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Holy Triduum

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Three for free! 

A reflection on the three Holiest days of the year.

This Holy week will be an unforgettable one for all. We will be in the silence of our home-chapels/prayer corners, in contemplative prayer, worshipping the undivided Trinity who speaks to us in the silence of our hearts.

However glorious, wondrous and magnificent the divine services may be, it is good for us and our souls to blot out all the noise and just be intimate with God in silence; something that many struggle with!

Perhaps, this is why God has allowed the services to be suspended.

Late last week I was speaking to our Archbishop on the topic of live streaming the divine services. What he said made perfect sense, “The whole point of the divine services are for people to immerse themselves in. We as orthodox Christians use our senses when we gather in Church to render praise and worship.

The sense of smell (incense)

Our sight (the wonderful craftsmanship of the wood works, icons ect).

Our touch (when we venerate, we touch with our hands or our lips via a kiss.)

Our ears (we hear the word of God in the gospel and learn our theology within the prayers of the liturgy, thuribles, bells, chanters)

May I also add that the reason the thuribles have the twelve bells on them is, firstly they represent the twelve apostles and secondly, we all know that after a few minutes our minds begin to wonder off into other places, ie. “What will I cook for the Sunday lunch” or “look at what so and so is wearing!” 

So, to bring us back the deacon censes at the parts of the liturgy where we are to give our full attention.

But most importantly Taste!

When we receive our Lord in the mystery of mysteries our whole being is revitalized! Our souls and bodies receive that much needed replenishment burning all infection, evil and disease from us rendering us whole.

Thus, if we cannot participate with all our senses it defeats the purpose. If we do not receive our Lord physically there is no use in live streaming and broadcasting the services. 

Not to mention, it is totally unfair that it is only the clergy who are allowed to celebrate the divine services! Clergy are here to serve the people not to have special privileges being treated as kings!

I understand where these jurisdictions and other denominations are coming from and I sympathise with them. However, they have missed the point of the divine services as I have mentioned above.

May I put it in a way that we can all relate to. It is like we have been invited to our parents' house for dinner. When we arrive, we are greeted from the opposite end of the house. 

Then when it comes time for dinner, mum has prepared all our favourite dishes and we go to the dinner table to eat. However, there is a three inch glass wall separating us from our parents and the food which they have prepared for us. It just does not make sense.

If we cannot hug, kiss and convers with our parents and we cannot eat the food prepared for us; it defeats the purpose!

I have recently read/seen articles on line in regards to the divine services being suspended. Most start off with words of encouragement and reassurance but as I continued reading, the cleric begins to inform his reader/viewers that the cancellation of services is due to humanities sins! 

Forgive me but this a load of absolute verbal fodder! We Italians would call such statements as/in our native toung, “Ma questa e' una barzeleta spaventosa! : What an absolute joke which is truly sickening!)

Thus, those who truly believe that the current circumstances are due to our sins are basically stating that our Lord’s divine intervention was a total sham! Furthermore, such comments blaspheme the purpose of His Joyous birth, His Triumphal death and Glorious Resurrection! 

It just does not make sense! The whole reason why Christ fully immersed Himself into our mortal frame was to abolish death and it’s hold over creation, via nailing all forms of impediments to the wood of the cross; the worlds lusts, passions, anger, pride, hatred, jealousy  ect....

Furthermore, on Holy Thursday when He was reclined at table with His apostles as they shared their last supper together, He instituted the Great mystery of mysteries; His precious body and blood to wipe away the sins of those who wish to be saved!

And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed it and broke it and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins.” Mt 26:26-28

Moreover, after the clergy have communed with the precious blood of our saviour they pray: “Behold my lips have touched thy glorious mysteries, you O Lamb of God have removed my transgressions and purified my being!

Hence, when we fall, we pick ourselves up and approach the Lord in all humility and ask for forgiveness. When we attend the Divine Liturgy we reverently partake of His precious body and blood which will in turn burn away any form of sin/diseases voluntary or involuntary! (provided we have faith and are in His grace)

Further, we mustn’t forget that Christ forgave the apostle Peter after he denied Jesus three times, when he was questioned by people in the courtyard as Jesus was interrogated before the Sanhedrin. After his denial, our Lord forgives him; with the encouragement to keep going, in not being afraid. Peter goes on to become a laudable apostle and martyr of the church; receiving the same form of death as our Saviour, crucifixion. However, at Peter’s request he was hung upside down because he felt unworthy to die in the same manner our Lord did.

It is never to late for forgiveness and healing to take place! The only requirement is for one to come to their senses and in humility ask the Lord that He heals that which is infirm. Thus, even at the moment of death as a person draws his/her last breath. 

Hence, if they come to the realization that they made a mistake in the way they lived out their lives, in asking the Lord in His merciful nature for forgiveness; heaven shall rejoice! Thus, as the merciful and loving Father, He is always ready to receive us into His Holy embrace, for He is truly saddened when we walk away from His gracious presence, choosing unwisely as any good parent would be when their children stray!

Finally, on Saturday evening as the hour draws near to midnight, let us ponder on the icon of icons; the Resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ. (The descent into hades)

It is here that the promise is fulfilled and we are brought to the promised land via His death and resurrection! (Paradise)

May it be a means of encouragement as we contemplate this icon where Christ descend into hades shattering its gates, which are laid in the form of an X (the Greek letter for Christ) and in mercy reaches out via intervention; drawing Adam and Eve out of the clutches of death, escorting them to the safety of paradise.

May the light who is Christ shine in the depths of our hearts shattering all impediments which seek to master us and bind us in shackles. 

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life!” Jn 8:12

“The light shines in the darkness. And the darkness could not overcome it!” Jn 1:5

Thus, let us acclaim:

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death; And upon those in the tombs He is, Bestowing life!!!

Paschal Troparion



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