and nothing is hidden from his gaze knew your thoughts which pondered the Messianic promise. Thus whilst in contemplation under a fig tree pondering such – your heart was illumined when Philip came to you regarding the Nazarene. With this he called you to follow him whilst saying: You are a true Israelite that has no guile and is faithful to prayer; I saw you and knew of your heart’s thoughts whilst under the fig tree. At this Nathaniel recognized that only the one who is the Lord could know such and thus prostrated himself before the Nazarene crying; Alleluia!

KONTAKION 8 – THOMAS Ora pro nobis!

Blessed Apostle Thomas, you were versed in the wisdom and logic of the worldly wise, yet when Holy Wisdom began to work amongst his people, your mind could not comprehend his marvels. Yet when you saw that he was caught like a fish in the net of the world’s spite on the cross, your heart came to believe in his words via his faithfulness. Hence, when he sprang forth from the tomb like a bridegroom in procession, and gathered lost souls into the nets of his love, your heart then proclaimed onto him: Alleluia!

KONTAKION 9 – MATTEO Ora pro nobis!

Blessed Apostle Matthew, you were called from the tribe of Levi to walk the path of righteousness, and perfection of spirit by the King of Spirits who came amongst us. Your heart was humble and you pardoned debts as an employer of Rome in collecting taxes from your own people. Hence, when the Lord came onto you saying: “Come follow me!” you leapt as a deer and laid aside your duties to take up that which the Father Pantocrator appointed you to oversee – a true tenant of his vineyard. Hence, as a true shepherd has love for his sheep, you recounted the truth of the Lord desiring all souls to be held in his embrace – singing his wonders acclaiming: Alleluia!


Blessed Apostle James son of Joseph’s brother Alpheus, you grew with the Lord in your childhood; witnessing onto his marvels from early times as recorded in the writings of your prologue. Thus, he who is the Lord called Israel to render testimony onto him via the holy prophets -choosing twelve men from the tribes of Israel; the chorus of patriarchs now singing Alleluia.


Blessed Apostle Jude, you were one of the sons of Joseph’s brothers and son of Salome to whom jealousy raged within your childhood when Jesus was given tender care. Although your heart did not understand when resentment seized you as does the heart of the young amongst their kin; yet the love of your younger step brother for you was ever steadfast. Worldly cares and inheritance placed a wedge between you and God, but when you witnessed the love and power he worked amongst your own, your heart repented and your soul cried onto him: Alleluia!


Blessed Apostle Simon, you testified to the miracles of God who came among us as Son of Man, and were with the Lord from the first sign of his Divinity at your own wedding in your home town Cana of Galilee. Therefore, your heart was filled with zeal for the Lord and the ministry he bestowed you - reminding all that he is the wine of gladness which fills the soul with all delight and now singing onto him: Alleluia!



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