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Food That Truly Satisfies

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Homily on the 8th Sunday after Pentecost.

“They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” Mt14:16

In todays Gospel proclamation we hear the recount of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ feeding the multitude with 5 loaves of bread and two fish.

Pondering upon what I should write about, I was reminded that time and time again through out holy scripture, Christ commands us to love one another.

Having stated thus, in todays gospel Christ multiplies the bread and fish in order to feed the people; not a little bite-size meal but they all ate until they could eat no more.

Now lets just say that a loaf of bread and a fish is a greeting onto a person such as - "hello, how are you"? Lets also say we unknowingly have just greeted a person who was at the lowest point in their life. Thus, the conversation continues to flow and perhaps we manage to get a smile out of the person. Something they haven't been able to do in a long time.

Therefore, through our obedience to God in loving others God is able to show His immeasurable love to all who desire it.

Thus, this person that truly hungered for love and friendship starts to be filled; of course its not as simple as this. It will need time for healing to take place however the first steps have been taken and now all one needs to do is keep going.

"Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.” Mt 14:16

A person once said to me - "Father there is one thing that I don't understand/agree with what you do and that is to have an open chalice where anyone can receive Holy Communion".

I thus replied - "Who or what is man to deprive or deny Holy communion to a person who comes onto God wholeheartedly in desperate need of salvation? No priest or bishop has any right to deny Christ to a son or daughter of the Almighty!

It is a very similar story with the rule of no kneeling on Sundays to worship God. To the people who teach such made up fables I ask this. What would you do if this Sunday while you are worshiping in your Church the heavens open and you behold the Lord descending upon clouds with trumpets and so on. The most glorious scene you have ever beheld, would you not get down on all fours and worship?

If you answer yes, then is not what happens at Epiclesis (Calling the Holy Spirit to transform bread and wine into the true bod and blood of Jesus) the same as this? It is a silly rule that makes absolutely zero sense and will be totally abolished in due time! It has no place in Christ's Church!

Moreover, to those who will then say we need to safeguarded the Holy Mysteries I say yes! That is true we must safeguard the Mysteries so they don't end up into the wrong hands. However, we trust in God that He has given us the perception to see if a person is there to blaspheme or is there to receive healing from God!

In addition, as quickly the Holy Spirit can transform bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, He can also remove it if a person had the malicious intention to desecrate the Holy Mysteries. You see the Church implements all these rules which are undoubtedly for its benefit however, it places limitations upon God which are untrue and out of order! God transcends the natural order of existence; along with its rules and regulations - one plus one does not always equal two with God! He caters to each individual need!

Having stated thus, within the Orthodox Church we have a thing called Divine economia meaning that all over the world, each orthodox bishop has the grace to interoperate the canons according to the needs of the church he presides over. Of course this is done with the support and consensus of his brother presbyters.

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Mt 14:19

As we recall Jesus clearly states that God can turn the stone of the earth into sons of Abraham! Mt 3:9 There is no limit in God and certainly ALL thing are possible in Him!

A while back Presbytera Lianna met a mum from kinder who was a very nice person and became immediately attached to Presbytera. Thus, every time they would see each other this mum would talk to Presbytera for hours. It had never been religious conversations but normal every day life conversations.

We as a people are sick and tired of hearing fake pious people go on and on about the bible says this and the bible says that. How about a little normality in this not so normal life! How about making a person laugh to the point it hurts the ribs. Or how about making a person feel like they are cared for and treasured. One doesn't need to talk religion in order for God to enter into the equation and bring it to perfection. One needs only to care wholeheartedly.

Therefore, let us all learn from Jesus for He is the only one who can teach us how to love and rendering it onto others wholeheartedly - Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Mt 11:29

Through the prayer of the Theotokos, Lord Jesus Christ our God have Mercy on us. Amen!

Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. Mt14:22



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