Saturday 18th January 2025 A.D. - 7pm
Good Sheppard Chapel, Abbotsford
It was a warm, sunny day and the traffic was quite heavy on the way to celebrate Theophany this year. Father Mark played the organ while we waited for everyone to arrive and then we got started around 7:30pm. The entrance hymn "Praise to the Lord" was sung beautifully by Metropolitan Raffaele and accompanied by Father Mark at the organ.
The Gloria was sung in the same fashion, and then the Metropolitan spoke about how the relics of the True Cross were found and the healing power of the relics and then brought our relics (encased in a beautiful Tasmanian Huon Pine cross) amongst the people. He placed in on a table before two large pots of mineral water from the mountains; the liturgy and the blessing of the waters continued from there.
The prokiminon was sung and the waters were blessed by the clergy. Each member of the clergy took it in turns to first, blow on the water, then make the sign of the cross in each pot. Next the water was blessed with basil by Metropolitan Raffaele, Bishop-Elect Mark and Archpresbyter Matthew. Then Server Luke assisted Fr Matthew to cense the area around the waters before the Gospel of St Mark was read. It spoke of the baptism of Jesus and the signs that showed St. John that Jesus was the Christ.
After the Gospel was read, the clergy took it in turns to dunk the relics of the True Cross into the water. Metropolitan Raffaele also took this time to bless some unction oil, before using the basil to sprinkle the newly blessed Holy Water on the people. Everyone was invited to fill their own bottle with Holy Water as the clergy returned to the altar to continue the liturgy.
The Gifts were brought and blessed as the people continued to fill the beautiful glass bottles prepared by Subdeacon Michael. The Theotokos was honoured with the song "Mira il Tuo Popolo" sung by Metropolitan Raffaele and accompanied by Fr Mark on the organ. The Theotokos' prayer was spoken and sung and then the Holy Gifts were honoured as the congregation joined in the Our Father prayer. The clergy sang the prayer and then took Communion together. This was also shared with the congregation.
The Metropolitan performed the Thanksgiving Hymn "All Creatures of God and King" with the congregation before the chalice and diskos were returned the the prothesis. Metropolitan Raffaele gave a short homily on the Waters of the Jordan and how John the Baptist was able to recognise Jesus as the Lord incarnate. He reminded us of when Jesus had healed the boy with no eyes and gave him sight through the waters of the Pool of Siloim.
Then, Metropolitan Raffaele sang a final hymn "All People that on Earth Do Dwell" while Fr Mark beautifully played the organ. Then everyone adjourned to the cloisters for an agape snack.