People who had various needs and in which hopes needed to be tended too had gathered to hear Jesus speak onto them so that they could be comforted throughout the day. When evening descended upon the plains, the disciples were keen to withdraw and thus spoke onto the Lord saying: “this place is in the middle of nowhere, let’s conclude so that people can go to neighbouring villages and settle for the night and have dinner so we too can organise ourselves!” Then Jesus surprised with their willingness to send people away replied onto them saying: “Why do you want them to leave and yet we have not even offered hospitality? Give them a meal!” At this, the disciples were puzzled, annoyed, and some were also mortified, hence they justified by stating: “We barely have enough for ourselves and yet you want to provide for all these? How can we cater for all these with just five loaves of bread and two fish?”(Mat 14: 14-17)
You have all probably noticed churches regardless of denominations been sold and converted into other all over the country. Churches that once housed the people who pray or prayed and gathered to hear the good news of God and also the apostolic tradition of liturgy, now hear the goings on of household affairs, the festivity of gatherings alla ristorante, the firm of law and of accounting scenes, and the business of wedding settings and funeral parlours….the list goes on.
It doesn’t stop there! There exists churches that are rent a space and to my disgust, such offer supposed sacred space to whoever.
I was walking through one of Melbourne’s old suburbs and as often times I delight in visiting old churches and perhaps just sitting quietly in them and admiring the surroundings – after all, churches are to be left open for people to have a break from the noise and perhaps reflect on the reality that there is more to life than this! As I approached this old church which looks rather cute from the outside, I discovered a group of women in their 30’s and beyond having a yoga class within the sacred space reserved for the holy! Of course, it is not the fault of those who were renting because let’s face it: “people these days have no sense of sacred” thanks to the ongoing scandals!!!!! Rather, I questioned the faith, the belief, and most importantly the ecclesial structure of those who’s administration the church falls under!
Furthermore, it is absolutely abhorrent when those who profess to be orthodox in keeping with the apostolic tradition WHICH NO HUMAN CAN CHANGE decide to sell up shop in the pursuit of grand and more glorious surroundings rather than allow other fellow orthodox to at the very least continue to use the consecrated church for its intent. Again, we have various churches and even in the need of repair, yet the laity hold (trustees, committee, etc.) prefer for it to reduce to ruin rather than allow the canonical authority to function and actually do something about it; young blood stepping in and handling affairs as they should rather than business in the guise of church! Unfortunately, church property does not belong to the diocese in orthodox circles but to the laity which has been and continues to be the cause of schism etc.!
In addition, as we all know, the exarchate has no establishment as far as church buildings….the buildings that should be ours are in the clutches of the bulls I mentioned above who will not yield! Hence, when asking supposed Christian organisations to at the very least use their sacred space for the divine services with some form of rent and care for the building…..various issues become presented as the firing squad: you must conform to the council of churches, you must prove authentication by its standards, you must follow the criteria etc.…..Thus, as I mentioned above: It is perfectly fine for yoga groups and others to use sacred space, yet when THE MOST ANCIENT FORM OF CHURCH wants to use sacred space – a list of conditions is placed in order to warrant sanction!
Dear brothers and sisters, we continue like the first Christians who had no place, but worshiped in the catacombs, in the houses of Christian families, in our own house chapels….if this is how we must continue then so be it…after all there was no room for the Holy Family of Nazareth; who are we then to complain??? It is truly disheartening when that which has been consecrated to the Glory of God converts to the exultation of man and the convenience of the time!
Today, the Church celebrates our father amongst the saints Pancratius bishop of Taormina. He was originally from Antioch but lived around the timeframe our Lord walked the earth in his humanity. His parents and he were one of the families that came onto Jesus to hear him speak that very day when the Lord provided for the needs of those who came to him; offering them hospitality via the multiplication of bread and fish! Pancratius like many, did not care about worldly desires, he even abandoned all wealth in order like St. John the Baptist and early monastics (Nazarites) – went into the desert to commune with the living God. Thus, after a visitation from the Apostle Peter, he remained under his (Peters') care, and at the appointed time was consecrated by both Apostles Peter and Paul to oversee the small but growing body of the Church in Taormina Sicily. (10-40C Anno Domini)
Pancratius, was a good man, someone who one would love to know and be in ones’ company…a friend that one would after a long day like to go too and chat over a glass of red and some cheese and hot crusty bread. Unfortunately, when people love and are greatly loved by others because they are normal and down to earth – jealousy kicks in….thus, Pancratius built a church within a small amount of time and gathered people together as a true family of the church….those days the Church loved everyone and there were no conditions; these days we tend to be the firing squad and knock down anyone who doesn’t fit according to our narrow minded opinions and ill interpretation of Holy Scripture! Therefore, such as these (Pharisees, wolves and whatever else you want to call them) ambushed Pancratius and stoned him to death!
The other day I went down towards the airport for an event, and there is a lovely little church along a quiet lane beyond…….my heart sunk when I saw that yet again another bargain had been obtained and it has ceased to be a place of worship…..some may say “not enough members for its upkeep” but I would rebuttal and say that there are many Christians who would gladly tend to its upkeep and keep it in God’s care rather than benefit with sales and become spiritually bankrupt! Churches must never be sold and converted….for its not just a building, but the place where the living God comes amongst us – it is hallowed ground and no wealth can ever remove nor cover this certainty even if the faith of those who once administered it (the church building) has gone completely bonkers!!!!
In addition 30 pieces of silver could not purchase the pearl of great price (the Lord) for that which is Holy, Eternal, and beyond us cannot be obtained via earthly transactions. {Thus, the one who was called Iscariot came onto the presbyteral college and said onto them: “How much are you willing to give me if I sell him onto you? “ The few members of the synedrion sort to bargain amongst themselves and then fixed a price saying onto him via a spokesmen for the council: “We will pay you 30 pieces of silver if you find a way you can deliver him onto us without causing a public spectacle!”} (Mt 26:15) Moreover, his blood, his grace, and his presence given to those who have true faith forever consecrates and makes holy; no made up rite of de-consecration nor excuse due to small numbers or other such reasoning’s can ever obliterate that which God ordains in the mysteries (sacraments) of his Church which is eternal!!!!
In conclusion, if we truly say that WE ARE CHURCH….then we must come to our senses and rediscover that just as the body relies on the immune system, so too must we as the mystical body of Christ in the world HELP OTHERS when they are not functioning to whatever capacity – in reaching out to them… we need to fortify the immunity by such actions via repelling infection of whatever kind. The Holy Spirit is the font of all grace and we are called to stoop down and draw from the springs administering to the body as its head CHRIST OUR BISHOP has strongly commanded!
At that the Lord commanded that the bread and fish be placed at his feet saying “bring them to me!” Then Jesus bided the crowd to sit and be at ease. Thus, he took the bread and fish basket into his hands and gazed into the heavens, blessing and portioning them then via the power of his spirit which fills all things with his grace – produced an abundant multiplication for the people to have their fill. It was well into the night and at which he blessed the people and bid them to return to their homes whilst he commanded his disciples to go before him onto the other side of the Sea of Galilee. (Mat 14:18-22)
