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Feast of St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra

Updated: Dec 21, 2022

Saturday 17th December 2022 A.D.

Good Shepherd Chapel, Abbotsford

The bells in the tower welcomed the congregation and the liturgy began. The reading was from the Gospel according to St. Luke and spoke of Jesus healing the Samaritans - yet there was only one who was thankful.

The gifts were brought to the altar and blessed. Then the Icon of Mary was venerated as we remembered the invitation from God to RSVP to his love.

The gifts were prepared and the clergy took communion together. Then the presanctified lamb was prepared before communion was shared with the congregation.

After communion, Metropolitan Raffaele blessed and consecrated Romano and Maria's anniversary of marriage. The beautiful couple recommitted their love before God after ten happy years.

Following this, the relics of St. Nicholas were venerated and the congregation anointed by Metropolitan Raffale. Then Father Mark presented his homily on the importance of showing gratitude and thanks to the Lord for his blessings in life. He reminded us to take a moment to thank God when he answers our prayers and reminded us to remember the true meaning of Christmas at this time of celebration.

Metropolitan Raffaele presented Romano and Maria with a joyous icon of the Theotokos to celebrate their reconsecration of marriage and the liturgy concluded.

A feast was shared with the church family out the back

Father Mark's Homily

Venerating the Relics of St. Nicholas

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