Homily on the seventh Sunday of Pascha.
This Thursday the Church universal (Katholic) celebrated the all glorious feast of the ascension of our Lord into His Heavenly Kingdom - where He is seated on His throne of Glory, with the Father and the Holy Spirit together; eternally glorified by the bodiless Hosts and the living community of the Holy Martyrs and Saints!
Earlier this week, I had an interesting conversation with our Archbishop, where he advised me that certain orthodox jurisdictions will hold the Paschal vigil service all over again due to the former covid restrictions! I don’t know whether to laugh or shake my head in disbelief.
Thus, how is it that seven weeks ago in the intimacy of our homes; amongst our immediate family, we had proclaimed Christ Is Risen! Yet, over a month later, we are going to do it all over again at the commemoration of His (Jesus’) glorious ascension into Heaven (end off Pascha)
Further, I wholeheartedly sympathies with all Christians who were not able to physically attended the divine Paschal service this year! It was an unforgettable experience that tested each and every person's faith! However difficult and seclusive Pascha may have been, it does not warrant another celebration of the all Holy feast!
Moreover, God may have wanted His Pascha to be the way it was (seclusive) in order that we may examine our own faith so we may see that which we lack in the spiritual sense. Hence, when we have examined our faith in good continence; in accordance to the teachings of Jesus Christ, we ask our gracious and loving Father to tend to our brokenness and fragility in which we have no power over but through His gracious intervention alone!
In addition, I must confess that in weeks leading up to Pascha, a part of me was afraid that it was going to be a bland Pascha. I became quite saddened; fearing how would the services be the same without the presence of the Bishop’s or Priest’s?
However, after placing my hope in God and asking for the intercessions of the All Holy Theotokos, I celebrated the most intimate and glorious Pascha!
One thing that I have learned is that, no matter what impedes us; it is of no consequence! God surpasses all things; overlooking our stupidities if we TRY to strive to adhere to His precepts and live in Him who is the giver of all life!
This is what Jesus meant when He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Jn8:12 In other words no evil will be able to master us if one constantly TRYS! When we fall, we must get back up and persevere; the key is to never give up on ourselves!
Furthermore, just as the loving Father never gave up on us via entering into the very fabric of our being - ascending the wood of the cross; nailing all our transgressions to it and conquering deaths hold over us, so too must we never give up on ourselves. In doing so, would be a misdemeanor to the great sacrificial love for us.
Today the church commemorates the Fathers of the first ecumenical counsel. These holy men by the power, energy and grace of the Holy Spirit shaped the orthodox Church; making many hard decisions that the future bishops of the Church would not have to make. However, over the course of the years via lack of knowledge and misinterpretation, many doctrines and canons had been misinterpreted/misunderstood. Hence, false and invented canons/doctrines had infiltrated some orthodox jurisdictions and have remand as norm to this present era.
Let us pray to the early Fathers of the Church, that they may be with our bishop’s; giving them guidance and passing on their knowledge imparted them via the grace of the Holy Spirit in order for them to better shepherds the Lord’s flock - leading it to the correct from of worship! (Orthodox)
In addition, for far too long have bishops abused and taken advantage of the power bestowed them by God. I have spoken to our Archbishop regarding this topic on several occasions and he is in agreeance with me when I say that there are bishops out there that thrive off the admiration of the people and feed off their attention. Furthermore, it is quite sad to see clergy and faithful crossing and bowing thrice when they greet their bishops. This is totally wrong and unexpectable for it is God alone whom we bow down too! A reverent kiss on the hand suffices, for the simple fact that they constantly touch and impart the Holy Mysteries onto the flock!
Moreover, the twenty medallions these bishops wear around their necks along with the vestments that our Archbishop refer to as, “Christmas trees” are truly repulsive. These types of displays are contrary to way our Lord, His cousin John the Baptist, the Martyrs and Saints lived out their lives. On one hand these bishops say they strive to live out their monasticism in humility and with the bear minimums as is proper, but then they go parading around the streets as if it where the Brazilian fiesta of Carnival??? Was not our Lord crowned with thorns as opposed to the finniest tiara!
Thus, in the words of our Archbishop, “A bishop is to be a father, a brother and a friend to his clergy and flock. They the flock should never fear to approach him for any reason what so ever”! I personally know of several priests which are not part of our exarchate that fear their bishops! on one occasion, the exarchate petitioned a request for the use of their Church. That particular priest (a friend of the exarchate) was so afraid of how his bishop would react that it was nearly two months before the exarchate received a reply.
Therefore, through the prayers of the Martyrs, Saints and through the prayers of our all Holy Mother Theotokos, may the Holy Spirit impart the grace of humility onto all clergy but in particular the bishops of the Church which have begun to stray from the way, the truth and the life (Jesus)! May the Lord remove from power those who exploit their positions of power just like, the hired servants (Not shepherds) in the gospel of John, The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. Jn 10:12
Ascension Troparion
O Christ God, You have ascended in Glory, / Granting joy to Your disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit. / Through the blessing they were assured / That You are the Son of God, / The Redeemer of the world!
Ascension Kontakion
When You had fulfilled the dispensation for our sake, / and united earth to heaven: / You ascended in glory, O Christ our God, / not being parted from those who love You, / but remaining with them and crying: / “I am with you and no one will be against you!”