Homily on the third Sunday of Pascha: The Myrrh-bearing Woman
Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent council member, who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God, coming and taking courage, went in to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Mk 15:43
What an extraordinary amount of courage it would have taken Joseph of Arimathea in order to overcome the fear of being stripped of his priestly duties, but more so by overcoming the fear of potentially being put to death for being a follower of Jesus.
St. Joseph was a presbyter of the temple and as we know – all clergy worked to sustain themselves; he was a tin merchant by trade and often travelled to keep himself afloat. He knew the Holy Family very well and observed the young Jesus as he grew up and knew that he was the one whom the scriptures foretold.
Furthermore, Apostolic Tradition tells us that St. Joseph caught the Lord’s blood (that which flowed from his side which was still fresh) in a goblet he made out of tin when he hoisted the Lord’s body down from the cross for the preparation rite of entombment. It was not kosher for blood to be seeping through the corps; most of the wounds had partially dried and the last wound (side wound) which was still fresh was drained into that tin vessel – the grail controversies.
After the Pentecost, Joseph was ordained a presbyter of the New Testament Church and was elected bishop to Britain where he first brought the faith to the English. Hence, after many years of service to the newly erected Church, he reposed in his risen Lord in the city of Glastonbury to where his relics remain within the Syriac chapel (early monastic missionaries that came from Syria to strengthen the faith) consecrated to his episcopacy.
What an astonishing wholehearted leap of faith! Thus risking one's life in order to render due homage, honour and worship to the one who bowed down the heavens, the earth and the nethermost regions by His descent in becoming Son of man; ascending the wood of the cross, shattering the kingdom of darkness, liberating those bound in shekels and restoring the dignity of man lost in the garden by the power of suggestion masked as the serpent.
And Mary Megdalene and Mary the mother of James, (Theotokos) and Salome bought spices, that they may anoint Him. Mk 15:47-1
Woman have always had a very important part to live out in the body of Christ (The Church). The first being Our All Holy Mother Mariam who was invited personally by God for the holiest task in all eternity, to hold in her womb the one who is uncontainable by man due to its fallen state.
After our Lords All Holy Resurrection and to this present-day woman have had the most important role in the church! They have been the very first to teach the faith which is orthodox to the young blood of the Church. The minds of young children are like sponges that absorb endless amounts of water, (the life-giving water that gives eternal life: Jesus) Jn 4:14
If it were not for the woman who have been so faithful in safeguarding the faith and passing it down to their children and grandchildren, who knows how many of us would be living in God's grace; receiving the life giving mysteries Jesus gave us in order to fight the good fight and run the race. 2 Tim 4:7
The Church is extremely blessed to have the wives of Her Deacons and Presbyters. In early Christendom when people were baptised the sacrament was done with no cloths. The priest/bishop would prayer the service up to the triple submerging. He then would give the blessing to the deaconess/presytera to submerge the woman thrice. Thus, leaving no room for non-believers to question what goes on during these services. For as many of you have been baptised into Christ have put on Christ. Gal 3:27
Thus, after the newly enlightened is re-clothed the priest/bishop would continue with the rite of Chrismation.
Furthermore, to this very day a deaconess/presytera is a person all woman should feel comfortable in approaching for advice in earthly or spiritual quarrels. They, together with their husband share the same ministry; they together are one body. With their husband they learn the faith and profess it together. Thus, if a woman were to open up to a deaconess/presytera and reveal certain things to her: the seal of confession without the mystery of absolution still stands!
Next week the world will celebrate Mother's Day; recognising the hard work that mothers do and the selfless sacrifices they make for the benefit of their children. Although it is not a feast day of the church, it would be a loving gesture to pray not just for mothers out there but for all woman that they may teach the faith wholeheartedly and with true conviction. Furthermore, we place before God in prayer all woman who would love to have children but are impeded via various circumstances; through the intersessions of the All Holy Theotokos may the Holy Spirit overshadow them and grace their womb in order to conceive! May they follow the example of the All Holy Theotokos and Virgin Mariam for with gladness she kept the word in Her heart safeguarding Him for all of eternity.
Through the intercessions of the Myrrh bearing woman together with all the woman Martyrs and Saints, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us. Amen