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Et Benedictus Fructus Ventris Tui Iesus

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

“Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favour with God. Lk 1:30

Homily on the 3rd Sunday of Great Lent.

Today the Church Universal celebrates the feast of the Annunciation; when the Archangel Gabriel brought Holy Mariam the Good news that Salvation (Jesus) would be born of Her.

What a wonderful feast we celebrate today, because for us it is the love story/recount of God to us His people. The recount of Salvation taking on our humanity, to live and dwell amongst His people; so that at the appointed time through His voluntary death and Resurrection, death (evil) would no longer have the authority or it's hold over creation!

Therefore, just as Holy Mother Mariam was invited to accept the Lord's invitation in becoming His Mother. We also are often asked/invited to accept an invitation from God in various ways.

Perhaps we have been given the opportunity to attend a Divine Service or to perform an act of charity for a fellow brother/sister in Christ. Maybe it's something as simple as taking a moment out of our busy lives to spend in meditation and prayer, so that God can re-energise us through His infinite love.

“The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Lk 1:35

It hurts me and many Orthodox faithful when we hear blasphemies against the Mother of God. Moreover, when Protestants or Evangelicals disregard the Theotokos - slandering Her by saying things such as - She is not an important figure in the life of Jesus, or that we worship Her and many other absurdities, it is truly heart breaking because She is our Mother; given to us by our Lord at the foot of the cross and we, the Orthodox faithful love and treasure Her dearly!

These people must realise that Holy Mariam was the only woman in ALL of human history to be pure enough to host God in All His Glory! Any other woman would have perished due to His awesomeness!

Moreover, Salvation was only possible because She wholeheartedly responded YES to the Lord's invitation in becoming His Mother!

Thus, to those who believe our Holy Mother is irrelevant let me say - firstly, you would not have your Holy Scripture that you cleave onto - which by the way has been mal-interpret due to departure from the truth (Orthodox teachings) in the great schisms of history. Lastly and most importantly there would be no Jesus and no eternal life because He would have never been born!

Having stated thus, before verbal fodder is expelled from ones mouth, one must think about what is being said before one makes fools of themselves.

In addition, we all know with certainty that God is all forgiving due to His immense love for us. However, there are two things that will not, under any circumstance be tolerated and they are the sin/blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and against the Mother of God. One should better find a good hiding spot because when the Lord comes to judge such blasphemies it will not be pretty!

The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David,  and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” Lk 1:32-33

A few months ago I noticed several pigeons flying around my house and I would admire their beauty. So I decided that I would buy a bird bath and some bird seed so they had food and water whenever they needed.

Therefore, when I sprinkle the seed on wooden stump that I have, I trace the sign of the cross because it's not me that provides the seed but the hand of God. He is the creator, so therefore I offer it to them in His name.

Thus my daughters saw me do this and they questioned me as to why I trace the cross over the seed. So I explained it to them and they loved that Jesus loves the birds as we do, so now they come out with me to feed the pigeons and they trace the Lord's Glorious cross over the seeds saying - "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit!

Hence, as parents it is so important to teach and nurture our children into the Orthodox faith because as we know the Church begins at home through the example of the parents, grandparents and elders.

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Lk 1:38

Today the Church celebrates another special feast the Adoration of the Cross.

As we know the cross is a reminder of our salvation, a symbol of our Christian identity, an aid in our prayer life and a defence from the attacks from evil. The Lord's Glorious cross has so much power when used in the correct manner. It is truly amazing.

Here, within our Holy Metropolis we have been blessed to posses a splinter of the true cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. I strongly recommend that you come to the Holy Friday service to see, touch and venerate the true cross of Christ.

In my ministry as a priest and as a deacon I have personally witnessed many healings and miracles through the power of the Lord's cross. I assure you with the words of our Saviour - if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. Mt 17:20

I pray that we all continue to stay strong through this season of Great Lent and eagerly look forward to celebrating Holy Pascha!

Through the prayers of our Glorious, All Pure Mother Theotokos, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us. Amen

Troparion of the Lord's Cross

O Lord, save us your people and bless us your inheritance. Grant victory to Orthodox Christians over their enemies and protect us by the precious and life-giving cross. Amen



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