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Hard Pill To Swallow

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Homily on the 12th Sunday after Pentecost.

“Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” Mt 19:16

Over the years I've seen and heard of so many people admiring the Holy Orthodox Church and would like to make an effort in attending a Liturgy here and there. However, when confronted with the harsh reality of their lives, they withdraw themselves into a quasi coma-like state; rather living out their lives in the absence of God. (The true definition of hell!)

Holy Mother Church teaches us how we ought to live out a true and authentic Christian life, via the way our Holy Father's and Mother's of the past lived out their faith and taught it. The Church will hold up a mirror to our face in order show us in a most gentle way where we need improvement in our lives. The Church will never point the finger and hit one over the head with a bible as is the case in other religious groups.

As we know very well, the Lord desires the salvation of all. So it is the role of the Church to ensure that people reach the goal of salvation through the only way and we know that to be Iesus Kristos our Lord and our God, who is blessed together with the beginning-less Father and the All-Holy Good and Life Creating Spirit, for ever and ever. Amem

“If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Mt 19:21

I have invited so many of my family and friends to come to a Divine Liturgy; not for my sake or to show them what I do, for I do not need spectators when offering the Liturgy for the people, but rather I invite them in the hope that the Lord may touch their souls; opening their eyes to see that it's not about money for the clergy, but rather their salvation and that they are loved exactly the way God created them. A unique and a one of a kind child of God whom is valued and wanted beyond all comprehension!

Alas, there are always excuses. I'm busy, I have a party, the Liturgy is way too long and so on. This reminds us of the Parable Holy Scripture of the Great Banquet. Mt 22:1-14

Thus, it truly pains me knowing that there are millions of people around the world that have been damaged by religious groups. That these poor souls have come to the conclusion that 'they are all the same!', Money making religious franchises that only care about two things - money and status within their religious organisation. (The modern day Pharisees committing the sin of simony and self admiration!)

Hence, when one takes the leap of faith and surrenders wholeheartedly to the will of God, the rewards are endless in this life and the next. It's not to say that there are no difficult days of course there are. When evil personified sees that our faith in the Lord is growing and we are drawing closer and closer to God, satan will do anything and everything to put that to an end.

This is done in many crafty and sneaky ways - trouble in the work place, arguments within the family, depression, financial difficulty, sickness even demonic possessions of oneself or a loved one. However, the evil one never learns that the Holy Trinity ALWAYS has the last laugh! If a persons faith can move mountains as our Lord exhorts, NOTHING can prevent the radiance of God penetrating the the darkness of evil! Hence God has the last laugh.

I can personally testify that many times when everything in life is going well spiritually speaking and I am beginning to grow in my faith, something will come over me and I will become reserved and bitter for no apparent reason. I will snap at my wife and children for doing absolutely nothing wrong and I will just withdraw myself completely.

However, when Presbytera realises what is happening she will pray and push me to pray and anoint myself. Then I will instantly snap out of this phase and return to my normal self; a similar story like the Parable of the Prodigal Son in a way. Lk 15:11-32

This coming Monday, the Church commemorates the Dormition or falling asleep of the Theotokos, Mother of God. This feast is so special and important to the Church because it's the Pascha of our Holy and Pure Mother.

Many people are under the impression that the Orthodox Church worships the Mother of God. She is not - nor has She ever been seen as part of the God the Trinity neither as some pagan goddess. She is however dearly loved and venerated as one would love and venerate a mother who has passed away.

Hence, we the faithful call Her Mother because from the foot of the cross She became our Mother when our Lord exhorted - "Behold your Mother". Jh 19:25-29 Thus like any child love their mother so too do we love our Holy Mother Mariam who is our greatest advocate to God; supporting and interceding for us at all times.

Thus, many so called Christians have totally disregarded Her importance in the Gift of Salvation. People have forgotten that Salvation (Jesus) could not have come into the world as Son of man if it was not for Her wholehearted response to God; via the Archangel Gabriel.

Moreover, She is the only women ever to have been pure enough to find favour with God. Thus via this purity She was the only one who could contain the fullness of God within Her womb. As we know, a person cannot withstand God's fullness because if one would try they would burn to a crisp. For the All-Holly-Trinity's uncreated energy radiates an indescribable brilliant light that anything in His (God's) presence turns to ash. Hence, the purifying lava.

In addition, in the old testament we have the prefiguration of the conception of Jesus in Holy Mariams womb by the story of the Moses and the burning bush. Exodus 3

Therefore, when She Mariam responded to the Archangel Gabriel - “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Lk1:38 It was at that exact moment that the word of God (Jesus) entered into Her virginal womb and began to take flesh, bone and blood from Her in order to enter into the very fabric of our being; becoming a man without altering His Divine state! Hence our Orthodox belief in the two natures in the ONE!

Hence, because of this selfless act it is right and just to love, venerate, commemorate and give thanks to Her for giving us Salvation! (Jesus)

Therefore, let us pray together - Theotokos Virgin, Rejoice Mariam full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed id the fruit of thy womb. More honourable than the cherubim and all glorious beyond compare than the seraphim. Without corruption you gave birth to God the Word. True Theotokos we magnify thee. Amen

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Mt 19:26

Through the prayers of the Holy Theotokos whose Dormition we commemorate, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us. Amen



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