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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele

Those rendered odd in fitting with the agenda and fluctuating criteria’s of those within.

A landlord of that time planted a vineyard which he fenced off and further dug out a place for the winepress; erecting a tower to oversee thus. Hence, he leased the property to vinedressers before travelling abroad. Hence, the time for the vintage production drew near, and therefore the landlord commissioned servants to bring back his share of the fruit of the produce. (Mt 21: 33-34)

The greatest gift within the Apostolic Church of the elder tradition which has kept to the lifestyle and administration of the Apostles within Holy Orthodoxy is autonomy. Autonomous in the sense that whilst in communion with the governing synod – each see (bishop with diocese) has the right to function according to their needs.

However such other major groups who moved away from thus -seeking to mirror a more imperial system which is contrary to the canons; these have lost the pastoral beauty and privilege in developing into the grace of otherness in the diaspora which the Holy Spirit desires the Church to create and re-create according to time, place, space, culture, and mentality.

Thus, here comes the greatest problem within the Orthodox Church: NATIONALISM! Moreover, the Church and her Fathers throughout history exhorted her to breathe the air and live the cultural setting it finds itself in for the sake of EVANGELIZATION.

Hence, the nationalists within ghetto themselves and shut her doors to the outside world with the fear of being tainted or should I say POLLUTED by others with the very fear of (in their minds): the loss of identity!

Unfortunately, many of these fall into the category (up to this very day) with early migrant mentalities: we can’t allow our kids to marry outside our race for it will injure our reputation – love is not important: bloodline counts!!! How many times have we witnessed the beginnings of fruitful relationships which embodies love – yet these were quickly terminated and in certain cultures; slaughter was and is the penalty!

The vinedressers then seized the servants who came and beated one, murdered another, and stoned the other. With this, the landlord then sent other servants but these suffered the same consequences. Therefore, he then commissioned his own son thinking that the vinedressers would honour the son for he comes with the Father’s voice. (Mt 21: 35-37)

The greatest Fathers and Mothers of the Church (Anthony, Athanasius, Miriam etc.) were either not welcomed amongst their own as the Lord himself exhorted (Lk 4:24) yet these went out and away from such stagnant settings in order to produce fruit rather than living on corrupted nourishment. What set these apart in ecclesial history and drew many to Christ and his true Church was not institutional garbage (however a certain amount of structure is necessary) but the grace of autonomy: the gift to be yourself as an individual - the Lord’s unique creative power which blesses each one of us if we but RSVP!

We thus behold the fruit of this individualism present in legacies left us through the founding of many communities, monasteries, hospitals, universities, refuge centres; the pattern of a society that would mirror the communion that was desired in the beginning: Love your neighbour (Lev 19:18) as yourself! (Mk 12:31) Yet the problem is that when that which should resemble the Kingdom of Heaven on earth (Christ’s Body the Church) this then embodies the resemblance of worldly empires and governing houses – these no longer render to God (however the up keeping of certain religiosity is) but render, comply, and become Cesar (hijacking a position and ministry foreign to that which has been commanded and totally FORBIDDEN)!!! (Mt 20:25)

How many people in history (saints and non) have strived to sow the gifts they have been given and have either been blocked from the first moment they made an appearance, seized at the moment of toiling the soil of their labours, or tortured within the moment of cultivating that which they nurtured. What about those who were violently annihilated through the jealousy, spite and IGNORANCE of the so called administrators who even had the arrogance to reduce to ashes the legacy (making a difference and giving others the courage to do likewise) such have left.

This brings to mind the grand atrocities of the past committed by high class society in keeping others below them in unhuman conditions and depriving them of the dignity and gifts the Lord bestowed such. Having the blessing of cinematography which is an art – a gift the Holy Spirit bestows; the conveying of certain truths in detail and their emotions of colour, light, and sound! Who can forget such portrayals that spoke onto the conscience of many as: The Colour Purple, The Power Of One, and Shawshank Redemption.

Yet the problem is that although such may stir something within us or awaken the conscience all together – we tend to slip back in our old ways very quickly and forget: the classic exhortation of thus is embodied within the Parable of Poor Lazarus and the Rich Man. (Lk 16: 19-31)

Yet, when the vinedressers recognized the son who comes on behalf of his Father they conspired amongst themselves saying: “Let us annihilate him whilst seizing the whole of his inheritance!” Thus, the vinedressers then seized him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him. (Mt 21: 38-39)

The problem or obstacle one must learn to remove when one begins a new journey especially in faith/spirituality, is only acquired by that which we all dread – overcoming daily battles within the context of the unknown via determination and complete trust! This becomes burdensome at certain stages within the journey and we may look to the option of pulling out altogether, but do we really desire to stay in square one for the rest of our lives and waste the greatest gift given us (life) and allow what if to hijack what could be then rendering what is no longer???

Unfortunately, within such settings previously mentioned above (nationalism as cancer in orthodoxy) when people via their individual spirituality they have cultivated are called by God to experience the mysticism alive in the Orthodox Church, these poor souls run the risk (inevitably) of being boxed up, cast out, and most sadly – dying spiritually due to national cruelty and malnutrition! How many times have I seen wonderful gifted souls who have much to offer reduced to – using a common expression: left out to hang dry!

My own experiences with the Russians (not all bad but a variety of indignities) as a Hierodeacon (monastic deacon) due to me not being culturally the same culturally; I was left out of many activities and at times given the treatment of a beggar. Hence, not being allowed to serve at grand liturgies due to stature -kept on the side, waved away from the clergy table at lunches and barked at via higher authorities so that they could make an impression of command by their superiors!

As a priest I had the nightmare of serving a lay organization (under the guise of church) however good their initial intent was, yet such marred into the attitude of a deluded mind: inflicting fear in their followers – the means of cult mentality. Yes, there were good times but unfortunately the bad frightfully outweighed thus – enslaved and commanded how to act, what to think, and when to render. Yet, these were and are the very means of overcoming the hurdles of that which impedes the Church to run as the Ark of Salvation - reducing her (the Church) to the tragedy of the Titanic: an experience anyone the Lord raises MUST safeguard their flock from!!!!

Thus, when the lord of the vineyard returns what then would he render onto these vinedressers? Then certain people listening agreed amongst themselves saying: “The landlord will then annihilate those vinedressers and lease the vineyard out to others who will render the fruits of the season onto him!” (Mt 21: 40-41)

God raises many of us to make a difference, and as proven time and time again; the humble of heart (those whose hearts are in line with the Lord) will accomplish that which others can’t via not being polluted with gain and commodities such vinedressers (hired servants) enjoy! This all begins with being truthful with oneself – the means of approaching the Lord’s presence wholeheartedly and accepting all that we are via embracing those who especially may not fit; restoring dignity onto them which others out of fear and being outed (most active in clerical and religious circles) shun!

Then there exists that other category which is intimidated by the capabilities of others that tend to extend, grow and ripen in the wider community – the fear of losing former credibility via the public admiration of such gifted individuals; exercising extreme calumny as the means of attack! One is always amazed sadly of such that these spiritually bankrupt individuals who possess status as far as their institution is concerned: create and re-create.

Further, when one hears back – although not surprised of the venom injected, these will stop at nothing until that which is the thorn in their side is annihilated by whatever means……although the Lord tends to hurl them from their thrones as expressed in the Magnificat (Lk 1: 46-55) and publically humiliated via their own venom as the means for their repentance!!! The reason why we are commanded not to judge and condemn via malice for that same treatment will be visited unto such. (Mt 7:1-3) Yet the serpents who abide in high and various other ecclesial places tend to always be on the lookout in their watchtowers for anyone or anything (via the Lord’s grace upon such wonderful souls) that may lift the blanket of ignorance and lordship they have plagued the populace (faithful) with!

Hence, via the grace of the All Holy Trinity, the canonicity and apostolic succession bestowed upon our Holy Exarchate is the means of Holy Orthodoxy enjoying the true sense of Ecumenism! Thus, all orthodox people from every nation worshiping the Lord in their own way, via their own traditions, and according to the needs of our times! How wonderful it is to not be enslaved by a nationality that is not yours – forcefully conforming to something that is not you at all!

How blessed it is for others who have been placed aside, labelled (especially in the ecclesial sense) who may not fit nor be welcomed to participate by others; now truly enjoy the freedom to love the Lord according to their own Rites. How glorious it is to have embraced (welcomed) into our fold an ancient people who live in the midst of persecution in their land and are under our protection so that no one may harm them and whatever consequences their own may place on them; such have no effect within our Holy Exarchate the Lord himself raised!!!!!


Hence Jesus said onto them: “Is in not written in scripture that ‘the stone which they who build have cast aside in rejection is the foundation and cornerstone of the edifice which the Lord has raised and revealed as the marvel and glory in the sight of his people?” (Mt 21:42)



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