When he drew near to Jerusalem ascending its mount to fulfill his voluntary suffering for the love of his creation, the people who awaited in the midst of darkness overwhelmed by death’s shadow fashioned palms and branches of various sorts as a sign of great victory thus foretelling thy resurrection. Therefore Father Pantocrator, keep us under the shelter of your wings that we too may follow their example of greeting you thus carrying in our hands palms, branches and foliage native to us that we like the mouths of the young may sing onto you: Hosanna to the Highest! (Typikon/Ceremonial of the Southern Cross Holy Apostles Exarchate)
The above prayer is that which pertains to the rite of blessing palms for the Sunday of our Lord’s entrance/ascent into Jerusalem. The palm or as we and many Mediterranean countries would use sanctified/blessed shoots of the olive as a tangible means of God’s grace to recall, relive, and embrace the certainty of Christ’s victory – the prize of martyrs and all who wholeheartedly believe in Jesus as King, Lord, and God!
Although the word we have come to know in the context of praise HOSANNA from the Greek and Latin usage rendering honour and glory onto God, the Hebrew in the context of today’s feast that we celebrate renders a different meaning. The people of Judea had been under the tyranny of the Roman occupation and the held fast to the promise of the Messiah, but not that which God would appoint, rather such that would be a warrior king who in their minds will rise and win back Judea! Hence, when the children cried out HOSIANNA within the context of the people’s expectations, that word thus means SAVE US! Thus, cheering him with the sign of victory and glory.
This noble plant/s has been the means of nourishment, a symbol of conquest, and in recent years; a statement of peace and perhaps a breakthrough regarding particular issues! Yet, when it comes to the Faith, the Church, the very life of the believer, we seem to find ourselves at odds; we tend not to be on the same page which is the cause of total confusion. Although we are obviously on different levels, but if we are Christians, then Christ MUST be and mean the same to all of us – He (Christ) cannot be divided as the Apostle Paul states to the Church in Corinth.
(1 Cor: 12-13)
Although many with every good intention may try to communicate these happenings (portrayal of the Lord’s life) through theater (re-enactment) but the ancient Greeks/Romans too delighted immensely over myths of the past which they held in high esteem to be re-enacted in order to serve as a reminder of their identity as a people. Likewise do others through the arts as in music, chorale, and even cinematography paint a vivid interpretation of such that happened long ago; it too in serving as a reminder or distant memory every now and then revived. There is also the contemporary get together where the grand within their circles exercise such in the power of word and speech; again offering their reality of that which happened long ago revived once more.
The following statement is not to place Orthodoxy on the pedestal because its foreign to such sentimental however tainted it has become with the stupidity of nationalism within - accompanied via exaggerated piety- having totally derailed from the greater reality of the faith. In all truth and sincerity, we do not change to suit the standards of the world for we live in the Body of Christ which is unchangeable! Nor do we re-enact! There is nothing to re-enact or pretend, nor imagine for it is not for us to imagine that which we can’t grasp because the minute we start imagining as I stated in my encyclical on faith: “we derail from the truth and invent our own reality in accordance to our emotions which are constantly fluctuating!”
Thus, the CHURCH which is ORTHODOX, constantly liturgizes for that is its function! Liturgy is far beyond meditation and echoing praise and focus on events of the past. In contrast, the Church vividly proclaims the power and eternal presence of these all holy events which are solemnly celebrated and we as living members of the mystical body of Christ ‘his Church’ again are made participants thereof!
This is the very reason that I and many others came to Orthodoxy: unchanged, un-invented, ever beautiful, soul lifting, body sanctifying, and mind embracing/resting in the care of God! It is not something that has been recycled, nor has it been invented and re-invented according to fluctuating mentalities. Rather, Holy Orthodoxy embraces the human person for who, what, and where they are; our lives may be a living hell, but Holy Mother church embraces us, she does not scold us and tell us how sinful we are and that we will burn more than the present struggles faced! She is the Loving Mother who nurtures her kids and via the grace of the Spirit who lives in her – immune's her children from the wolves within!
Many people who once cried Hosanna in their youth now shout out Crucify! What’s happened? What went wrong? We tend to forget that Christ (was incarnate) came to nail the horrible side (murder, hate, violence, slander, betrayal etc.) of humanity to the wood of the Cross. Further, these forget that Jesus is the caring shepherd and Father Pantocrator! In other words, you who are parents love your kids and could not in love shun them away due to choices they make that may not be good. You always try, reason, dialogue, and risk for the life of your kids regardless; this is what in various ways today is about!
We have entered the Week of weeks; a time where as the Cherubic Hymn states “lay aside all earthly cares for the King of Glory enters” Let us behold our Lord as the one who loves us even though those who think they may represent him along with various institutional structures portray him as a total dictator, monster and unmerciful tyrant…..this being via fear of being discovered for who they really are (weak, bitter, twisted, uncharitable, unholy)!
These weaklings who once uttered HOSANNA were and are the same who back then sold the crowd to shout out CRUCIFY for they were and are at odds when God surprises them and does not act according to their expectations! Moreover, let us remember that each time the turbulent sea storms in life may sink us down, He (the Lord) lays aside his crown to stoop down – reaching out onto our call; guiding us safely back to shore!
Lord, you raised Lazarus from death prior to your passion confirming the universal resurrection. The Hebrew children gathered before you and greeted you with palms of victory crying out: “Hosanna in the Highest!” May we gather in your presence and be reminded every day that you are the annihilator of death and Lord our God. Illumine our minds and strengthen our faith so we may cry out and proclaim: “Blessed is the Name of God our Lord Iesus Kristos who will come in glory!” (Troparion of Palm Sunday. Holy Apostles Exarchate)
