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Homily on the Sunday before Nativity.

Writer's picture: Father MarkFather Mark

Hebrews 11: 9-10, 17-23, 32-46; Matthew 1: 1-25.

My dear people as we prepare to celebrate the feast of the Nativity this Friday let our focus be on what this great Feast means. Let us put aside what the world expects of Christmas for this great feast means more than Santa and presents!

If one walks through the shops in the last part of the year one can see signs everywhere compelling people to buy this or that for Christmas. Christmas has been reduced to a season where the sole message promoted is love expressed through the exchange of gifts. Whilst expressing ones love and appreciation for others is a good thing, this gift-giving often puts financial strain on people that can least afford it.

Upon closer inspection of the Gospels, it does not appear that the message of Christmas was to promote gift-giving. Whilst it is true that the Magi did present our Lord and Saviour with gold, frankincense, and myrrh there is more to the meaning of the great Feast than the giving of gifts!

Indeed, the gifts of the Magi were symbolic of the realities of Christ’s kingship in that although He is the king of all He is very much the suffering servant mentioned in Saint Isaiah’s prophesies (Isaiah 53).

Think of it in this way the King of all becomes man, and although He is God He is treated terribly by those He has come to save. In many ways, this image of the suffering servant is at odds with the traditional image of a king – a king is served not a servant it is to be supposed.

Yet this is exactly what happened Christ who is our King, was born of the All-Holy Theotokos and the All-Holy Spirit, yet although He is the King of all He became the suffering servant – thus serving those subject to Him.

He was a man that was despised by the ruling classes of His day – they plotted how to get rid of Him as He threatened their authority, and image of the Messiah that they had promoted.

He is no warlord – He is the King who suffered death, was buried, and rose again on the third day. He is the King we await to come back in glory to judge the living and the dead!

Therefore we celebrate the Feast of Christmas because it is at this moment the second Person of the All-Holy Trinity became man. It is this moment where the All-Holy Trinity’s desire for the salvation of mankind is made evident for all to see. God becomes man, so that man can choose to cooperate with the All-Holy Trinity’s plan for salvation if he so chooses- remember we are all gifted with the faculty of free will.

Without our Lord’s incarnation, death, and resurrection there could be no salvation for it was through these events that Christ takes man’s fallen nature and as the new Adam raises it with Him so that through Baptism and the Mysteries of His Church man can enter into perfect communion with the All-Holy Trinity.

The Holy Evangelist Saint John perfectly expresses the All-Holy Trinity’s will for he states (John 3:16-17):

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the World, but that the world through Him might be saved.”

This is the beauty of the Christmas message – it is the expression of the All-Holy Trinity’s love for mankind. The All-Holy Trinity desires that all hearts may freely choose to cooperate with His plan for the salvation of all. We have the choice to freely accept this great gift or reject it – the choice is ours.

However, there is more to the message of this feast! We are called to be people of peace for this is what the Angels sang to the shepherds (Luke 2: 14):

“Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men!”

Whilst it can be difficult to maintain peace all the time- if we truly trust the All-Holy Trinity, and live by His Gospel then peace is something that can be maintained on earth. However, there is an element of free will at play here – not all people will others good.

Therefore, as Christians, it is our responsibility to become like icons of Christ in the world. What I mean by this is that by our love and our actions we can reflect the love of Christ to others.

Whether they respond favourably to us or not is up to them - whatever the outcome it is our duty as Christians to keep praying for all people.

Lastly, as we welcome in 2022 let us be thankful for the many gifts that we have received in 2021! For many 2021 was a year that presented many challenges, yet let us be thankful for the help that the All-Holy Trinity has given us throughout these challenges.

Let us never forget the great love that the All-Holy Trinity has for each and every one of us. Even when things seem difficult if one trusts in the All-Holy Trinity He will be there to assist us.

Moreover, let us spend some time in the first few days of this New Year and pray that 2022 will be a year that is filled with many blessings and successes.

Let us also pray that through the grace of the All-Holy Trinity that many people will come to the truth of Orthodoxy.

Let us ask the All-Holy Trinity that He may guide us to people who have the most need of our help. Let us not forget that there are many people in the community who have suffered greatly due to the Pandemic in the last few years!

Furthermore, let us reflect on what goals we have for 2022 and ask the All-Holy Trinity for His help to achieve these goals. As long as a goal is for our own good and causes no harm to others the All-Holy Trinity will help us to achieve this goal.

Remember Christ is adamant that we are to use our talents in the building of His kingdom (Matthew 25: 14-30; Luke 19: 11-27). Each and every one of you has a role to play in the building of His kingdom whether you are a cleric, layperson, father, mother etc.

Finally, let us not forget to pray for all that 2022 will be a year filled with every blessing from the All-Holy Trinity.

May the All-Holy Trinity bless each and every one of you as we enter 2022!



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Updated June 2024 by Nika Designs

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