“Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! Mt 15:22
Homily on the 36 Sunday after Pentecost.
In todays gospel reading, we hear the recount of a mothers love for her daughter who was demon possessed. Moreover, the mothers unwavering faith in her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ brings about healing onto her child. Showing us that via our faith, trust and obedience to the All-Holy-Trinity ALL things are possible! In addition, it also gives us a glimpse into the immense power of the Jesus prayer (the prayer of the heart) - "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Have mercy upon me a sinner!"
A few week ago I was sitting with my daughter Mia watching funny videos on YouTube. After a while we stumbled across a video of a young man performing charitable works towards the disadvantaged people of the community. One of those was a homeless man which was sitting on the sidewalk begging for spare change in order to eat.
Thus, the young man instructs the homeless man to get in his car. What the young man does next is wonderful and extremely charitable. The young man brings the homeless man to the barbers to have a hair cut and shave. He then takes him to buy new clothing; buying extra for the man to change during the week.
The young man then takes the homeless man to the supermarket and purchases non perishable food for him. Thus, at the end of the video the young man gives the homeless man a thick handful of money, at which they both began to cry and embrace each other.
Therefore, what this man had done for the homeless man was such a wonderful act of kindness that one would say that the young man is truly living out the gospel. This could not be any further away from the truth.
In actual fact, although there may have been an element of charity in what the young man did, it was a selfish act in that the young man did all those things in order to gain the admiration of people online. moreover, as far as I understand, when one has a certain number of subscribers, they get paid for the content they upload online.
Having stated thus, His actions were firstly self-centred acts in that the young man only cared about himself (the me, myself and I syndrome) and lastly contrary to what our Lord instructed us in the Gospel of Matthew chapter six verse six - But when you pray, go into your most private room, close the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees [what is done] in secret will reward you.
Although Jesus is talking about the way we are to pray, He is also showing us the way we are to be the lights within a darkened world. In short when we fulfil our Christian obligations, we are to do it wholeheartedly and without seeking the admiration from the world.
“Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” Mt15:28
A perfect example that I can give is of our Father amongst the Saints, Saint Spiridone Bishop of Tremithus. I will give a brief summary of his life. For a more in depth description of his life I encourage anyone to read his life on OrthodoxWiki.com
He was a humble shepherd, he loved his flock dearly. He received a very basic education - the equivalent of grade 4. He later went on to marry and had children. He shared all he had with his neighbours and gave generously to the poor, the widows and the orphans.
When his wife passed away he was consecrated bishop of Tremithus. The Saint through his prayers brought rains upon the arid land. He provided healing for many, he even brought a young girl back to life after she had died. Not to mention the time the Angelic Hosts of Heaven were heard responding and singing in an empty Church that the Saint was celebrating the Divine Liturgy in. The list truly goes on. Hence I urge all to read his life.
However, one of his many great works was the care that he showed to the ladies of the night or prostitutes of that time.
The Saint used to go to see these women during the night when no one would see him. He would give the women money but rather than taking advantage of them he would show them how loved they were by God, how valued and important they were and how much good they had to offer this world.
Thus, each time the Saint would urge them to never tell anyone what he was doing. Once a person saw the Saint going to see the women and rumour quickly spread throughout the town. As one could imagine he lost so much credibility amongst the people. Many even wanted him excommunicated and so many would walk on the opposite side of the street when he was out and about.
Therefore, after the Saint had surrendered his soul to God, the women he had helped revealed all that the Saint had done for them. One could only imagine how terrible the people who spoke badly of him began to feel about the way they treated the Saint when he was alive. His feast is commemorated on the 25th of December according to the Julian Calendar (Old Calendar)
Let us ask Saint Spiridon for his intercessions; further asking that he impart a small grain of his humility so we may imitate the way he lived out his faith and life in his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
At the First Council you appeared as a champion of Truth and a Wonderworker, O our God-bearing Father Spyridon. / For you spoke to one dead in her grave, and transformed a serpent into gold; / while chanting your holy prayers / you had Angels serving with you, most holy one. / Glory to Him Who glorified you. / Glory to Him Who crowned you. / Glory to Him Who, through you, grants healing to all.
Through the prayers of the Holy Theotokos, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us. Amen!