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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele


The Lord who spoke to the crows beyond the shores of Gennesaret then blessed them and then turned to Simon son of Jonah and said: “Let us go into the deep and then you may cast your net into the sea for a catch!” At this Simon said to the Lord: “Rabbi, we have been out all night long exhausting ourselves to get a small catch but we have nothing!” (Lk 5 1:5) – abbreviated.

In this Sabbath’s Gospel according to the Apostle Luke, the Apostle Simon who became Peter “the one who’s faith had to be strong as rock” came to a point in his life where everything became merely routine – another day, another disappointment in the calendar of one’s life! This is very true for us who like Peter have been called to work the nets which we call Church – bringing new souls into Communion with God!

Like the lives of those fishermen, we too can become delusional with life, with our purpose, and perhaps start questioning our vocation – was it authentic, was it just pride getting in the way, or are these the times we just live in that make the daily catch thought provoking where we don’t even get a bite, a tug at the bait so to speak/write?

Unfortunately, in the well instituted organisations or church if you like, there are crowds, there are comforts, money is never an issue and of course one doesn’t have to lose sleep at night in worrying like Peter and his brother Apostles: “what and where are we going to eat tomorrow?” It is also true that in these grand institutions that vocations may have started in an authentic manner, but like the seed that falls amongst thorns – the riches or perhaps positions in life (clerical status) choke the sprouting seed (spiritual bankruptcy) causing the fruit never to ripen; another club with the yearly subscription!

We may see full house churches especially of the protestant and evangelical flavour, but in reality do people stay or is it more a case of emotional sway – an ever fluctuating equation ever present with such company! Have people accommodated themselves in a comfortable religion where like the Pharisees and big shots in ancient times render mere tokenism or does an authentic faith in the hearts of believers exist where commitment starts from the domestic church where the youngest member prays and breaths the Apostolic Faith as the eldest member of the family as was in formative times?

It is interesting to note that the Apostle Paul in the Sunday epistle writes to the Church present in Corinth about his own struggles and how the Lord tends to intervene at certain points in the face of life threatening situations. Apart from certain gifts received and so forth – things we would call psychological disorders these days especially with the unfortunate stance of the Church following the delusion of psychological theories rather than that (the Apostolic Faith) which has proved solid throughout the ages; fuel personal struggles making impediments for spiritual healing!

“I was given a thorn in the flesh which I saw as an impediment and thought of it even as being diabolical…..I thus pleaded to God three times so that he would remove this from me; yet he said “The strength I give onto others is made manifest in one’s weakness which brings perfection and grace!” (2Cor 12: 7-9)

There are various debates about what this thorn is…….without going into detail, although the Apostle Paul could not divorce himself totally from the Judaic observance – for if the Lord took away lusts and desires from all of us, we would be like a good number of so called holy monks in their monasteries where the air of holiness gets to their heads; rendering help to those who live in the world handicapped. Hence, he (Paul) could not come to terms with the desire burning in his heart was as a thorn in his flesh going against the Levitical law!

Speaking of rendering help to the outside world and those who live, move and breath the desires of the world however good, pleasant or unholy the may become depending our frame of mind and spirit; the thorn in the flesh, or stone in the shoe as we would call it now days - is on the rise especially with everything being at our disposal thanks to technology!

I was speaking to such a soul who has come to see and know that Holy Orthodoxy IS THE CHURCH; how hard it is to speak to clerics openly in fear of being judged, shunned and even outed! Such people need priests to relate to their wounds, have an understanding of what really consumes them and troubles them AT ALL LEVELS and above all NOT MAKING THEM FEEL ASHAMED IN SPEAKING OF SUCH THINGS! If we as priests can’t allow our people to come and be open with us and empty their hearts so we may guide them and the HOLY SPIRIT may work through the mysteries of HIS CHURCH to bring healing to them, then we should pack our bags and get out because we are causing more harm than good by settling into a nice career called cleric!

Thus, relationships become hard especially with outside influence – we claim to be in an age that is so advanced and connected via the means of technology and its appliances; we have never been so disconnected as a people which have marred ourselves into isolation causing inner conflicts! Therefore, the Me, Myself, and I syndrome thrives whilst everyone else around me as it were - becomes mere subject at our disposal; friends one day, enemies the next, a couple one day, two singles the next. We must stop this hiring and firing of fellow humans who have feelings, and emotions! The reason people are pushed to the extreme and do horrid acts like violence and murder is exactly because of a natural rebellion against a situation which has become totally intolerable!

We need to wake up and face reality in the sense that we can’t have it our way – there is other! We need to humble ourselves in order that we can see the pain of other! We need to safeguard ourselves so that others may never take advantage of us! Hence, the ego exists as a defence mechanism against the harsh cruelty of others – unfortunately many abuse this and continue to exercise power over others rather than raising others who are in the pits of despair via the power given them!

On the subject of modern means of communication and power bestowed on others, the thought provoking harboured in cinematography too has its sides. On a positive note, I came across a most wonderful earthy film when I was in my teens which I would watch and re-visit now and then which has had a most complimentary effect on my formation as a person, as a Christian and later on in the ordained ministry; one I would recommend clerics watch - laying aside all liturgical and ecclesial criticism thus concentrating on the heart of its message!

SAVING GRACE is a 1986 film which was produced by H.F.SOLOW and directed by R.M. YOUNG staring Tom Conti….it was about a young cardinal elected to the office of Bishop of Rome – similar to that of SHOES OF THE FINSHERMEN staring the grand Anthony Quinn, where this young Patriarch decided to get out of the institutional trappings and render service to those who lived on the outskirts of the Church who really needed tending too……in order not to spoil the movie, he put the gentlemen who rank and live in high places to shame - reminding them how off track and obsolete their ministry has become!

Just yesterday, we celebrated the Conception of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John – he too reminded the gentlemen of the synedrion (council of priests) how they also went off track and became totally repugnant to God via running the place as an enterprise in the guise of a House of Prayer! This very day, six years ago, I received the grace of Holy Priesthood…..I was having a review day where I was thinking to myself “What a headache!” “Why go through all this suffering?” “Is this really it?” “We have no structural assistance and may not have!” “Why sacrifice our lives for people who are as stubborn as mules?”

At this my Vicar General sent me a message in congratulating me on my 6th anniversary of Holy Priesthood adding: 6 years of taking up the Lord’s cross! This was a good slap in the face for me as a bishop and brought me back to my senses making me realise how good God is! Hence, that what is impossible becomes possible in his Name and like the Apostle Paul – we have gifts, we have miracles, we have signs and wonders…..I should be thankful for the various gifts God has given me.

With the subject of gifts at hand, I like many, love music and am a musician, artist, good with words on paper and pen if I can say that to be a bit more earthy, and further have an infinity with theatre and cinematography – it all connects, just like the Holy Liturgy of the Orthodox Church which is wondrously colourful, bright, sung, perfumed, and preformed for the Glory of God in His service. Certain gifts may seem to the most conservative clerics and lay people too - for they have a good habit to make damage especially in the elder traditions/observance, would see such gifts as devilish and inappropriate; ignorance is a daily battle within old orthodox believers.

Having states thus, there was a remarkable priest which the Orthodox Church present in Russia was blessed to have in Christ’s service: Father Alexander Vladimirovich Men 1935-1990. He was of Hebrew blood as were many in Russia but grew in the Faith and became a profound theologian and scholar who used the art of cinematography ‘Religion and Ethic’s – In pictures’ (available via the BBC) to convey the faith and provoke the soviet thought pattern to new horizons. This of course ultimately signed his death warrant by higher powers which of course dismissed his right to be included in the Canon of Blessed Martyrs! They (the patriarchal mob) prefer to canonise the royal family who were far from holiness and became so called martyrs via political means rather than living and defending the faith in their lifetime!!!

In the book entitled Martyr of Atheism, Fr. Michael Evdokimov’s portrayal of Fr Men captures a true fisher of men especially in the third chapter ‘the law shall not perish for want of priests’ stating: Many would come for absolution; the dialogue would be only brief, but something powerful had been felt and they would return home, their faith strengthened and with a new feeling of hope. Sometimes this priest put his hand on a person’s shoulder as a special sign of support and encouragement. His face would light up when a child came along. Father Men had an exceptional memory for every detail of his penitents’ lives. He gave everyone the impression they had a special place in his heart. (pp 52-53)

The other day I buried a remarkable lady who was a nurse and helped many come into the world and assisted many as they left it… aspect of eulogy ‘praiseworthiness’ about this person’s life was that the need for prayer and thanksgiving started in the family home ‘the domestic church’. This is the place where souls first are nurtured, this is the place where we gather around the table and share stories, tell our blood relatives how we are going and perhaps laugh, cry, and debate together. The very place where we share a meal and thank the Lord for our daily bread – the place where we should cultivate the Apostolic Faith and cooperate in nurturing the heart’s God calls to his service by supporting them rather than discouraging them!

When Simon obliged saying: “I will let down the nets at your command” the nets were immediately filled with which the others in nearby boats came to help the abundant catch which rendered the nets inadequate. They were all amazed at what had taken place and then fear seized them at which Simon fell down at the Lord’s feet saying; “Please leave me for I am weak in faith and full of sin!” At this Jesus calmed them and said onto them whilst addressing Simon: “Don’t be afraid for from this moment on you will catch the souls of men in your nets!” (Lk 5: 5-10) –abbreviated.



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