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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele

Gifted via tongue and granted the courage to pave a way for the faithful in Roman lands.

When the Apostles lead Jesus through a crowed who had gathered at yet another supernatural sight, they took him to a man whose son suffered violent attacks from possessive fallen powers; the boy’s father then threw himself down at his feet crying: “Lord, have mercy on us for my son suffers grievously from that which has been diagnosed as epilepsy.

The strange and yet mysterious observation is that although these symptoms may reflect that which has been diagnosed but he or an unknown power often takes hold of him, thus he casts himself into the fire and then drags himself into the sea……I asked your disciples to cure him but to no avail…..” (Mt 17:14-16)

Faith in the midst of Spiritual pollution. Although the above is taken from St. Matthew’s gospel, yet the same account is present in this Sunday’s gospel of St. Mark (Mk 9:17-31) Again, medical diagnosis and spiritual underlying currents are at odds – we must be careful when speaking of both because it’s very easy to get them mixed up! The power of suggestion is truly a powerful tool, but the stupidity of ignorance in discerning what really is at hand may prove to be disastrous – there is nothing worse when one is rendered powerless; lacking true knowledge in the assessment of a given situation.

Without going too deep within the equation of spiritual matters….there is a tendency in orthodoxy to follow other denominations when dealing with the supernatural; it’s all psychological! Yet, the gospels are clear when making distinctions between medical conditions and supernatural realities!!!There is a rise in the world and in the community of these issues which not many can diagnose and treat – we are too busy rounding this confronting issue down to all sorts of psychological theories than actually having the guts to admit the whole purpose for the INCARNATION! (Jesus being born in time)

Having stated thus, we are living in a rather cultural dictated Church where pagan origins heavily influence the tradition and practice of the so called orthodox Christian! Yes, nationalism is one of the greatest cancers within the Church because it places a nation before the kingdom of God! How many times have genuine seekers of the true faith been put off?

The reason being is that they can’t be orthodox according to their own cultural upbringing, but must conform to a culture that it totally foreign to them and utterly uncanonical/against every Church rule of mission! It is true that we must learn from - wholeheartedly appreciating the culture of the Church whose jurisdiction we are in. Yet, many forget that the whole purpose (mission) of the Church in the diaspora is for her to breathe in it’s (the diaspora) natural climate!

We have been baptised into Christ, and immersed ourselves into the mystery of the faith in which we become part of the Communion of Saints, and have them as our spiritual family and intercessors. Yet, we tend to open the doors to fowl and fallen powers via the channels of superstition; allowing such to master us under the guise of full proof protection and ritual! How many times have we heard of people mixing a voodoo like practice where religion and witchcraft tango??? Where salt and fire ignite, water and olive oil part, and of course the cross is formed over such????

The other day I had the pleasure to have coffee and cake with a cousin who married into a Slavonic so called orthodox family…….she was a tad confused because she has been led to believe in good luck charms! Thus, when she picked up her little girl from kindergarten, one of the mums pulled her aside and introduced herself as a born again Christian (once orthodox) …..Stating:

“Can I say something to you and please do not be offended….you wear a cross, yet why have you put the evil eye (good luck charm warding off evil) image on your daughter’s chain? God would not like this!” At such a statement, my cousin was stunned and replied: “My husband’s family is Serbian Orthodox and this is part of their custom so I just go along with it!” At that the other lady said: “ah ok, but I had to inform you…my apologies!”

There we have it! A non-apostolic Christian (without going into debate concerning the true nature of things) quite rightfully defended the principles of basic faith in God! How can we claim legitimacy and yet revert to such alien trinkets as this? How many Greeks, Slavs, and even Italian’s wear this crap and yet profess that Christ is God? If we live by the faith and honour our baptismal promises and regularly partake of the Divine Mysteries with wholehearted faith, then why do we need this crap???

Is this what the holy martyrs who spilt their blood to strengthen our faith in Christ died for???? What are we saying and what are we portraying to others whilst having a schizophrenic spirituality as this?? Are we not inviting evil in all its subtlety within the very fabric of our being due to our ignorance on the matter - complying with the power of suggestion and ancient rebellion by our own stupidity? What faith do we hold and which god do we profess? Certainly not Christ, and we are certainly not nurtured by the apostolic faith in such conditions!!!

There are those who may be or take on a more scientific or logical approach by stating that there is a balance of good and bad - a medium. The problem with this ideology is that God does not create junk! It was good in the beginning but unfortunately it’s very easy to be fully aware of our potential and as the old saying goes: “we get too big for our boots”. Greed, lust, competition and vendetta are a vicious mistresses which should never be entertained because when they are – we resemble that which truly is junk (The Fallen Powers) and may render ourselves far beyond repair!

The beauty and the gift of the Holy Spirit in the mysteries (sacraments) of Holy Mother Church is that we have access via the ordained clergy who hopefully are switched on; being pastorally treated by them, and placed well on the mend! Many who are graced within the ordained ministry say they have faith, but when it comes to these issues and without true spiritual diagnosis; “let’s allow the doctors access…...” why are we allowing those who are experts on the body and its functions to critique that which is not part of their profession?

Now doctors are remarkable and to be praised for the eloquence and are to be consulted for EVERY MATTER pertaining the body and the mind, but as far as the spiritual in concerned – placing this matter (where strong supernatural occurrences manifest) into the hands and mindset of theorists is like giving a child a razor blade!!!! WAKE UP!!!!

It truly comes down to the gift of faith, for the Lord is very clear upon this in various portions within Holy Scripture to which the Fathers of the Church (NOT RENEGADE THEOLOGIANS) ratify! Apostle and Evangelist Luke who apart from his gospel wrote most of the Acts and Apostle Paul’s letters, was not only a high ranking doctor (practicing in various medical departments) but a bishop of the Church!

Yet, there seems to be a trend for televised supposed exorcisms (YouTube is full of them) where you have clowns with bibles (at times calling themselves prophets or apostles) and in other sectors white witches who hold holy articles (a liturgical episode of Sabrina) on stage, or what have you - holding onto a microphones as if they are ice-cream cones – savouring in the effects of their voice and thrill of an audience who cheer at their supposed power. Let us be clear: Fallen Powers do not need an audience, but strike when one is off guard – the poison of narcissistic abuse!

Just as God reveals himself in the silence and intimacy of our own heart (Mt 6: 6) and commanded people he healed via his Son not to tell anyone (Mt 8: 4, Mk 7: 36, Lk 5: 14) so too does that which is filth seep into the wounds of our fragility. Let us remember that these (fallen angels/powers) are intelligent beings which fell from grace, and are by no means stupid enough to go with the flow via the impulse of clowns. Here the venerable medical profession rightfully labels such shenanigans as authentic Psychosis which tangos with Hysteria via the crowd present!

Unfortunately within the Byzantine tradition there are priests and their puppets who carry on in a similar manner. The best way to describe these and the former mentioned above is via a comedy starring Lesley Nelson entitled Repossessed (1990) which is a take-off the 70’s horror classics: The Exorcist (1973).

Just as the medical profession has its respective practitioners who are vital for our health, so too does Holy Mother Church have its healers who are saintly men and women that are often monastics. These vessels of Grace professionally remove spiritual pollution via their prayer and the gift the All Holy Spirit imparts them in a discreet manner – practitioners of spiritual health and true doctors of theology!

The worst manifestation of such (evil in various forms) does not exist outside the Church, but is very much alive within especially amongst those who have nest egged themselves within her ranks in cultivating a most wonderful Carrere, but rendered spiritually bankrupt due to such arrogance! In short - a major virus that seeks to attack the health of the immune system as its primary objective!

Thus, we must get back to our faith, our creed, and our identity as CHRISTIANS of the APOSTOLIC CHURCH! For it is very easy to be pulled into the currents of common opinion and secular speculation, rather than been anchored onto he who is the cornerstone of our faith and edifice of his Church!

Thus, so that the disciples could avoid embarrassment and query, they convened with Jesus in private and as previously discussed, one of them spoke for them all by saying:“Why could we not cure the boy and cast the influencing presence out?” At that, Jesus boldly exclaimed: “Your faith is weak!” (Mat 17:19-20)

HE who is the edifice of his Church. This Saturday we commemorated (celebrated the memory and living presence of) a Father of the Church who lived in the 6th century by the name of Gregory (540 -604AD). Our Father amongst the hierarchs (bishops) Gregory – a name which means to be vigilant in safeguarding ones ’self and those around him. He is known with the title of Dialogist (a writer and speaker of dialogues) and is also known as Great amongst a category of Church Fathers.

In the early days of the Church, alike the tradition amongst the elder priesthood of the Old Testament, the sacred office was handed down within a priestly family as it was with the early tribes of Israel. Therefore, to the surprise of many, Gregory’s grandfather St. Felix III (483-492AD) was a bishop of the city of Rome. The name Pope is a title given to a senior cleric who is the Father figure amongst his priests and people.

It was custom that education was given to Roman citizens and that one should excel in its precepts as the ancient philosophers exhorted in order to grasp fulfilment. Hence, Gregory came from a nobility which oversaw the governing aspects of society - the equivalent of today’s local shire council.

Yet, fulfilment was not grasped in this setting, for he within his very soul pined for something more – the desire for that which would fill the well of his spirit with living water! Hence, his desire for monasticism grew, and at the repose of his own father, Gregory felt that he could now set out to do what his heart craved – solitude with God in the category of monks.

As a nobleman, and a true Christian, he tended to the Charity of Christ via dispensing in love to the poor. Yet, he also used his resources to aid the spiritually poor state of the Church as an institution via building monasteries. These are the true watchtowers – keepers of the faith in safeguarding the flock from the wolves (opposed to the Arian Heresy nestled within 1874AD cult founded by Charles Russell entitled: Jehovah’s Witness).

One of the six monasteries built was the Grand Monastery of the Holy Apostle Andrew (S. Andrea al Quirinale) which he later as the bishop of Rome appointed the young St. Augustine - future bishop of Canterbury (595AD) as its prior (591AD). Yet, the young Gregory had to re-connect with one of the ancient traditions of monasticism and liturgy within the Byzantine Church.

Therefore, Pope Pelagius ii (579-590AD) sent Gregory to Constantinople in order to grow in its traditions and come back to Rome and compliment the life, liturgy, and spirituality of the Church of Rome. While he was in Constantinople, Gregory produced a remarkable commentary on the Book of Job from the Old Testament.

For those who consider themselves theologians and for those who think they know the Bible and preach it:

1. It is a biography of the experience of people in formative years where God spoke through his chosen.

2. It is a book which speaks about the Word of God who later came as a real person in whom we have salvation.

3. It has no authority by itself unless it is embedded within the womb of the Church, which carries through its liturgy, hymnody, and traditions as commanded by God himself.

4. Unless one lives Apostolic Christianity and has been literally worn down (buffed all edges completely – detoxed from vice) one is not a theologian for that is part of being a true Father of the Church who grows in sanctity!!!

When Pope Pelagius reposed, Gregory was chosen by the flock and clergy to be their spiritual father and lead the Church in Rome. He was not the type for lights, camera, and action, as many salata biscuits who now days occupy episcopal positions thus crave. Gregory was a monastic and he tried to excuse himself several times from such an invitation. Yet, when he saw that the Church was in danger of being hijacked by the wolves within, he took courage and stepped up by responding YES to the RSVP.

The wolves within. Apart from the salata biscuits mentioned earlier, there was another category of people who claimed to be part of the Church but had funny ideas about what they believed. These ideologies are called Heresies – departure from doctrine. Gregory had to contend with two major heresies.

Arianism: Arius of Alexandria (256 -336AD) declares God the Son Created as opposed to what the Creed of the Church states as unbegotten (not created – always with the Father and the Spirit in eternity.)

For example, according to Arius, Jesus was not always eternal (not with the Father in the beginning) yet St. John’s Gospel clearly states within the Holy Thursday account that: Jesus thanks the Father and prays for his Apostles and the world – sharing in the glory with the Father from the beginning (Jn 17:5) There can be no distortion in the All Holy Trinity! Either Jesus is God or he is not!

Mere man cannot save! Many good people come and go, but they cannot put things right! It took God himself to come and enter our mortal frame, so that we may be vested in blessedness which we once had – that utopia of what we fantasize about: Retirement!

Thus, Jesus is not the stupidity of a classification entitled: THE GOOD MAN, (similar to the heresy of Nestorianism) nor the derailed view of a PHILOSOPHY OF COMPASSION, nor the repugnant declaration of THE FIRST COMMUNIST! In plain words: HE IS GOD THE SON!!!

2. Donatism: Donatus Magnum of Algeria (313-355AD) declares that clergy must be guiltless and totally pure from sin – utterly impossible and the reason why Jesus left us the Holy Mysteries/Sacraments)

Yet in the mind of Donatus - even a sin of pride or the slip of the tongue would render the Holy Mysteries defective (the Epiclesis “calling down of the Holy Spirit” would not happen due to the priest’s inadequacy which is utterly false! God knows we are frail, and this is why the Good Lord gave us the Mystery of Forgiveness to heal such imperfections, and the command to make amends!)

Therefore, Gregory wrote various dialogues via unearthing the early Fathers of the Church, especially the early saints of Italy - resetting the ecclesial heartbeat to the tune of unconditional love, compassion, and grace as the code of Christian living.

Amongst other works (Liturgical works) was his gift for music – Gregorian chant which was based on that which he learnt in the Byzantine tradition of Constantinople, and the surviving chants of the old Jerusalem Temple. Thus, Gregory brought back to life the Early Church ritual for Holy Communion during the week, which only existed in its oral tradition: the pre-sanctified liturgy – Evening Prayer and Holy Communion.

Unfortunately many jurisdictions only practice this rite during lent, our Exarchal Metropolis has implemented it within the Advent/Nativity Fast period as a means of grace and strength to our spiritual path. Yet, the Liturgy of the pre-sanctified was an all year round service close to the heart of the first Christians! The remnant of this liturgy exists in its faint state in the Western Good Friday service at 3pm.

Gregory loved his people, and especially those who were marginalized, and unwanted, and the poor were particularly dear to him. He was a man of his word and made sure that he carried out his promises. We are probably familiar with a well-loved passage which brings to mind that we are all made in the image and likeness of God:

“Whatsoever you do to the least of my people – you render personally onto me!” (Mat 25:40) It is here that amongst his pastoral care for the homeless, Gregory is granted an apparition of the Lord amongst the poor of Rome - energizing him to continue his ministry in the midst of uncertainty.

Hence, Gregory reposed in his Risen Lord who loves those who remember that they are his hands and feet in the world on the 12th March 604AD. He was entombed in the Constantinopolitan Basilica of the Apostles in Rome. That very old basilica was desired for demolition via Pope Nicholas v (1447-1455AD) and eagerly demolished by the orders of Pope Julius ii (1503-1513AD) in order to make way for the grand statement of Papal Authority by master architect Donato Bramante (1414-1514AD) – the now basilica of St. Peter (1506-1626AD).

Troparion to St. Gregory

You received divine grace and were fortified by the Spirit of the Most High to be a living example to the Christians in Elder Rome. Therefore Father Gregory, your life gave witness to Christ our God by the wisdom bestowed upon you - inviting thy flock to commune with the Lord within the weekly Lenten observance; entreat the Lord on our behalf.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Kontakion to St Gregory.

Your faith was firmly anchored onto Christ the cornerstone of the Church and in your pastoral zeal you worked arduously to keep the Lord’s fold intact. Hence, your obedience to the commandments of God shone forth like a bright light – beckoning hearts to come and be made whole by the Shepherd of Souls. Father Gregory, now that you dance with Isaiah and rejoice before the Lord of glory – plead for us to be assured a place in the Kingdom of God.

Now and ever, and unto ages, of ages. Amen.




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