Saturday 7th December 2024
Good Shepherd Chapel, Abbotsford
In the beginning there were the bells, rung to welcome the congregation to tonight’s celebration. The Clergy enter singing the advent troparion hymn for the entrance of the Theotokos.
Father Mark read the Epistle and the prokiminon (psalm verses) were sung. Then Father Matthew read from the Gospel according to St Luke. It spoke about Mary being a blessed person and Jesus reminding us that those who hear the word of God and keep it in their hearts.
Metropolitan Raffaele presented his homily about Mary as a child. He then spoke of St Nicholas’s life as a child and his role as bishop of Myra. He systematically pulled away the various misconceptions of secularism regarding the person known now as Santa Clause, unveiling the true shepherd of Myra by the name of Nicholas. This name comes from the Greek “Nika” meaning victor. Jesus was victorious over death, and works through the lives of his saints.
Next we were honored to witness the Betrothal Service of two of our congregation, Isabella and Jesus. They drank from the agape cup and were taken around the altar thrice.
Then, we celebrated the 36 year anniversary of Bill and Ana’s love in a similar fashion. It was wonderful to be reminded of the importance of love - new, old and long lasting - see it flourishing in our community.
The gifts were brought to the altar. They were honoured, blessed, and transfigured before the clergy shared communion. Then the congregation took communion together.
Lastly, we venerated the relics of St Nicholas before adjourning to the cloister for some celebratory snacks.