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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele


When we ascended to the place of prayer, there was a slave girl which was possessed with a spirit of divination within. Thus, that which was in her caused her to seek us out, yet the sin of imprisonment fell upon her masters who used her via fortune telling which reaped much profit for their greed. Then the girl gravitated around Paul and began to wale acclaiming: “Behold these men who come in the Name of the Most High who seek to pave the way of salvation!” (Acts 16: 16- 17)

These days as we know there are many outlets spiritually speaking which seek to have numbers yet are spiritually dry. Likewise, there is a growing number of alternative spiritualist avenues which seek to flee established religion; in many ways well established platforms excel in dominion – tending to choke any spiritual inclination a person may have! Yet, as is stated in the early days of the Acts of the Apostles: the occult and various within it raked in the funds whilst causing harm.

It is true that such can turn around and say that the Church has done enough damage - who can fault anyone by this charge, yet the equation here is what is from God the source of all goodness and what is not! Furthermore, it is interesting to note that frauds who have not received a gift of the Holy Spirit tend to charge an extraordinary amount of money – how many people especially in our Italian community to start with are addicted to the occult; forking out much of their savings for such???

How many people especially in our Greek community replace holy icons and other sanctified means with various talisman – the evil eye which supposedly drives away curses……? Let’s not mention the poor folk who are weak in mind that are driven by compulsion to dial a psychic; knowing what one should do for the day and expect for the next?

A fact regarding all this must be highlighted: this type of service is definitely not from God however masqueraded – many mediums use holy water, icons etc. to justify what side they are on; chameleons too use the property of camouflage to blend in! Yet if God lives in your heart and you train yourself UNDER THE GUIDENCE OF A SPIRITUAL ELDER – nothing can hurt you for you will be given the means to cope with harsh realities!

Although that which was in her persisted, Paul was annoyed at that which possessed her and of her masters who used her as profit. Thus, with boldness he commanded her to be set free saying: “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to depart from her immediately!” When the spirit had left her those who oppressed her were enraged that their profit had gone. Hence, within the marketplace they seized Paul and Silas and had them brought before the magistrate for trial. (Acts 16: 18-19)

Nothing has changed from those days, the sad reality is that we have a problem – not with those outside the Church for people can do what they like, but the problem is within the Church. How many times has God surprised us with the unexpected, at a time the boat of the Church was on storm tossed seas where we needed his aid? The presentation of people who have been given great gifts for the benefit of his Church, yet have been quickly shut down and ostracised from the community by the masters of profit in charge. Jealousy seizes those divinely appointed due to others divinely sent to aid unwillingly take over the show via the admiration of the flock - popularity which godly people never seek to receive.

Today we celebrate the life and sanctity of a godly soul who was sent from revolutionary Greece to pastor her faithful in America - encountering many obstacles. Yet the Lord who is Shepherd of his flock remained with him and opened many doors especially that of consecration to the episcopacy. Thus, the Russian Catacomb Church (ROCOR) a Church that has been sanctified by the blood of many martyrs in communist Russia aided their Greek brothers and sisters in that migration period. May I share a small extract of his life as seen on our Decree of Canonisation.

It is pleasing to the All Holy Trinity that our father amongst the hierarchs METROPOLITAN PETROS OF ASTORIA (1915-1997) is adorned with the crown and title: Shepherd, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church! Furthermore, the Wisdom from on High who came to dwell amongst us (Jesus the Lord) awakening our souls to the sound of his Name has challenged us once again in the political upheaval of ecclesial disputes and national meddling within the walls of the instituted church.

Hence, in the tradition of the defenders of the true faith Sts. Nicholas of Myra, Spyridon of Thrimythous, Ambrose of Milan, Cyril of Alexandria, Maximus the Confessor, and Mark of Ephesus, along with the Great Apologists and Theologians of Holy Mother Church Sts. Gregory Nazianzus, John Chrysostom and Basil the Great, our Father amongst the hierarchs demonstrated holy resistance against the ancient rebellion who appears as the angel of light through deception.

Furthermore, this Apostle to America became a true light for the Church in the Diaspora which dwelt amidst the darkness of error. Hence, with steadfastness of faith, he was as earthly salt which never loses its flavour within the extraordinary Gift of resilience rendered in the Ministry of true Apostleship and Homiletics.

We all need uplifting at the moment and it is a time we should invoke our name saint; the intercessions of they who we have chosen/rather they who have offered to guide us in life. As we all know we were ready to celebrate an upcoming ordination, yet Covid19 got in the way. Although we are used to lockdowns however problematic regarding employment situations, yet time away from things does us the world of good. Such brings us back to reality which at times our busy schedule overlooks; the nurturing of self and discovery of hurdles we must overcome.

I too am taken up by public ministry in its various forms, the danger for clerics is that it is so simple for us to be on automatic pilot mode spiritually speaking. We can get into habits that impede our personal quiet time which would normally be expressed in prayer via various means according to the gifts the Lord has bestowed you. It is so easy to say, Liturgy is my prayer and tending to people my works…..however true yet not enough especially for us monastics in the world.

Thus, this time has enabled me to work on liturgical translations, paint/write icons, and read/contemplate holy patrology and other sacred texts; the spiritual recharge we crave which at times place ourselves in denial due to being on the go! When I was parish priest at Holy Cross at the Castleton place precinct, there were many workers of various faiths and sometimes of no religious conviction who just flocked into the church to sit quietly, light a candle and breath fresh/scented air so to speak/write.

How many times on my lunch break did I see people just sit quietly in a bit of park area, appreciate the surroundings and try to have a break via breathing fresh air; the need for quiet time within! Although we were made to be in communion with each other, yet there exists the monastic component within each of us; true monasteries were full in the past not because of the myth of comfort, but for the certainty of peace which wholehearted prayer alone can bestow!

We speak of profits raked up in the midst of crisis and logic going out the door when people panic; yet we fail to see one element desperately sought after but neglected that is truly necessary for our wellbeing! There is a frightful spiritual pandemic – not ghosts and goblins as some would say, neither concoctions of the occult or other alternative means; the official centres of spirituality – the churches/houses of worship are becoming empty of spiritual nourishment!

I mentioned working on liturgical translations: when I was at Holy Cross, I used to stand before the altar of God and find myself babbling out gibberish prayers that did not make sense. Unfortunately the more traditional style of worship is plagued with rigid formalities and as the Lord states regarding the pagans: “Long winded prayers!” (Mt 6:7)

There is an unhealthy mentality that if prayers or services are not done in a sacred language – although Pentecost debunked that Myth; the longer the service along with its extraordinarily long and incomprehensible prayers, the valid/authentic the service is! Let us remember that St. John Chrysostom and other Fathers revised the services and prayers precisely due to people not understanding and loosing concentration/meditation -in other words prayer wasn’t happening! We have beautiful prayers, services and divine liturgies which need to be applied accordingly.

People not understanding….many of you may be familiar with the recent (2019AD) rift in Ukraine regarding the decree of separation from the Church of Russia obtained through the Church of Constantinople. Although politics thrive in our churches due to the cancer of nationalism, yet one of the greatest problems why such a rift occurred was due to the people being exhausted by belonging to a church dominated by their Russian neighbours.

Thus, the rites are served in Old Slavonic (equivalent of Latin verses Italian) the cultural traditions fostered are Russian not Ukrainian, and the people had enough and walked away. We observed this year’s back (1967AD) when the Macedonian Church walked away from Serbian dominance due to Greek political upheaval; emotions escalating in anxious surroundings!

When Jesus passed by that way his gaze was upon a young man who was blind from birth. Therefore, his disciples inquired regarding his state asking: “Rabbi, whose sin caused this curse to fall upon him, was it he or his parents?” Jesus then boldly replied: “He has not sinned and neither has his parents, this has occurred so that he can behold the works of God who desires to heal the afflicted!” (Jn 9: 1-3)

This weekend we conclude our paschal timeframe where the solemnity of the services and resurrection odes are offered and chanted for the last time; festal colours gradually replaced with modest vesture. On Thursday we shall celebrate the Lord’s ascension into the heavens where he blessed his apostles prefigured by Jacob blessing his sons; the commandment to convert the nations in the name of the life-giving Trinity - he who is love and out of love brought forth life!

Yet as we read from the Sunday Gospel, the account of the blind young man is presented; a call to be attentive to the needs of others and not turn a blind eye in convenience! That is what is happening within the churches at the moment – convenience overrules principle and the innocent suffer!

Confusion amongst the people over what the Church believes and teaches is another problem; dividing communities allows sectarian attitudes to gain territory. Hence, the innings of various heresies and problems encountered within the years of the Acts of the Apostles who debunked Levitical observance now come back with vengeance in the guise of religiosity.

Many families are divided due to these happenings - the plague of cults, sects and various forms of religions worming their way in the life of those who crave the spiritual yet are at a loss due to arid surroundings. How many people leave apostolic Christianity due to not being tended to and finding themselves on the margins because they are not welcome?

Let’s not mention the common beauty of resignation: ill comprehension of language, liturgy, prayer and an extraordinary lack of true catechesis – according to the Apostles, Fathers and Mothers of the Church NOT the bassoon sounding off of the supposed priest/elder/catechist’s own voice and baggage! I had years of that at Holy Cross and what a headache and a half – who in their right mind would want anything to do with a supposed church that dries people out in every way imaginable???

When he had said these things, he formed clay with his saliva from the ground and applied it into the man’s eyes and said: “Arise and wash in the pool of Siloam!” After he was sent to the pool to wash he came back with not of clay but of sight. (Jn 9: 6-7)

There we have it, the young man was born without eyes and only he who created man from clay could form eyes and restore that which is broken and heal that which is infirm. Hence, when we pledged to follow Christ in baptism we became his hands and feet in the world; reaching out to the least and unwanted.

In the old Roman tradition there was a wonderful hymn sung on Holy Thursday night: UBI CARITAS ET AMOR DEUS IBI EST- where true love which is not conceited abides God’s presence ever dwells! Hence, the notion of knowing Christian’s by their love is frightfully remote. This happens when we let ourselves go and forget to love who we are – living up to the false expectations of others rather than allowing ourselves to grow and be nurtured.

As we prepare for the Coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost in a few weeks; the opportunity for the Church and her children (us) to be renewed within – may we be attentive to his voice in the silence of our hearts. Our lives become cluttered with various expeditions and filled with an extraordinary amount of noise to cover the silence which calls us to reflection. Let us be reassured of the love of God for each and every one of us regardless of where we are in life; He will find us and carry us back to his fold!

Jesus heard that the College of temple presbytery cast the former blind man out; he sought him out and when he found him he asked: “Do you believe in he who is Son of God?” The man then answered: “Sir, who is he that I may know and believe in him?” Jesus replied: “You have been given sight to behold him – it is I that speaks now to you!” The man cried out: “My Lord, I believe in you!” Hence, he then worshiped him at his feet! (Mt 9: 35-38)



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