The rich man who found himself in the absence of the promise at bodily death was spiritually tortured and cried out to the Father of Nations: “Father Abraham, please ask that mercy be shown me via sending poor Lazarus who begged at my door and I neglected for years to dip his finger in the well of our father Jakub; moistening my parched tongue in these flames of depression which craves the water of life.” (Lk16:24)
The well-known passage regarding the rich man who’s wealth as described in the parable of the sower and seed was as those very seeds falling amongst thorns. God’s message is heard, but the success and accumulation of worldly wealth impeded such seeds taking root – misusing worldly power and not doing works of goodness for the benefit of others!
Yet the poor man who’s name in Hebrew was Ezra, whilst the Greek name is better known as Lazarus meaning GOD IS MY HELP; Truly, the one who lived his life in complete trust in God which is mirrored in psalm 121: “I lift my eyes towards God’s mountain as I look for help, but my heart knows that help only comes from the Lord who brought all things into being!”
There is nothing wrong with wealth, in fact it is a blessing and the early Hebrew people knew this to be true, yet when greed kicks in, it can be one’s own downfall – one want’s their cake and desires to eat it at the same time as we would say.
The poor were seen as cursed by God and were kept at arms-length so to speak/write. Equilibrium was always a problem, and there was no Centrelink (social services) back then, nor was there any medical assistance for those who developed life threatening diseases; either you had it all (funds) or you did not!
Parables (story settings) such as these were no mere examples, but truths and accumulated everyday happenings to which Jesus used to crack open even the thickest of heads, so that they could try and comprehend the greater reality. By the way, if one notices, we have a foretaste of what the absence of God is like – a place people don’t like discussing: HELL!
Let’s get away from Hollywood and other such imaginings via placing things into a solid yet balanced perspective. It’s a real place, a place that is not pleasant, but above all a place for the most arrogant and ill willed humanity that have no forgiveness or mercy for themselves, rejecting God’s mercy – a place that constantly revives the un-repentant wrong one has wilfully harboured onto others! The Ancient rebellion of course, is at the head of its hierarchy – if I may place such it into a psychological context:
“Narcissists tend to look for a challenge that seeks to break (entrap) even the strongest person via seeping through his or her vulnerabilities (as seen when Satan tried to fool the humanity of the Lord in the desert. Lk 4: 1-13) – often staging a scene with or without an audience to empower their motif. The tree of narcissism renders its fruit in times of famine so to speak/write in order to gain a false sense of trust - isolating its victims after a few bites; the power of suggestion which begins to intoxicate!”
This is not a mere fable, if we look at the reference, it comes from Apostle and Evangelist St. Luke who we commemorated last Thursday. We gave the psychological example of Narcissistic behaviours….. St. Luke was a leading professor of medicine and mind in his time, and he knew exactly what he was talking/writing about!
In actual fact, the whole purpose of the Incarnation of God the Son “Jesus” (Lk 2: 1-52) was to sever the great disorder of evil from keeping us in a state of mental manipulation and destruction – rendering us with the means (medicine) especially through the Divine Mysteries (Sacraments of His Church he himself established) to either heal or cope, and at most times according to one’s disposition.
One such lament via the power of suggestion that instils irregular impulse, was when the Apostle St. Paul complained to the Lord through prayer, asking to be completely delivered from such which became as a throne in the side. The Lord then clearly responds with the gift of grace within the Church which is truly sufficient! (2Cor 12: 1-10)
Alike any good parent, the objective of supervision especially in those crucial timeframes where one’s child begins to walk by themselves (training wheels taken off the bike) is to encourage and expose the child to independence for the good estate of their growth. Hence, the natural and gradual exposure through encouragement which assists the child, rather than cocooning them completely. This over cocooning of course, renders a false sense of security - contributing to damage later on in the child’s psyche!
There will be falls, and its consequences of hurt, fear, and embarrassment for the child which often causes a crisis within - the outer manifestation of crying, screaming, and perhaps a tantrum or two depending also on age and circumstance (seen also in adults who have not grown out of entitlement sentimentality) Yet, the parent stands close, intervenes, reassures, and nurtures the child, especially after the inevitable has occurred (fall) due to the learning curb of growth rendering awareness.
This is what occurs in the Tribulations of St. Job (Job 1: 1-22) where evil constantly assaults the Prophet Job (alike a national assault carried out in Ukraine and the Holy Land) yet he as a child in trust of his parent (God who is the centre of one’s faith which is one’s stronghold) looking out (the relationship between the parent and child) for him (God the parent always being near) learns to climb higher mountains and perfects his growth spiritually, mentally, and physically!
Unfortunately these days, psychology (excluding practitioners who have come to believe and authenticate) disregards the element of Spirit which used to sit on the top of its diagnosis criteria. This of course handicaps diagnosis of such cases (of the greater reality) which in actual fact occurs to this day in the subtlety of its cunningness alike any astute narcissist harbours!
As we read within the gospel context, the poor man (Lazarus) who begged for bread each day outside this rich guy’s house was turned away, and even deprived of the food given to pets….yet these very pets came to disinfect the man’s wounds with their tongues - rendering him love. We have often heard the saying that animals are better than us when showing affection – one can also see a glimpse of the communion we enjoyed in the very beginning when one sees the most ferocious of animals looking after the frailest amongst them, and even such occasions in assisting us humans.
There is one marvellous account which mirrors the purpose of the Incarnation at which all was sanctified in his name and perfected in his grace – taken from the life of St. Macarius of Egypt. St. Macarius was a monastic who adhered to the rule of St. Anthony the Great (Abbot) 301-391 AD. He was following the daily cycle of services (prayers) on a certain day in his cave:
‘As he was praying, a hyena crept in and then gently licked his feet. Macarius was amazed at this to which the hyena gently tugged at his tunic and tried to draw him towards the cave’s entrance.
He was still rather puzzled at the event but then followed her to the entrance.
At this the hyena went back out and fetched her cubs who were blind at birth which she then placed in front of him. He then understood and began praying over them in the Name that is above all names (Jesus) to which he then returned them to their mother with their sight restored.
Then Macarius returned to prayer of which by this time was the compline (night prayer)…..the hyena returned, but this time she came with a large sheep’s fleece in her mouth to which she dropped at his feet. Then he smiled at her tenderly, blessed her and placed it on his mat for the evening rest.’
Some would say such an account is a Hollywood (Disney) imagination theme, but if that is truly our understanding of things, then we are most certainly poor in spirit! How many Christian’s struggle with the resurrection??? The number is phenomenal – let’s not mention clergy from various denominations who not only struggle with the resurrection but with the divinity of Jesus himself!!!
If we find it difficult to wholeheartedly construct a partnership that collaborates for the common good, then we can’t grasp the Mystery of the Incarnation and Resurrection which is God’s partnership with us through his very life in becoming Son of Man! Just the other day, I can testify to such where in a funeral eulogy the daughter of the deceased who is supposedly a Christian boldly stated:
“Dad, I don’t know where you are or where you are going; I hope I find you in beautiful places!” If this is what is coming out of the mouths of our people, then something’s wrong with what we are teaching them. Perhaps there may be something wrong with how we are presenting things especially concerning today’s times and mentalities!!!
Are we teaching and nurturing via the Holy Faith received wholeheartedly in showing Mercy, Love, and Compassion as God himself desires? Perhaps we may be dictating in such a way that makes it apparent that we are unsure of what we really believe? Or are we saying one thing and doing another which often encourages collateral damage???
Then the rich man begged stating: “Father Abraham, please allow Lazarus to go to warn my brothers about that which awaits the foolish of heart!” Abraham then boldly stated: “They have the law which Moses gave to the people and the testament of the prophets; let them listen to the scriptures which are proclaimed to the people!” (Lk 16:27-29)
When the Church present in the Balkans well established itself, it began with much sadness to mirror the rich man whose lifestyle was truly prestigious and totally refined. Yet, when communism arose and became a diabolical agent, which produced a phenomenal amount of martyrs – the Church became like poor Lazarus in surviving through humility and true faith.
Years passed and old ways came back to haunt us, for the greatest cancer which assault’s the Church is Nationalism! In other words, when the Church which is the Communion of Saints and mystical body of Christ in the world mirrors national parliaments, that which happened at Pentecost reverts to that which took place at Babel – competition against each other!
We just need to look at what’s happening in God’s country (the Holy Land) at the moment in order to see how that gospel of peace which was preached 2024 years ago, has fallen on deaf ears. If people can’t co-exist in the same street or even household for that matter, outside those perimeters then it looks rather bleak indeed! Obsession and paranoia tend to tango together in these respects, forming a rather demonic tone of address.
For those of you who may not be aware, Holy Orthodoxy has been severed ever since nationalism began – in other words; Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Serbian Orthodox! There is one Holy Catholic (universal) Apostolic Church present in all nations to which no nation is greater than the other, but each compliments the Church via their culture and traditions.
Hence, the ancient rebellion occurred in the beginning (Rev 12: 7-17) for the very fact that it thought to be greater than God due to the beauty, splendour, and power God bestowed on it to which it (evil/the Ancient Rebellion) was stripped immediately of all grace!
Yet, the Church present in Russia and Ukraine are at odds with each other due to primacy and its territories.
Thus, when supposed fairness was granted or rather recognized to Ukraine via the intervention of Constantinople – Russia objected. Many, especially non - orthodox would say: “It (Russia) cut herself off from the rest of the Church in protest to this slap in the face (Constantinople granting Ukraine ecclesial recognition) going in her own direction via political influence!”
There are always two sides to the story, and tender aspects which need calm discernment, for it is never good when politics use the Church to fuel their fire! Will we ever learn from the words of the Cherubicon? (Angelic hymn of offertory entrance) “Let us lay aside all earthly cares for the king of glory enters upborne by angelic hosts!”
This also holds true for the very religious people who have an austere mindset that tends to cling onto the letter of the law (religious observances) yet, such are remote (Mat 15:8) from the heart of the law (God’s heart who ever seeks to draw all onto himself) These become the very obstacle they themselves accuse others of being or having: SIN – alienation from God and his mercy rendered via his Incarnation – Jesus the Son!
A few paragraphs ago, we mentioned the rise of Communism as a diabolical agent…..just as the Lord turns a negative into a positive - a wholesome outcome, evil in its fullness (as any professional narcissist employs) also uses elements of good to cote its plan of destruction with deceit!
Let us look at the Church as a primary example - the various fragmentations from 1054 AD (the Great Schism) onwards. In addition, although we have the gift of science which can prolong life and protect it in order to bring about the nurturing of human life, yet the same outcome can be employed via a totally different intention!
We also may be familiar with the biography of our history where God conversed with us - captured via his words to the prophets and saints, yet it also bares the mentality of the time however relevant or not: the bible! This book is but a collection of accounts the Church (Old and New Covenants) gathered in its life.
This holy book is but a portion of the greater picture the Church has been called to be – the mystical body of He who Is (Emmanuel) Thus, bestowing life and living water into the veins of those (in full communion) who have been washed, anointed and nourished via his command!
Therefore, the minute this book is taken out of the womb of this mystical body and is interpreted outside of that very order; the equivalent of incubated chooks pumped up with steroids awaiting slaughter and production line within weeks emerges. Christendom especially in the West, is on life support due to this very reason and tis the very reason why many are walking away, embracing other creeds or letting go all together. This is mostly due to dictatorship and hate mail dished out - religious concentration camp style.
Hence, for those who have followed the evangelical protestant groups which boldly state that the Bible has ultimate authority: there is no authority outside of the Church! The bible can only live within the tradition it has been born into! Hence, let’s get one primary aspect clear: THE BIBLE WAS BORN FROM THE WOMB OF THE CHURCH “Old and New Testament/Covenant” (which is the living divine organism) THE CHURCH WAS IN NO WAY BORN FROM THE BIBLE!!!!
Not everything has been recorded in the Bible (Jn 21:25) for a very good reason - where God works accordingly and discreetly as we read in various instances. The moment it (the Bible) is taken out, and interpreted by every Tom, Dick and Harry: an episode of Hell’s Kitchen emerges alike Gordon Ramsey (based on emotions) not only offending, but in this case, such emotional convictions would turn people away from trying – in this instance, from pursuing the Apostolic Faith!
Another good reason why early on the Church didn’t allow people to read the bible by themselves is as follows: in order to try and avoid unfortunate ill interpretations that have inevitably crept in over the centuries due to denominational mess! Just as a body has its senses of sight, touch and smell, so too does the Church live in word, liturgy, and patristics which visualize the worship and teaching of the Heavenly Jerusalem!
In conclusion, Holy Liturgy (The Eucharist) was always at the Heart of the Early Church and must remain so - for without it (LITURGY which God himself commanded from the beginning and throughout Salvation History) there is no Church, no Faith in its fullness, and no Life in Jesus Christ (the offeror and offered) as its head!
May we broaden our horizons and lay aside all pre-conceived ideas in order to once again grasp the beauty, wonder and grace of the Lord. All this can be cultivated via opening the portals of our hearts and allowing room for otherness – the place where God as the potter begins to mould us as clay into his vessel of presence for others to savour whilst healing emerges within all counterparts. (Is 64:8)
Thus, a true experience of mercy (Misericordiae) where God who reaches out in our fragility, begins to nurture the wounded heart. Hence, resetting us once again so that there may no longer be an impediment for growth towards him, but a solid bridge rendered through our personal development (Spirit, Mind, and Body) in its entirety with the collaboration of his divine grace!
Then the rich man rebutted saying: “No Father Abraham, they will not heed to what the scriptures state, but if Lazarus was to return from the grave and warn them – they will truly amend their ways!” Then Abraham boldly affirmed: “If as you say they refuse in the arrogance of their hearts to listen to what God commands in the scriptures; they will also reject the one who rises from the dead!” (Lk 16:30-31)
