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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele



Brothers and Sisters,

The Holy Spirit is upon us; sanctifying his Church in grace!

As you all know – our Church, our Exarchate welcomes everyone regardless of who you are, or what your convictions may be, for the Church is a mother who loves her children as was the Church in formative years; no one is excluded! Yet, there is much confusion and ill comprehension of what the Church is, where we all stand, and where too next.

Unfortunately, the Christian church is in a hell of a mess and people have walked away precisely due to ill nourishment and treatment, a religious concentration camp style blitz, and authenticity issues. These realities exist when there is an extraordinary lack of love which should not be conceited and caritas that should be distributed where it is truly needed.

Let’s not mention the time old obsession of sin (guilt trip conscience rendered by the masters of manipulation) rather than healing, the doom and gloom cult ideology (due to hate and unresolved issues) which has tainted orthodoxy and others, and last but not least – compulsive control (due to insecurity) exercised in group clusters rather than a family mission where all are equal and diverse functions are complimentary.

I have been thinking of writing this statement for some time – although it is canvased in general within the Exarchal Encyclical entitled Church; however reluctant I have been in mentioning certain realities, yet it is time that people begin to know the truth rather than have a convenient version of observance known as religion!

As we know, many within the Church do not want to say the truth because it spoils career promotions and upsets relations with others who are not part of our Church. There are also safety issues for it is a well-known fact that the wolves are within….yet like our holy fathers and mothers; we need to bear witness to Christ via proclaiming the truth of his word!

There are aspects within this statement that may appear harsh, out of this world, and even offensive….yet it is not about offending one’s personal convictions, but respecting one’s intelligence and honouring them with the greater reality; a reality that they may not even be aware of – a reality that may cause conflicts with existing associates.

This same reality woke me up from certain delusions and fantasies which in the beginning I found hard to swallow; the opening of the tomb which brought light, life and purpose within! When one begins to grasp the truth via growth, shedding yesteryears skin and beginning to no longer have any fear; it is precisely there that one begins to die to the idolatry of self and surroundings – allowing Christ to live within! (Gal 2:20)

If one is a true bishop, priest, deacon, monastic, and Christian, then one must be true and not be afraid to face the truth, but act upon it via the grace, patience and love our Lord has bestowed us. This may also mean that prestige, commodity and status are removed because people and institutions do not like the whole truth!!!

Furthermore, one must not condemn others for what they believe for faith is a gift, rather the wholehearted endeavour in pointing out the reality and totality of faith, along with its historical truths via snuffing out the flames of prejudice harboured by those who seek to conceal the truth for their own gain!

For one’s experience of faith should be uplifting and encouraging; a conversion within that delivers you from the prison walls fabricated by the lust and prestige of any hierarchy down the years - the idolatry of demise! The true Church invites all and encourages everyone to stop playing games, take off the mask and show who you are; identifying the struggles of others within yourself, and in the Lord’s own words: “Do not be afraid!”


Holy Pentecost – the day the Lord sent out the fullness of his Spirit upon his Apostles to confirm, sanctify and empower them in their ministry and perfect the Church of the first called!

Therefore, Pentecost (50 days after Pascha) is not as people have been lead to believe “the birthday of the Church” for the Lord clearly states in the account of the Apostle Matthew that: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law of the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them!” (Mt 5:17)

Rather, it is the continuing Church that has been given authority to have true EPICLESIS “calling upon the Holy Spirit” to: Mend that which is broken, heal that which is infirm, and bring to completion that which is lacking!

Hence, the Lord reminded his own: “Be as wise as the serpent yet as gentle as doves!” (Mt 10:16) Although this is the requirement for all Christians, yet it is far from the truth when the Church ceases to be a witness amongst the nations and becomes an empire amidst the cosmos.

We may be familiar with the language of the parables in presenting us with agricultural imagery, yet we are met at a crossroads when such imagery is not met within our expectation of being treated as fellow human beings; slandered unlawfully and landing in situations we never could conceive should exist within the Christian family.

Although there was a strong tendency throughout the years of the Acts of the Apostles and the early centuries of ecclesial heritage for various people to come out of the woodworks and claim they are it (the Church) yet, it keeps on getting uglier as the centuries unfold!

May I invite you to read the Exarchal Encyclical on the Church for a more extensive explanation! Without getting into denominational mess – I would like to remain within orthodoxy for the time being.

The first obsession certain groups within the orthodox family carry on about is CANONICITY/APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION and done so most of the time with either limited understanding or covering up truths that have been conveniently laid aside!

However brushed to the side due to taking on western thought; the Orthodox Church has always kept the notion in question in two categories: (a) dogmatic canonicity (b) canonicity in practice.

The first means that the Church however large or small can trace their roots back to the Apostles, and the second – the majority of churches which are large in scale and thus accepted via a few sees (Ecclesial centres/patriarchies) in contrast to the self-governed ones (autocephalous/autonomous)

These were not so large, nor accepted by the majority due to the opposition of the ecclesial government of such – these resisted to be swayed by the larger groups in order to keep a sense of purity; the retaining of local rites, customs and traditions – the Church within Celtic lands that stemmed from the monastic tradition of THE SYRIAC CHURCH (which grew yet was annihilated via the prevailing culprit bodies) is the par excellence of such an example!

Yet, the time honoured example within the present orthodox territory is that of the Church present in Macedonia. Such is considered uncanonical firstly by the Serbs due to the Macedonians claiming independence from them in recent years (an action taken when situations become intolerable via forced dominion) Secondly, by the Greeks DUE TO POLITICAL UPHEAVEL AND HISTORICAL ORIGINS OF NATIONAL CONFLICTS NOT THE FAITH!

After all, the Apostle Paul did travel to Macedonia and established the Church there which imminently dismisses fraudulent claims harboured from their Greek neighbours!

Yet we must be honest and state that the Macedonians shoot themselves in the feet with their stupidity (patriotism present in all jurisdictions) of national precedence exercised in ecclesial camps!

Both churches in Macedonia and Greece are equally valid for the Apostles came in their midst; yet national disputes disqualify both sides along with the argument of CRADLE ORTHODOX – there is no such thing for BAPTISM is the rebirth into the ONE AND ONLY FAMILY: THE KINGDOM OF GOD!

Holy Pentecost proves this for those who were still neophyte (yet to be thoroughly converted) heard the proclamation of the Kingdom of God come with power via the apostles preaching; these came to be reborn in the waters of Baptism and unction of the Spirit administered by the Lord’s presbyters – the Apostles!


Unfortunately, this issue of canonicity appeared in the last century via certain churches – the Church present in Greece in particular that separated over the calendar issue.

For those of us like this Holy Exarchate which follows the Orthodox Calendar (Julian 46BC) that is 13 days behind the Gregorian (1582AD); we and others are seen as an obstacle to accommodate the Western World and further viewed as invalid by those that revised the calendar (1923AD) which adopted the Gregorian form.

In addition, most of the world followed the Julian calendar in question up until the mid-18th century! It is worth noting that most churches celebrated Nativity (Christmas) on the 7th of January “especially in England” whilst Pascha (Easter) was an issue until the dates were resolved by the Council of Nicaea in 325AD

Let’s remember that when the calendar change proposal became mandatory via force in Greece (1924AD); the people were divided, clergy, monastic communities etc. did not want to change…..we only need to open history’s pages (Esphigmenou Monastery as a continuing example) to see the blood bath caused by those who would bring on the change via force!

Yet, this issue –the enforced agenda was developed within the Church of Constantinople to conform to the West; becoming part of the World Council of Churches first known as The Inter-church World Movement (IWM) 1919AD. This endeavour was not caused by ecclesial organizations. Rather, this as we’d say in Italian: ‘‘IL Colpo Del Secolo” is an ingenious monopoly initiated by non-church men and their representatives within the council: Mr John D Rockefeller Jr.

This gentlemen openly stated that such a scheme is: “a smart business investment to which I know of no better insurance for businessman for the safety of his investments, the prosperity of the country and the future stability of our government than this movement (IWM) affords…!” This is what happens when those who are not anointed infiltrate and corrupt; the reason why the Church should always remain separate from state and should remain so – refusing assistance in order not to be tainted!

Thus, we are not at liberty to change our DNA; if one is born on a certain day, month, and hour, we cannot change those truths nor deny the heritage we have stemmed from. The Lord exhorted that signs and wonders would accompany those who hold fast onto him (Mk 16:17) The Orthodox Church present in Greece is a divided people and here in the diaspora that division has been the cause of much heartache and persecution.

Hence, when the Julian Calendar (Orthodox Calendar) was forced to succumb to the reforms of the Gregorian – Greece witnessed a blood bath (21st November 1927AD) of people who willed to remain faithful yet were opposed via military powerordered by the patriarchate in Istanbul (former Constantinople) Many martyrs were hushed and ordered not to be recognised in order for the new changes to prevail!

I would like to share an account which was witnessed by both sides in Greece – such an account which many do not like to refer too due to such being so obvious of the wrongs committed. The following extract can be found on:

In 1925, on the eve, of the feast of the Exaltation of the All-Honourable and Life-giving Cross of our Saviour, 14 September according to the Orthodox Church calendar, the all-night vigil was served at the church of St. John the Theologian in suburban Athens.

By 9 o'clock that evening, more than 2,000 of the true-Orthodox faithful had gathered in and around the church for the service, since very few true-Orthodox churches had been accidentally left open by the civil authorities.

Such a large gathering of people could not, however, go unnoticed by the authorities. Around eleven P.M. the authorities dispatched a battalion of police to the church "to prevent any disorders which might arise from such a large gathering."

The gathering was too large for the police to take any direct action or to arrest the priest at that time and so they joined the crowd of worshippers in the already over-flowing courtyard of the church.

Then, regardless of the true motives for their presence, against their own will, but according to the Will which exceeds all human power, they became participants in the miraculous experience of the crowd of believers.

At 11:30 P.M., there began to appear in the heavens above the church, in the direction of North-East, a bright, radiant Cross of light.

The light not only illuminated the church and the faithful but, in its rays, the stars of the clear, cloudless sky became dim and the church-yard was filled with an almost tangible light.

The form of the Cross itself was an especially dense light and it could be clearly seen as a Byzantine cross with an angular cross bar toward the bottom.

This heavenly miracle lasted for half an hour, until midnight, and then the Cross began slowly to raise up vertically, as the cross in the hands of the priest does in the ceremony of the Elevation of the Cross in church. Having come straight up, the Cross began gradually to fade away.


Hence, regarding the calendar issue – those of us who did not change were seen as a threat in the very early days of the change; nowadays – we are considered mad and void of all grace.

Let’s not mention that in the Darkness of Covid 19 all churches in Greece were ordered by the Government via Support from the Patriarch of Constantinople/Istanbul that NO MIDNIGHT SERVICE IS TO BE HELD! A simple vigil service at 9pm suffices – yet our Liturgical ordo clearly states Midnight as the prescribed time for the Service of Light!

Yet, how come the reformers –among them now those who clearly seek to form another church in the cloack of Orthodoxy (those who accuse us) who object to our existence - come back to the Old Calendar (that which we have kept and observe) for the celebration of Lent, Pascha (Easter) and Pentecost?

Precisely due to the very fact that these holy days of obligation MUST be observed at a particular time prescribed by the Ecumenical Councils – for if such is not: Anathema! What happens now?

So does this mean that such who consider themselves justified as canonical and apostolic may accommodate the objective of others who are outside the Church despite what has always been kept and observed as Apostolic and Canonical?

Although the Calendar itself does not save; yet we can’t change truths – we can alter traditions for even St. John Chrysostom states in his book on the priesthood: “When certain traditions do nothing for the edification of the Church in that timeframe; lay them aside!”

Yet, there is a great difference with that which is TRADITION, that which is DOGMA, and to that which is the PRACTICE of the Church! Hence, we must be mindful not to corrupt certain truths and create divisions from the genuine article himself who is Jesus Christ – the Bishop and sole authority of his Church!

Therefore, most groups within Orthodoxy arrogantly accuse us (Old Calendarists) to be unlawful and declared severed from the Church… thing they are truthful about is that we are indeed severed from such poor vision and ideology of their version of church they proudly speak of.

Furthermore, anyone in their right mind would want very little and nothing to do with such a supposed Christian community they classify as the Church which they have wilfully created; harbouring malice and constant attacks upon those who are indifferent to them!

UBI CARITAS ET AMOR DEUS IBI ESTif there is no love for their fellow human beings then God is clearly not theredespite ecclesial theatrics! THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL NOT DWELL AMIDST SUCH INSTITUTIONS REGARDLESS OF ECCLESIAL FACAD AND EXHORTATIONS!

If we and others especially in Slavonic lands follow the Orthodox calendar labelled as Old Calendarists (observers of the old dates) – the title they have ignorantly given…if we are so invalid and of no significance, then why do such constantly attack us who follow thus in spite and seek to reaffirm their position as the great reformers; being the canonical ones???

It is often the loudest voice that is the guiltiest of the charge that is proclaimed against the other! Think about those in the Church who accuse others of certain sins who invariably are caught engaging in the very acts they condemn!

Further, when proof is given regarding our canonical apostolic status – the complaint is that Old Believers are in secure; needing to parade their credentials around…...At the same token the supposed Canonicalists (those who reformed) do have a tendency of insecurity as well for they too desire to ratify amongst themselves that they are it and nothing else apart from them is legitimate!

How many times do we observe the highlighted grand affair of THE CANONICAL ASSEMBLY OF BISHOPS, yet what are these fools who lust in their own prestige doing for their people, their flock? I’d like to share the link (as it is lengthy) of an article concerning this matter which caused waves throughout the Church in America and rightfully so; the facts are on the table, the sheep are scattered and the HIRED WORKERS scramble!

Hence, are these supposed Shepherds really aiding the people assigned them like our true bishops of yesteryear (many being old believers ROCOR) who fed, nursed, and comforted those in need via parting with their riches??? May I invite you to read the life of the new hieromartyr Bishop Luke of Simferopol (1877-1961AD) as an aid to the issue at hand!

Unfortunately with supposed bishops these days - is it the same old story: they are highly decorated as pagan deities, and will not part with a substantial amount of their wealth! These are comfortable enough just in tending to the most elaborate services (which have their place if balanced with Caritas) re-echoed by the Apostle James who is first bishop of Zion: “Faith without works is dead!” (Js 2:14-26)

Yes, we must be honest and state that there are many who claim to be orthodox “KINONITA” (old and new calendarists alike) that are non-canonical for their church facades are run by communities/administrators and trustee boards; these are truly invalid and should be avoided! Most cult organizations thrive on control and indeed reflect a religious concentration camp! This is not of God! This is not acceptable!

Yet, regarding those who have not changed (Elder Tradition) there also exists conspiracy theorist mentalities amongst the Old Believer family; and these are unfortunately loopy – partially due to being on the defence all the time, (a psychological disorder when constantly threatened)

At the same time, many old believers do have a non-tolerance approach to anyone unlike them - yelling out: “Ecumenists!” Although this may be the case, but the Church is so messed up; this is definitely not the way to welcome people and nurture them. We must reach out with the same love Christ has for all people; love conquers all and love in Christ heals that which is infirm and mends that which is broken. By this same love they will know we are his Church!!!

Having stated thus, we must be careful at the same time not to fall under the dominion of Donatism (the heresy that considers supposed mal intentioned apostolic church bodies and individuals invalid) yet we must also safeguard our dignity in drawing to a conclusion as far as our rightful Canonical status is concerned and call a spade a spade laying aside our differences!


On the subject of difference, I come to the objective of this Episcopal Statement – one that must expose the truth and help those who may not know any better in beholding the evidence for themselves! Concerning the Orthodox Church present in Italy (formally under the Bulgarian Synod before Autonomy was granted) which is not as many conceive; a movement like any sect that surfaces.

May I point out that the See of Constantinople recognises us (Orthodox Church of Italy) as a legitimate and canonical church to which our primate (Metropolitan Basilio) and their patriarch (Patriarch Bartholomew) dialogue much to the surprise of others who slander our rightful ecclesial status!

Hence, apart from those claiming unlawfully to be the Orthodox Church of Italy - the Alessandro Meluzzi Crowd in particular is an interestingly weird setup: information regarding thus can be accessed on the Exarchal decree of Anathema.

Yet, other gentlemen such as the Filippo Ortenzi Gang and Club Romania with Abondius Bica claiming to be Italian Orthodox linger, yet their supposed organisation is remote from anything Italian or orthodox and canonical especially with the first two groups mentioned!!!

This of course (Italian Orthodoxy) is not a push to be like other jurisdictions that are nationality lovers, but drawing a line over the threshold in this equation is warranted!

Hence, we have a major problem with those who are not even orthodox claiming to be the remnant heirs of our reposed metropolitan of blessed memory: The Nordic Catholic Association of Metropolitan Antonio de Rosso!

If I may aid those who may not understand how things work in Orthodox circles and offer a contemporary comparison to ease the burden of comprehension: just as fettucine alla carbonara and tortellini in brodo are two different delicacies in the Italian kitchen, so too is the Orthodox Church remote from breakaway groups (current and old in practice) of the Catholic Church!

Although the Pharisees exhorted that: “We are sons of Abraham!” yet the Lord reminded them that he: “God can raise stones into sons of his inheritance!” (Mt 3:9) So too are these gentlemen claiming that they are the successors of the reposed Italian primate and that anything else apart from them (us) is garbage to put it bluntly!

Yet, the Grace of Succession (Ordination/Consecration) is given in the laying on of hands from the Apostles through their successors who become bishops (the College of Apostles)…..not to a gang of folks (reformist ideology) who amongst them HAVE NOT RECEIVED THE LAYING ON OF HANDS PARTICULARELY FROM THE BISHOP IN QUESTION!

There is a tendency for people and most certainly amongst the VAGANTE BISHOPS (those who roam on their own) to collect succession here, there and everywhere; the more re-ordained/consecrated the better the validity!

The truth of the matter is that despite the ill minded concept of succession collection; once you cut yourself off the Vine of the Church regardless of rank you cease to be!!!

In addition, if you have been ordained for a particular Church, you can’t keep jumping to another or form your own – the minute you jump or go solo; your orders from that Church cease to be for it is exactly like a marriage contract: God does not go against his own law!!!

It is only when the Church you join which (hopefully) has Apostolic Succession that either validates (Herothesia) or ordains you (Herotonia) so that you may be re-joined to the vine of Christ’s body!

Hence, the case with the group in question is neither of the above two categories; they objected to Metropolitan Basilio’s primacy (which is not for them to ratify canonically speaking/writing) due to him clamping down on such who wanted to do their own thing (our Exarchate has also had a similar case within which we eradicated discreetly)

Yet they and others thrive on having a collection of various ordinations, rites and traditions which are not only incompatible with orthodoxy but are heretical in nature!

Although our Exarchate encourages rites of yesteryear to be revived and used within our apostolic setting, yet some must be revised and challenged as far as theology, dogma, and current practice for use within our Church is concerned!

In addition, we must ratify that as the Church in formative years developed under the leadership of the Apostolic Fathers – each territory had the grace of autonomy in the cultivation of culture within the context of worship.

As we know only too well, when the Church became instituted according to worldly empires with the reaping of the benefits thereof; the local churches were crippled and became slaves of the empire (Christian and Non) and forced to conform to the prevailing rites, customs and indignities of the mighty who replaced the Lord and became lords!

Thus, on the subject of forced conformation: the reason why the Orthodox Church present in Italy became Autonomous under Metropolitan Antonio (Born 1941! Bishop: 1986-2009AD) (Consecrated by the Old Calendar Cyprianite Synod)

This autonomy was due to the Greek and Slavonic churches incomprehension of canonical norms (adopting the culture and mindset within the fabric of the faith and its practice) regarding native territory.

Although bestowing canonical independence upon us to be the Orthodox Church present in Italy, yet they tried to steer us back into foreign cultural mentalities once gain which goes against the principle of the Apostolic Mindset.

Furthermore, much money was demanded by these groups in question (the sin of simony which is alive and well especially amongst the Arab churches) which our Church did not have such money to please their greed; threats were made by them that autonomy (our right to exist) would be taken from us if their unlawful demands were not met!

May I clarify that our churches are not funded – all clergy must have secular employment and the divine services are served voluntary and offered wholeheartedly; where the fruits of our labours abundant at times and not so at other times are brought to the Altar of God and used for his glory - the parable of the mustard seed encapsulated!

Hence, Metropolitan Antonio stood his ground alongside his vicar our now primate Metropolitan Basilio (Born 1937! Bishop: 1995 – the present day AD) (Consecrated by the Old Believer Milan Synod which shared communion with the Kiev Patriarchate)

Yet this anguish alongside the treachery of a good number of people within our Church that later formed the association in question - was the cause of the cancerous tumour that took him (Metropolitan Antonio) from us; also affecting the health of our current Metropolitan Primate!


The enemies of the Church are not outside, but the very people within who seek to hijack the agenda of the Holy Spirit whilst claiming to serve in his name yet harbour venom onto anyone who obstructs their objectives!

Having stated thus, there also exists a most troubling issue amongst the Elder Tradition family (Old Believers) as we know only too well; human nature has the tendency to desire dominion over others – the cause of various splits within the Church which is called Schism.

Now schism exists in two categories (1) the splitting due to dominance (governance) issues (2) the breaking away due to practice. This (Schism) of course has nothing to do with heresy (departure from doctrine), nor with validity of status (apostolic canonicity) but are the results of in house fighting as is the case within each household; the result of members eventually vacating the property.

Regarding Schism, there are many Old Believer groups who were ignorantly labelled invalid due to breaking communion (unity) with a particular branch/Episcopal See of the Church. Again, this breaking away was the result of political interference!

Hence, when we look at the Church present in Slavonic lands “Russia” as the par excellence of an example, we had an unfortunate occurrence within the Patriarchal See (Moscow) which was ridden with agents of the Communist regime.

Although the Church in such lands bore witness to the Gospel of Christ via blood, yet the situation of dominance became not only intolerable, but demonic! Hence, a great number of clerical hierarchy and laity objected and severed ties - rightfully so with the church structure that was hijacked by those that clearly did not belong to the ecclesial body; turning the Ark of Salvation (Church) into a house of horrors – the titanic!

Thus, it was of sound mind and faith that these holy men and women walked away and fled to the diaspora; canonically and apostolically rendered as (ROCOR) the Church outside of Russia.

Unity in the Church is our prayer - the desire of the Lord for the whole Church to be in communion: “Father, let that they be one as you are in me and I in you; may they share communion in us that the world you have sent me too wholeheartedly draws to conversion and believes in my Name!” (Jn 17:21)

Yet our human fragility gets the better of us and as we know; past blunders and bloodbaths cause people to safeguard their dignity when danger, heresy and stupidity lingers.

Hence, when we think of what our brothers and sisters of those lands suffered for the sake of the kingdom and preservation of the faith in the diaspora; a sour taste is left on one’s palate when their offspring turn on those who are Old Believers and begin accusing that which they once were and suffered for!

The Church in Exile was always mocked by those who considered themselves canonical, yet they tend to forget that a fruitful grace filled Church is one that truly suffers as we hear from the Lord in the Beatitudes: “Blessed are you when they shall hate you, despise you and say all manner of evil against you for holding fast in me: rejoice and be glad for the Kingdom is yours!” (Mt 5:11)

It is truly just and right that schism should be healed between the patriarchal and abroad Church; yet it is truly repugnant and ill-founded when such now shake their finger as a figure of speech to those of us who for various reasons belong to the old believer family of the Church!


After all, most old believer “calendarists” or as I correctly affirm: we of the Elder Tradition –especially those of us from Greek heritage were canonically given succession (1960AD) from the Church in Exile (amongst the consecrating bishops was St. John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco: Born 1896! Bishop: 1934-1966AD) which was known back then as ROCOR: a fact that they cannot deny nor can others pale away for that was and is the norm when peril lingers!

Having stated thus, It is also important to understand that such rekindling of ties (Moscow & ROCOR) which we call communion were not only accomplished via good will for the state of the Church; the Sin of Simony (payment of a large sum of money to obtain ecclesial status) is very much alive and well which cannot be under any circumstance the means to rectify schism!!!

A prominent clergyman and good standing academic of ROCOR expressed his displeasure over the supposed healing of schism and amongst various reasons, he exhorted: “We should never have given in via joining them!”

Although ROCOR property was promised not to be confiscated, yet the opposite occurred when the Synod of Milan under the reposed Metropolitan Primate Evloghios Hessler (Born 1935! Bishop: 1984-2019AD) decided to heal schism with Moscow.

Thus, after the documents for the healing of Schism had been signed – Moscow reduced Metropolitan Evloghios and others to the rank of simple monks (dissolving the Milan Synod) whilst confiscating most of the synods properties especially those abroad; liquidation is truly the Communist trademark! For Communists like nothing more than enslaving people under their tyranny and living off the hard earned money of those enslaved!!!

If we move the clock forward, you may be familiar with a recent endeavour commemorating the accomplishments of the revolution….without getting into a political pickle - all are entitled by right to believe what have you…but the truth must be highlighted however various rights try to dim!

Yet when it comes to forcing the Church to condone those who persecuted her – however the Lord asks us to pray for those who hurt us (Mt 5:44), yet to have prominent figures of the communist regime portrayed in a Church as victors of the Soviet state; this is close to blasphemy! In human terms – the equivalent of placing the picture of the person responsible for the genocide of your family exposed amongst your family portraits!

It is true that amongst holy depictions in iconography – there appears the unholy however vanquished by Christ and his Angels and Saints. It is truly venerable for the Military to have a Church on base and that is most admirable – however expensive the designs etc….that is perhaps another issue for another time.

Yet, how can those “canonical” bishops who declare they are the custodians of the faith within the Russian Orthodox Church serve and pray in such a building that has been desecrated by such a portrayal? For its walls have been smothered by the very icon of Stalin and his company! Yes, a depiction rendered as a supposed holy Icon of the very man who persecuted the true Church in Russiathe Catacomb Church!

For those of you who may not be aware, the Catacomb Church was opposed to the state Church who under the puppet Metropolitan (compromised and invalid patriarch) Segius (Stragorodsky) in 1927 AD pledged their undying support for Stalin and placed the protection of this anti-Church in Stalin’s bloody hands!

In addition, the 30th canon (code of church law) of the Apostles which was later reaffirmed in the 7th canon of the Ecumenical Councils clearly states: “Any bishop that seeks government aid (powers of state) in procuring status in the Church is Anathema (excommunicated)!”

Thus, the blood of many Martyrs has soaked the hands of those in Sergius’s anti-Church (the slaughtering of Christians, clergy and destruction of churches, holy icons and relics) for they were involved in the persecution of the Catacomb Church. Indeed, ROCOR broke communion with this very Sergian anti-Church to come back to it in 2007AD!

Let us not mention the new issue of power which the Muscovite (Russian) Church desires to wage on the Kievan (Ukrainian) Church all because of NATIONAL interests. After all, the Slavonic Church becoming a fruitful vine was first planted in Kiev (988AD) before Moscow (1589AD).

This current issue is indeed complex, but like the Macedonian Church that broke away from Serbia due to its Greek neighbours back lash, so too Kiev sought protection via the Ecumenical Patriarch whose right it is to intervene!

Although Sts. Cyril and Methodius missioned throughout the Balkans, and the Patriarchate of Constantinople sent bishops to form the new See (Cathedra/seat of the bishop) of Kiev, yet the problem with Moscow and many jurisdictions in general is that they are lusting after the power and institutional platform of Rome!

It is true that in formative times they were given the Tomos (letter of institution) to exist as an independent Church – yet they must not interfere with the same right extended onto others…the present issue of Constantinople granting Kiev the right to exist without being re-absorbed by the Kremlin.

The unfortunate situation with this particularity is that once a Patriarchal See places itself above another in seeking to absorb in itself neighbouring churches: it is rendered UNCANONICAL! Hence, the real issue here is the innings of a spiritual battering ram to push a secular political agenda! Yet the Lord clearly states: ‘‘Give unto Cesar that which is Cesar’s and give unto God that which is His!” (Mk 12:17)

There exists another sensitive issue regarding linage… many outside the Orthodox Church including those who vest and serve in an orthodox manner yet are not in communion with us, carry on about how they are it (the Church) and we Orthodox are mere schismatic (verging on illegitimacy)…

Let’s clear up a myth of the past – without offending anyone but at the same time SAFEGUARDING OUR DIGNITY which is warranted with drawing on scriptural and historical facts… Those who consider themselves THE CHURCH cast a charge REPEATEDLY upon the Orthodox Church for not being in communion with the SUPPOSED Chair of Peter!

THE APOSTLE PAUL FOUNDED ROME!!! Peter came into the picture much later - he (Peter) FOUNDED ANTIOCH! Thus Paul appointed two administrators (presbyters which much later came to be known as bishops) for Italy at that time– the disciples LINUS and CLETUS followed by CLEMENT!

Yet when we (the Orthodox Church) trace our linage back to the Apostles and their disciples; it adds up with proof in hand! If we truly are what they classify as illicit – then why is the historical fact of linage concerning the accusers unveiled incomplete???

They can only trace their supposed succession back to a mere prelate of the 15th Century: Scipione Fabrizio Cardinal Rebiba (Born: 1504! Bishop: 1541 – 1577AD)??? Surly there are many questions that remained unanswered precisely due to the Great Schism of 1054 AD and its repercussions!

This (Schism) of course should not exist, but as we know only too well – we all see things differently regarding such matters and our human fragility gets the better of us at times! On the other hand; upholding the facade of unity whilst being together and constantly fighting/disagreeing with each other is a recipe for disaster to come – the equivalent of aviolent marriage where the young suffer!


Reconciliation becomes impossible due to a major cancer in Orthodoxy: Nationalism! Yet there exists a possibility for union and that may only occur within the Diaspora which is somewhat remote from the Mother/Fatherlands.

Sadly, this can only happen when the old guard have died out and vocations can be nurtured in local soil and fostered within; totally remote from any national and cultural collision!

We pray that the local churches within the diaspora may also cleanse itself from past ignorance and deal with modern issues with the lenses of the first apostles and disciples which were far more embracing and had scope to do so!

Unfortunately, the history of the Church has been violently tarnished due to various factors - especially considering foreign dominion to which the corruption of translations, accounts and practice were made to fit so that the dominators would allow the faith to exist…..much has been concealed!

The reformations too took their toll on the faith and made it become something totally foreign to the heart of God and his mercy – becoming the cause and mess of the Church via the infiltration of thought from those who are not apostolic, who have not understood the mindset, culture and practices of the Church!

For example, for these and the evangelicals; the authority of the Bible is unquestionable – every word is from God and there are no two ways about it! The problem is that they don’t know nor understand (lacking completeness) where such comes from – let’s not mention word and mouth tradition which is contrary to their ideology (Sola Scriptura) scripture alone!

Again, most translations (Holy Bible editions) around the place ARE FRIGHTFULLY WRONG and way out of line from the original – I will touch on this later on in the statement.

May I take the opportunity to flag down an important issue amongst apostolic young to middle-aged Christians; a problem overlooked and conveniently placed to the side by many bishops and presbyters due to the Heresy of Ecumenism outside the Apostolic Church: the Protestant mindset has plagued our people who are resorting to unhealthy evangelical tendencies!

It is worth mentioning that those outside the Church accuse us THE CHURCH of Idolatry…this of course happens when they have no apostolic concept: the Old Testament is full of rituals Holy Liturgy prescribes and that God himself ordered Sacred Iconography to be in place.

May I mention the Book of Exodos which is rich with thus: the Ark of the Covenant within the Holy of Holies (Altar Sanctuary) as the par excellence where the image of the CHERUBIM (a species of angelic beings) overshadows the Ark!!!

Hence, the faith in the early centuries became tarnished with many errors which needed to be pruned away in order for the vine to grow healthy and produce fruit once more. Thus, the Seventh Ecumenical Council (meaning all representatives of Orthodox Diocese worldwide) came together to settle the matter regarding ICONOGRAPHY.

Many at the time had marred into NON APOSTOLIC groups which began misinterpreting the second commandment of the Elder Law: “You are not to make images of ME” (GOD) (Ex 20:40) May I again reiterate that the temple of Jerusalem was fully decorated with iconography and the Ark itself was commanded by God to have the image of angelic beings overshadowing it:

“The Cherubim are to have their wings spread upwards in overshadowing the Ark as the means of veiling my presence which safeguards. They shall face one another as they look upon it; for it is the place where my mercy rests!” (Ex 25:20)

Therefore holy icons were then replaced via such groups by images from creation. An example of this is the sacrificial lamb rather than a portrait of He who is the Lamb….let’s not mention he imprinted his own face on the veil of Holy Veronica – VERO ICONA (St. Beatrice the woman with the issue of blood) and he left us the imprint on his own burial shroud which was stolen from Constantinople, passed through various hands and finally brought to the basilica of St. John the Baptist in Turin by the House of Savoy in 1578AD.

Hence, returning to the Seventh Council in the year 787 AD held in Nicaea (IZNIK Turkey) such Non Apostolic groups were then known as the ICONOCLASTS those who opposed the veneration of Icons. These began protesting and paved the way for what happened in Germany and England with the protestant reformers who not only whitewashed churches but violently destroyed that which is sacred.

Therefore, the Triumph of Orthodoxy occurred when such insanity of empyreal power exited existence; the death of Emperor Theophilos at which his young son Michael and mother Theodora rightfully handed over that which always belonged to the synod of the church under the presidency of Archbishop Methodios in the year 843 AD. Thus this occurred on the 1st Sunday of Lent and was the cause of much celebration.


In the Orthodox Church, we commemorate the Dormition – the Pascha (Easter/Resurrection) of the Theotokos (Mariam of Nazareth) just as the burning bush on Sinai was alight but not consumed, so too was the womb of the New Ark of the Covenant (Mary) that carried the first fruits of the harvest (Jesus) uncorrupted by the elements and laws of nature.

Some would shun such talk because the Theotokos (Mariam of Nazareth) is an impediment to Christ….yet they forget that He who is the Law personified took of her bone, flesh and blood in order to come amongst us as Emmanuel.

Hence, as it was the will of the Father Pantocrator that Jesus the Son be sent to the world. Jesus honoured the Father in all things as he commanded Moses from Sinai; after that very command comes the second and equally important observance; Honour thy Mother!!!

Here we have it and just as the Lord loved and honoured that which was precious to him (his Mum) especially seen in the account of the Apostle Simon the Zealot’s Wedding at Cana (water changed to wine at Mariam’s request), so too does the Church honour and venerates the Mother of God as commanded!

Therefore, if we are Christians and profess Christ come into the world as the Saviour, then we must wholeheartedly give due reverence to the one who RSVP’D on our behalf – Mariam!

Thus, just as she represented us in signing the contract that Emmanuel sealed with his very blood, so too was the great absolution fulfilled with the fact of Mariam who died as we all must; yet, was then raised and given the dignity of glory beyond the Cherubim, Seraphim and blessed powers of heaven!

The Ark of the Covenant was shielded by the fashioning of angelic hosts over it, so too was the Ark of flesh and Mercy Seat (Mariam’s womb) who enthroned God the Son raised beyond the corruption of flesh.

Others would still challenge such truths due to their NON APOSTOLIC (not belonging to the vine of the Church) even going to the extent of accusing us of heresy (error) regarding Mary being raised.

May I remind the Sola Scriptura brigade (if it’s not in the Bible it can’t be true) that when the Lord physically died on the wood of the cross what happened? Did not the dead (the righteous) rise from their graves as Lazarus before them and thus enter the Holy City (Jerusalem) to give testimony to the Lord as THE MESSIAH???? (Mt 27:52)

Hence, if the righteous rose and gave witness to he who is life everlasting, then what’s the problem with SHE WHO GAVE LIFE TO HIS EARTHLY BODY??? In truth, it is right and just for her to be raised to the dignity wholeheartedly bestowed her by the All Holy Trinity as THEOTOKOS (the one who carries God into the world)!

May I say how terrible it is to hear amongst Greeks and Italians the horrendous and demonic habit of blasphemy especially when naming the Mother of God via reducing her to the standard of a cheap pleasure worker – this is one of the greatest sins against the Holy Spirit (for Mariam is the vessel of the Holy Spirit) such utterings bring condemnation; if anything, people should be invoking the Theotokos to aid them for she pleads to the Lord to visit us in his Mercy!!!

Hence the Apostolic Faith has been tarnished by groups outside the Church and casting sands of doubt into the oyster of our people’s faith! Thus, why It is most desirable and urgent that churches within the Apostolic family get over their stupidity - start dialogue via working ardently to reconcile and overcome past blunders and errors mainly due to political influence; the true notion of Ecumenism and prayer of the Lord’s command for his body to be one!


Constantinople (Byzantium) was visited/evangelized by the Apostle Andrew (38AD) which was later transformed into the Byzantine Empire by Constantine the Great (330AD). Although the Mother of God spared Constantinople many times via her protection, yet when faith turned into religion and the kingdom of God into an earthly empire; the Ottoman Sultan Mehmet ii invaded (1453AD)

The Justinian basilica of Holy Wisdom (Agia Sofia: built 523-537AD) witnessed a blood bath, the sacrilege of that which is holy – carrying away the spoils, the rape and slaughter of both male and female monastics and its conversion into a Mosque via Iconoclasm!!! Thus, the patriarchate was reduced in size and a hall which originally stored royal horses, animals and agricultural tools became the new church of St. George (1586AD) within the district of Phanar in Istanbul!

Yet, when uncle Meletios Metaxakis (Born 1871 Enthroned 1926-1935AD) secured the patriarchal throne of Constantinople: the equivalent of Vatican ii occurred with the obsession of accommodating those outside the Church via laying aside that which blood, sweat and tears defended by taking on that which is foreign to the faith of the Church!

It is well that we reach out onto others, but totally unacceptable that we allow their convictions to replace and alter that which we hold sacred! Unity means that we all believe the same 100% on all subjects; we may differ regarding rites and customs but the faith is and should hold the same!

Thus, unity with those outside the Church cannot be for they will not yield to what the Church has always taught – if they did so, then there is no need for denominations which clearly are not in unison with the faith! Belief in Jesus means belief in his Church, his Words, his Commands and his Authority given to the Successors of his Apostles (bishops).

Yet this too is interpreted according to the conviction of each groups (denomination) causing a state of turmoil! Hence, without sounding uncivil and perhaps archaic; when it comes to that which is sacred and unchanged - we are not to prostrate ourselves before those who did not accept what the Church always maintained via creating collateral damage in forming a monstrous cancer called denominations!

Just as the fundamental ingredients of recipes must not be altered nor too much water should be added to wine – so too must we be cautious when it comes to the Faith that the Martyrs (ancient and new) professed and upheld!

The problem is that we the Apostolic Church have always tried to accommodate in order that others outside would feel comfortable, yet they don’t receive well what we try to convey but expect us to accept their warped theological and ecclesial convictions!!!


Many of you may think whilst reading this statement “another mad bishop who lacks vision” may I point out the immense problem in families that have been visited with the plague of religion change and how it has totally destroyed them precisely due to not knowing their faith well and lacking nutrition via their church they attend/attended!

How many families in our Italian, Greek, Macedonian and other communities have left Apostolic Christianity to join the madness of these cults due to the Church, their ordained ministers and supposed believers in general not supporting their people and nourishing them properly???

How many of our people truly know what their faith is about and why we make the sign of the cross which in itself is an icon of the Holy Trinity??? This is why people leave (lack of true catechesis) and why we really need to get it right and detox completely from such groups that have nothing nor have ever belonged to THE CHURCH!!!

I invite you to read on so that you can behold for yourselves the truth of my words and in the Lord’s own exhortation: “Depart from them for they have been blinded and as guides they will surely cause their own downfall and that of many others to stumble into the pit!” (Mt 15:14)

Unfortunately, we hear from such groups OUTSIDE THE CHURCH that the Bible has answers, the Bible is our anchor, and that the Bible is the word of God! May I clarify that the Bible is a biography which states historical accounts according to the mindset of the people of its time!

Now before people start jumping up and down screaming heretic; may I affirm the heresy that has been created and believed by many especially in remnant Western Christendom which the Apostolic Church NEVER questioned and rightfully so! The Bible (the written word) cannot stand alone without its liturgical tradition (the divine mysteries) which God commanded to be observed in both Covenants!!!

Furthermore, there is another blunder that has crept into the Church from the obvious culprits outside the Faith: BIBLE STUDY GROUPS!

This is not (Bible Study) and never has been part of the Church’s formation for the people – LITURGY which encapsulates Scripture, Psalmody, Patristics, Prayer, Meditation, Veneration, Worship and Teaching (however seldom due to convictions of who presides and rules the roost in most places) gives clergy and laity the opportunity not only to reflect but relive and partake of living scripture which we call Holy Tradition!

When it comes to family, the family home, means of communication are but a portion of life amongst others – meals are shared, emotions are cultivated, talents contribute, and travels are the daily rhythm. Hence the Church of the Apostles is missionary centred; it adapts, transforms and nurtures what it finds in its surrounding but, does not change to suit the standards of the world for we live in the Body of Christ which is unchangeable!

Nor do we re-enact! There is nothing to re-enact or pretend, nor imagine for it is not for us to imagine that which we can’t grasp because the minute we start imagining as I stated in my encyclical on faith: “we derail from the truth and invent our own reality in accordance to our emotions which are constantly fluctuating!”

Thus, the CHURCH which is ORTHODOX, constantly liturgizes for that is its function! Liturgy is far beyond meditation and echoing praise and focus on events of the past. In contrast, the Church vividly proclaims the power and eternal presence of these all holy events which are solemnly celebrated in song, word, art, action and the tangibility of substances: Bread, Wine, Water, Oil, flame, perfume and vesture.

Hence, as living members of the mystical body of Christ ‘his Church’ we again are made participants thereof! Regarding ecclesial music – the Apostolic Church mirrors the Heavenly worship and there is the sacredness of chant; we are not the Hillsong enterprise that lives on the emotions which constantly flux – there is sacred music and then nice melodies that have a few religious words to it; this is not worship!

However beautiful certain songs may be along with the accompaniment – I do like to listen to a few, but it’s not set apart (sacred) for worship (liturgy) It’s like when Christmas carols are performed in concert by these professionals who have trained well and sing magnificently. With all due respect to them who I admire, but even if one were to sing something religious; you can tell if the person is a prayerful soul or not – the lacking of the very presence of the spiritual within the rendition! This happens when we do not detox and render according to the context – the context of the apostolic faith in this equation!

We (the Orthodox Church) witnessed a great problem in America with those who desired to come to the True faith who were former ministers in other denominations yet the Antiochian jurisdiction (Church of Antioch) in particular made a major mistake in taking these in way too quickly!

Hence, the result was Protestantism, Anglicanism, Catholicism, and other convictions spreading once again in orthodox vesture. Thus, why has such been allowed to take place?

No detox period was given, these ministers should have experienced ordinary life as orthodox Christians first before they were admitted to holy orders. Such quick fixes, filling in gaps, or admittance to positions of authority encourages the rather unhealthy practice of Guruism in its various forms!

Let’s not mention the arrogance of certain individuals who may have a grand academic CV with the tendency to write a book on a subject regarding orthodoxy five minutes into their conversion so to speak/write!

It is desirable at this point to introduce a concise historical listing of how various ideologies surfaced claiming to be the genuine article – the Church that Jesus Christ and his Apostles founded!

In addition; why it is most important that converts be given ample time to settle in the Apostolic Faith before venturing on various vocations that have proven ill suited! With that, most orthodox (clergy and lay) have no idea of what they believe either – a re-evangelization of the supposed evangelized is truly warranted!!!

+ Holy Orthodoxy 33AD Jesus Christ and his Apostles

* Roman Catholicism 1054AD Pope Leo ix (Severed itself from Holy Orthodoxy)

* Lutheranism 1517AD Martin Luther

* Anglicanism 1534AD Henry viii

* Calvinism 1555AD John Calvin

* Presbyterianism 1560AD John Knox

* Congregationalism 1586AD Robert Brown

* Baptists 1609AD John Smyth

* Methodist Episcopalians 1739AD John Wesley

* Episcopalians 1789AD Samuel Seabury

* United Brethren 1800AD Phillip Otterbein

* Disciples of Christ 1827AD Thomas Campbell

* Mormonism 1830AD Joseph Smith

* Salvation Army 1856AD William Booth

* Jehovah’s Witness 1874AD Charles Russell

* Christian Science 1879AD Mary Baker Eddy

There are various other groups which sprung from most of these heresies which have not been mentioned - especially those of the evangelical persuasion; the United States is full of them and Australia is unfortunately catching up!

Therefore, detoxing from such is an ardours task and must be done with experienced guidance – preferably via the instruction of a bishop as was always the custom from formative years.

Thus when people have not been given ample time to settle, learn the faith well and leave baggage of the past behind; catechesis corrupts and the human person’s spiritual life will experience crisis and undoubtedly fall apart which in this case has resulted in collateral damage!!! As far as the monastic charter is concerned: “Unless one experiences 12 Pascha’s (Easters’) – they will not fully comprehend the Apostolic Faith Holy Orthodoxy holds!”

Another problem which the Apostolic Church faces is that of the infiltration of ideologies stemming from other denominations - practiced amongst supposed Apostolic Christians!

This of course takes shape via prayer groups and adherers to founding men and women who lacked completeness of faith, were dissatisfied in the practice thereof; proceeding to open a new way of life which in their reality was/is the ultimate catechetical structure and renaissance of prayer, meditation and liturgical observance!


Therefore, in the light of paving a sound pathway; referring to catechesis (teaching) St. Ambrose of Milan (340-397AD) offered catechesis as part of his episcopal ministry being a man gifted with words. He was much loved by the people especially those who didn’t practice their faith well – among them were the anticlerical who rightly objected to the stupidity of pomp most clerics are diseased with!

Hence, after Liturgy, he gave a series of talks on subjects at which the people packed a picnic lunch, sat quietly in his cathedral and whilst they ate respectfully, they would be edified by catechesis which caused a re-practice of their faith via COMING BACK TO LITURGY!

Hence, the problem these days is that a great number of clergy are not interested, lack formation or are way too up themselves; tight nit associations within their circles - unfortunately rendering most of them out of touch and ineffective.

On the other hand, the attention span of people in general is short, tending to wander in thoughts and fantasies. Let’s not mention the eagerness to converse and catch up on the latest gossip with the group one associates with; meanwhile the sublime rites are offered there and then IN A LANGUAGE ALL CAN UNDERSTAND!

We do want things simple at times, yet we do not pay attention although the deacons invite us to pay attention via praying the minor litanies Deacon: Again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord! All: Lord have Mercy…….

We prefer to take away essential parts or can I say: remove major organs from the body and desire a quasi-life support system instead; better known as taking yesterday’s crumbs rather than today’s freshly baked loaf in the pursuit of this Bible study obsession!

The Bible: Yes there are words God asked his saints of the old and new covenant to convey to the people, yet the WORD OF GOD is not a book but a living person: GOD THE SON!

“In the beginning was the Word….the word is God…..all things came into being through him… him is life….the light of all people…..the light shines in the darkness and darkness could not overcome it…………….

He came to what was his own people, but they did not accept him. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood or the will of the flesh or the will of man, but of God. (Baptism) And the word became flesh and lived among us and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth……….

Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God. (In essence) It is God the only Son, who is close to the Fathers’ heart, who has made him known.”

Hence for this very reason the Book of Gospels alone rests on the Altar of all Orthodox Churches and is solemnly brought to life in the Communion of Saints via the liturgical rites HE (God the Holy Trinity) commanded us to observe!

Furthermore, Holy Scripture must always accompany the liturgical life of the Church as it has from the beginning from the worship God commanded to be observed in the temple, to the fulfillment of worship of the Eucharist which God the Son commanded which is the ONLY acceptable form of worship!

Thus, regarding the Bible; Holy Scripture itself is INSUFFICIENT – the INCARNATION proves this! This is precisely why the body of Christ: we his holy Church made up of the Communion of Saints both in heaven and here on earth, have been gifted various mysteries (sacraments) and styles of prayer for our edification by God the Holy Spirit!

A body needs all its organs to function well; so too must we NOTrely on the Bible alone but LIVE IT through the CYCLE OF DIVINE SERVICES, and the RHYTHMS OF PRAYER monastic (hours) and lay (devotions) that our worship may be made complete!!!

Worship “LATREIA” (Cultum) is offered wholeheartedly to God for his glory in order that we may do as he commanded; nourished via the gifts he himself blesses and transforms into his very presence - so that we may live, grow and become part of his body which is a daily conversion!

Worship is sacred and that’s why MEN are appointed (consecrated/ordained) from the days of the priesthood of Aaron to that of the Apostles in Jesus Christ so that we may offer HE who is Holy for the holy people of his body; SACRUM – set apart for him alone!

The Worship of God in the Body of his Church in Jesus his Son is in no way the modern rot of a rock concert (Hillsong) where emotions which fluctuate are the climax!!!

Neither is holy worship a meeting large or small where there are lights, cameras and action with a nut job quoting phrases and interpreting thus according to his or her mood swing: another reason the Bible should not be read alone but alongside the commentary and guidance of the Holy Fathers who came from that very tradition!

Thus, words must accompany actions: the incarnation itself testifies to thus and must not remain mere words alone for if it does : “How can the seed of wheat bring life to a failing crop if it does not fall upon the ground and die but remains just a single grain?” (Jn 12:24)

Therefore, If every word and every account were as true as they (all those groups who profess Christ yet are outside his Church) maintain and explain (however culturally ignorant of various accounts in the context of the tradition and liturgy in both covenants) why do they object to the Bible as a whole???

Why do they (all groups outside the Apostolic Church) reject that which THE CHURCH always maintained as part of the Canon of Scripture: the books of Esdras, Tobit, Judith, the ending of Esther, Wisdom, Sirach/Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, certain parts of Daniel, Maccabees etc.…???

Hence, what happens now? Why are such mentioned above considered Apocryphal/Fable whilst everything else is precise 100%??? WE HAVE A PROBLEM! Hence, there is much that needs to be seen in the Light of THE CHURCH and not that which came round (groups claiming to be church) in the last couple of 100 years!


Having stated thus, let’s not mention the fact that most of these groups claiming to be Church follow the uncanonical text of the Old Testament: The MASORETIC which is a bastardized version of the Greek SEPTUAGINT (C 3rd BC) which THE CHURCH always followed!

The Masoretic (C 9th AD) was wilfully manufactured via removing all Christological references and for that matter: a thoroughly unchristian text!!! All Protestant groups and other cult like organizations follow it!!!

A perfect example of this is found in both the Book of Psalms (Spt) 21:17 (Mas) 22: 16 and in the Book of the Prophet St. Isaiah where Chapter 53 (THE FORBIDDEN CHAPTER) was taken out completely (C 17th AD) in the Masoretic text for the obvious reasons stated previously – yet borrowed from the Septuagint and inserted in the supposed Christian bible of the non-apostolic (following the Masoretic eg: NRSV) in order to claim some Christian credibility!

With all due respect, we need to clear up what is Church and its holy tradition (for there were many other accounts not written as the Apostle John states Jn 21:25) against that which is the cultural mentality, and ignorance pertaining to thus within the timeframe such was written – considering the towing of such for the sake of its insecurity; translated in ignorance and incorrectly believed as dogma!

The 1956 Bible Society translations which everyone swallowed NRSV in particular is the par excellence of an example; Anathema is our response for they are the cause of Holy Christendom’s SECULARISATION in the West!

With the downing of Western Christendom and certain supposed Christians (clergy and lay) at odds with Christ himself, let us draw towards the Lord’s life and ministry amongst us, his resurrection and coming again; let’s not mention the Eucharist where the Lord himself states that those who do not partake die! (Jn 6:53)

Yet such groups (outside the APOSTOLIC CHURCH) query (Jn 6:55) this of course becomes another problem; one can’t be Christian if they do not accept the certainty of the Lord’s words but conveniently verge on the auspices of symbolism in its regard in order to steer away from the historical apostolic Church that is rich with and in its tradition and cultural heritage!!

May I also point out the tensions within the cultural settings and the refusal of mixing, accepting and understanding thoroughly other neighbouring cultures, lifestyles (prime examples throughout the old covenant) and the various forms of liturgy throughout biblical years!

The non-apostolic clearly do not and will not understand fully due to denying its very existence which would most certainly flaw the existence of their particular group(s).

Hence, that which was not thoroughly kosher (Hebrew) and only partial due to the cultural mentality was of course a great obstacle as we also see in the great confrontations the apostles Peter and Paul had to a vital tenant of Judaism: Circumcision!

Thus, these (Gentiles) of course were considered unworthy by the Hebrew within early Judeo-Christianity due to their narrow mindedness and insecurity of certain aspects regarding Gentiles which such did not understand - conveniently classified thus as evil. Let us remember that to which the Lord himself challenged such behaviour publically and in a few instances discreetly!

The Apostles and St. Paul in particular had to constantly intervene in the affairs of many churches and communities due to the same misunderstandings, national superiorities (a common problem in Orthodoxy) ill practice of liturgy – the lack thereof, and rigidity much of the Judeo-Christians burdened the Gentile Christians with; such warped ideologies caused impediments for many other potential faithful! (Old habits remain!)

On the Subject of warped ideologies, I would like to quote from our Exarchal Encyclical entitled Faith in the light of the certainty of the Church:

Thus, faith is not a matter of thought because to think encourages freedom of interpretation – which in this case leads to heresy (departure from that which has been established as truth) eg: the tendency to make God in our own image and likeness rather than knowing him as revealed to us in the faith of HIS Church!

Furthermore, to know is to be sure of – affirming with the whole church katholiki (universal) which is orthodox (correctly giving due worship and glory to God in the true faith) - continually reaffirms our creed!

Whereas to think opens the portals of doubt due to limited understanding rekindling our interpretation which leads to deceit which is the product of our emotions that are in a constant state of flux…….

The faith does not change as exhorted again by the Apostle Paul in the 13th chapter and 8th verse to the Hebrews: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” For there is no deceit in God but only truth which proceeds out of love!

Hence, let us reflect upon those early centuries where the Church Fathers also had to again intervene and warn the faithful against those who were not certain, nor trusted that which was the faith handed down via the apostles and their disciples who were eyewitnesses.

One such remarkable high presbyter of the Church was St. Ignatius of Antioch (68-107AD) thus, in his Epistle (pastoral letter) to the Smyrnaeans (Smyrna an ancient city of now Turkey) compares heretical thought to the stubbornness of animals; warning his flock that it is very easy to be persuaded by such.

Yet he then reminds them that: “Christ is fully God and fully man (a problem now days many supposed Christians find hard to accept) for if he were not but were just a mere resemblance, then that which we teach and embody becomes only an exterior façade which has no spiritual foundation -verging on deceit!!!”

As the centuries unfold, and the denominational mess increased; the whole Apostolic Church unfortunately accepted various ill-furnished interpretations of the NON APOSTOLICS causing various problems in identifying what was of cultural mentality opposed to theological thought.

This sadly is the reason why there are divisions, why there is victimisation, why people take their own lives, and why we have not understood the incarnation; the one who came to shed his blood for us; mocking him continually by shedding the blood of others through various means via our ignorance, stupidity and uncertainty!


May I flag down an important issue that occurred within the recent pandemic – the Apostolic Church had to appeal for its right to administer to the sick (last rites/unction/communion etc) which was a task and a half to get through!

Why? If we as Apostolic Christians keep on bowing down to those who are not – we are as proved in this situation: all classified in the same boat where our rites are seen as non-essential and symbolic like theirs! We truly need to reassess our position and in the meantime: stand aside!

Another reason why (canonically speaking) the Orthodox Church cannot belong to The World Council Of Churches (although some are - beginning with Metaxakis)….and with that – why we must go back to where we started and begin shaping, living and ministering again within the spirit and linage of our first fathers who bestowed succession upon us according to Christ’s command!

If the Apostle Paul clearly stated that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8) and further exhorted we are too keep fast to the Gospel (Gal 1:8) which can only be interpreted within THE CHURCH (1Cor 2:13) – then why so many versions? Denominations?

There is only ONE CHURCH (1Cor 3:11) Either one continues living a lie or steps back (Rev 13:15) and admits the arrogance that has been wilfully created - having the humility to join oneself to Christ’s true Church; wiping the dust from ones feet from grounds that have caused blunders, bloodbaths and heartache!

The Church is the living sacramental organism which lives day by day (Mt 6:34) – not kingdoms that have been constructed and its clergy are exempt from daily struggles having everything catered for them (1Cor 4:12)! Nor is it the blasphemy of such clowns that appear on television that wear most fine garments, know their version of scripture and fool many via word and performance (Mt 24:5)

Let’s not kid ourselves; such deluded and spiritually bankrupt personalities tour the country side and fly the skies with the hard earnt money via the labours of poor misguided souls under them!

It is well and just that a community supports their church (2Cor 8: 11-15) but not to the extent that it becomes another bank in the guise of Church; an enterprise within itself - the contrary of what the function of the Body of the Church should be (Mt 21:13)!

After all, we are speaking about the embodiment of the biography of God and his love letters to his churches of both covenants – not a recipe for those who appear out of nowhere which find somewhat appealing assemble!

Of course such ignorance then embarks thus to learn incorrectly/randomly deciding to interpret thus based on poor vision. Hence, such then proceed to open up business - adding or subtracting that which they do not understand nor like.

Let’s not mention the fact that the flavour of thus which either sweetens or sours their personal palate becomes the enforced decision/flavour for all palates within their group! Let us remember that in the Old Testament Church the culture and mindset of the time was that the majority had many wives and servants which was not in question.

In the New Testament, the gentiles had their ways and of course the maintenance of dual to poly relationships which were gradually corrected, yet other aspects remained without question however hushed!

One element of violation which is ever clear (certain Church Fathers speak about it due to being victims themselves) which most have failed to see is; the abomination against God: RAPE (which IS the charge against Sodom) and PEDAPHILIA (the charge against initiation in families, centres of learning, religious societies, and military exploitations!)


There are many circulating supposed apologists (YouTube is full of them) that try to combat this reality and the cult mentality such endorse amongst their own families – a truly sickening state of affairs to which there is only one word/action to employ with such: RUN!!!

Furthermore, there are well known groups within a larger portion of a certain denomination which harbours separatist ideologies employing the phrase PHARAO to anyone that challenges their statutes. May I point out that such a group employ the ancient monastic tenant of points used within the western office of Compline which is the last office/prayer of the day!

Concerning the context of the group in question as likeminded others set in place: a quasi-prosecution panel is employed via the elders. Thus, members of all ages are then interrogated with the obsession of knowing what goes on in one’s private life - the young in particular should be exempt from such stupidity!

Hence, this very same group knows only too well that abusive behaviours of all categories linger within. Yet as history repeats – the cult mentality excuses such via the communal statutes which in their poor vision justifies certain behaviours as such which any cult sadly prescribes!

Regarding poor vision, the other problem that Orthodoxy faces is that it hasn’t learnt to breath with both lungs – the worldly state of relationships and the monastic state of being…..St Paul was very clear in that for if one burns with the passions of the world: one MUST find a person who is compatible and enjoy the life God created for us (1Cor 7:9) this of course brings us to the hurdle of sin.

Although the non apostolics (those who are not part of THE CHURCH) are obsessed with it which has tainted Christianity as a whole! Yet the Orthodox have not only swallowed that rot, but constructed a quasi-schizophrenic mindset between the world and the confines of the monastery; instructing couples to live by their rule in that the pleasures of intimacy are evil….this is way out of line from the beginning of our heritage!

Borrowing from our Exarchal Encyclical on St. Joseph of Nazareth in considering the matter at hand, may I state the following in reaffirming the Orthodox position (not the current blunder of mindset in orthodoxy today):

“Some among the family of the Church are indeed holy, have wisdom, are gifted; yet one aspect of the human which God will not remove is our own stupidity which stems from that very ego! We need to have the humility to recognize it and begin placing it aside via collaboration to the Divine will that invites us to strive for perfection!”

Hence we must bear in mind that heretical thoughts have plagued the Church throughout the centuries up to this very day. Although a fair amount was defeated, yet they rise up in every era partially due to denominational mess; causing further confusion within those who supposedly are apostolic!

Hence, “the innings of various heresies (Messalianism, Manichaeism, Jansenism) used to suggest that love and intimacy are evilthis was never the case nor the perspective in Holy Orthodoxy for it (love & intimacy) are part of the same wondrous gift and not reserved for the soul purpose of recreation alone!

This blunder is also partially due to the ignorance of many monastic writings which we have come to know as PENDALION (pathway/walk) where the major writer of thus questions himself that he could definitely be wrong…..

The Philokalia (writings of various fathers) too have errors which if we examine closely – certain elements are heretical. Thus, unfortunately these books especially that of the Pedalion have overruled the Canons (rules of the seven ecumenical councils) which are silent on many worldly issues precisely due to the sound separation of the world and of that which pertains to the confines of the monastery!


On the subject of separating two lifestyles that are incompatible, the other danger to consider is the mentality particularly endorsed within the lay community (the old school guard) the tendency to pedal such thought in question and organise their own canons (rules) Such endeavours cause much harm especially to the younger generations – the same problem the Apostle Paul fought against regarding the welcoming of Gentile converts!

Again, I would like to employ a passage from our Exarchal Encyclical entitled The Church which stems from personal experience in cult mentality groups within orthodoxy – a letter I expressed to the Greek Synod I was under at the time to which many previous pastors also experienced from certain lay groups enforcing such uncanonical stance:

Venerable Fathers, I do not wish to accuse anyone, nor do I wish to create friction, but in conscience I could no longer keep silent - especially with the traumatic experiences I myself witnessed and suffered; experiences that under Australian law are criminal offences!

It is of primary importance that you are aware of the situation here and do your best to resolve it before there is nothing left to resolve! Having stated thus, I pray that the Holy Synod works ardently to rectify the matter.

Furthermore, in all sincere honesty, I cannot tolerate the former group/rather (the cult leader) I served under who is notorious in the orthodox world: Is still in good standing with the Church after the mental, spiritual, and physical damage he has caused one of your clerics (me) - having done so to others and to many of the faithful in the past and continues to do so; wallowing in his own poor delusion!

Lent may be the time for forgiveness, but how can there be forgiveness if there is no true repentance??? May God grant worthy clerics to work with you in bringing about reconciliation amongst your people!”

Regarding Communities: Monasticism is for Monks and people who are called to live the contemplative life according to their capacity but in no way to be forced on a parish/community/church family which its members strive to live a Christian life.

These already have it tough in trying to provide for a family, meeting work requirements and other such criteria; a mental breakdown or psychological dysfunction is imminent when anyone forces another to become something they are not especially under unpleasant and manipulative circumstances!

This state of mind many cult leaders portray in pretending to be that which they can never be nor acquire stems from their truly demented status; leading poor souls around them to dark and arid pastures. Why? Most of these dodgy characters who come back to a form or religion (not faith) in their late 40’s and early 50’s do so because they have exhausted many parts of humanity and have reached a dead end!!!

The problem with the supposed conversion of these dodgy characters is that because they have lived a worldly life with all its pleasures – these then decide to shun everything with vengeance! Such then endeavour to create a non-tolerance approach to others who perhaps are living normally; the dictatorship approach dished out by such radical fundamentalist nut jobs.

Unfortunately the average good soul trying to make his or her way in the world with their simple but beautiful (organic) faith are often plagued by such characters who are masters of manipulation and fraud! Sadly, these good potential souls end up walking away from faith all together –cult collateral damage!!!

Hence, it is most clear that those who think (the fundamentalist cult minded converts IN CHARGE) are living the supposed rule – such are not as holy and pure as they exercise on the exterior.

Thus, eradication of such dictator mindsets and traditions must be expelled from the Church! Let’s face it; this is precisely the reason why people in church circles (clergy and lay) tend to live double lives due to this very problem!

How many times have we witnessed the violent outing of others via those who exteriorly portray supposed spotless living? Yet when the accusers themselves have been caught out – the group (cult) finds an excuse to protect them???

It is true that we must tame human nature, but there is a difference between the taming thereof for those who live in the world in contrast to those who live in monasteries!

The other problem that exists in Christendom is the expectation for the Christian to be as sound as a bell so to speak/write and mirror the lives of the holy – especially the saint whose name we have received in holy baptism.

However desirable it is that we mould the pattern of our life on those who bore witness before us, yet we are all different, unique and functions are diverse. Monasteries are designed to support the community of that house in a way of life which makes living the Christian life much easier especially with the spiritual detox of the body; fasting seasons!

In the world, it is a completely different scenario where we have very little to no such support; we are bombarded constantly and we are all subject to harsh realities and even the discovery of a component of self which we may not have thought ever existed!

Hence, begins the conversion – accepting who we really are before God, and having the humility to bare the cross and weight of the inconceivable of others. The very same love Christ nailed fragile humanity to the cross so that via that very same love it (the human fragility of others) can be transfigured and rise in glory!

There is no other abomination before God than this; the failure to love another human being which may have several imperfections - many we may also identify with! The minute we cast a stone onto others and impede their growth and potential service to Christ – we have in effect condemned ourselves and will not enter the promise to come; even if we have professed and accomplished many works! (Mt 25: 31-40)

If we fail to love others then we fail to love God and ourselves who we tend to hide and mask so that no suspicion be directed towards us!

Love does not mean as many think and portray in deceit: “Oh I love you in Christ but I don’t really like things about you!” “I’ll love you if you conform to my beliefs and the beliefs of the group I belong to!” “God can’t love you because you don’t fit the Christian criteria!” “You must deny who you are and become what we expect you to be!”

Unfortunately the Church and other groups are full of these spiritually bankrupted people, yet there is a time for all things as clearly written in the book of Ecclesiasticus! (Eccles 3:1-8) Therefore: TO TRULY LOVE IN CHRIST MEANS THIS AND NOTHING MORE OR LESS:

“I know you are imperfect and have many flaws but so do I and I see beyond that – I see that you are a beautiful person who has value whom I love and want too even more in God who asks us to reach out just as he did!”

Let’s not make any mistake: there are people who are vindictive, self-centred, arrogant, spiteful, covetous, and any other fault imaginable. Offering the other cheek does not mean we stand helpless and pale away our dignity into insignificance with every Tom, Dick, and Harry that comes along - having such faults which are incapable of respect.

We are indeed called to try, we are called to be different and have patience, yet when these do not want a bar of it – we let them go! We must not let false peace reign for that’s how characters thrive within! This lack of leadership and responsibility truly causes further harm with via behaviours previously mentioned being constantly excused under the auspices of keeping the peace! (Mt 18: 15-20)

Therefore, we need to correct this and begin to be transparent (honest) so that the state of scandal can be eradicated and people may once again live in the fullness of God without being afraid or totally unreasonable; removing that which is considered not appropriate – ridding the Church from the Pharisees that outnumber within.

The very same Pharisees alive and well today as yesteryear whom Christ exposed and expelled in the beginning via writing their names on the sand alongside their sin; the cause of them dropping their stones and walking away from the broken whom they ever seek to accuse -justifying their supposed untouchable selves!

In Christ our Bishop and amongst the College of his Apostles,

+ Raffaele




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