Homily on the 34th Sunday after Pentecost.
Today’s Gospel reading truly ties in well with last week Gospel theme on the conversion of the apostle Matthew.
Here we have two men. One of them goes to church (in the old testament context) often, observes the fasts, prayers multiple times a day and is highly regarded within society due to his status. Looking and craving for the admiration and praise from people is of great importance!
On the other hand we have a man who rarely goes to church (temple) , may not be so observant with the fasts and certainly prays seldom several times a day. He does not make a scene in front of others; all he wants is the Lord’s mercy. (To reach out)
Although the first man follows the laws and practices by the book, he lacks the one vital element; Humility! He truly knows that he observes his faith well; loving the recognition/praise from his pears and the rest of society - thriving off it like bacteria in a warm and damp environment.
I’m sure at one point or another we have experienced such behaviours with certain people at our local church or perhaps our work place. People who constantly brag about how fantastic or flawless they are; showing off and making a scene!
I remember as a young lad attending the Italian Sunday mass. At certain points of the service, the old ladies would have a competition on who was the louder singer, and who led the prayers and showed the most emotion; which by the way was nothing but fake and totally offensive to witness!
Then you would have the beautiful old husband and wife who sat at the back of the church minding their own business. They where simply there to render thanks onto God for each other and the gift of their family. Truly living out the teaching of Christ: “But when you pray, go to your room, close the door, and pray to your Father, who is u seen. Them your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Mt 6:6
St James writes in his first chapter second verse, “ If anyone thinks he is religious and does bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this persons religion is worthless.” In other word’s, if you think that you are Gods gift to the earth and your the best from a religious point of view, then think again: there is a tremendous lack of grace for such a sanctified gift will not abide where humility and love is conceited! The Holy Spirit does NOT and will NOT abide in such circumstances and individuals!
Moreover, Holy Isaiah writes how God feels about such slanderous hypocrisies. “When you spread out your hands, I will hide my eye’s from you; even though you make many prayers, I will not listen, your hands are full of blood.” Is 1:15
It is absolutely disheartening and gut wrenching to see that this type of behaviour has infiltrated the ranks of the clergy and to some I called friends.
I personally know of a priest whom I thought for many years was a good and humble man. I recently learned that this particular priest was suspended for reasons I cannot discus. However, what I can say is that which took place was the direct result of pride, lust for power feeling superior over his congregation and loss of humility.
Today we commemorate the new martyrs and confessors of Russia. One man in particular that the Exarchate canonised on the 23rd of October last year, St Alexander Vladimirovich Men. Sadly the church present in Russia does not recognise him as a saint for he unmasked their socialist religiosity!
St Alexander was from Hebrew heritage, but grew fervently in the Orthodox faith later becoming a theologian and scholar. He also used the media to covey the message of Christ, using it as a means to open the eyes of the public, by which later led to his holy martyrdom.
Under the Soviet movement all religious practices where banned forcing people to live out their faith underground and in silence. People who were caught were severely punished and some as was the case with Father Men were killed. According to many articles online, it is said that approximately 12 -20 million Christians were killed. I strongly suggest you to read the encyclical entitled Angels and Saints to have a deeper understanding on his life.
Furthermore, may I encourage you to read the book entitled Martyr of Atheism by Fr. Michael Evdokimov. I would like to share a passage taken from his book.
Many would come for absolution; the dialog would be only brief, but something powerful had been felt and they would return home, their faith strengthened and with a new feeling of hope. Sometimes this priest would put his hand on a persons shoulder as a special sign of support and encouragement. His face would light up when a child came along. Father Men had an exceptional memory For each detail of his penitents’ lives. He gave everyone the impression that they had a special place in his heart. (pp 52-53)
In conclusion, let us ask the Lord our God to never allow us to wonder from His grace. That He may grant us the grace of true humility and that we never be ashamed or scared to proclaim our faith which is orthodox.
Furthermore, let us also pray for the souls that where killed in the Soviet revolution, that they may dwell in the heavens basking in the presence of the All Holy Trinity. And that all religious persecutions may cease once and for all, so that all people can freely and peacefully praise God in every corner of the planet.
“I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalted himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Lk 18:14