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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele



The venerable Clergy and People of this Holy Exarchate under the protection of the Lord’s Apostles.



Dear Family of the Church and friends of Holy Apostles,

As you are all aware of the various miracles the Lord is working within the Exarchate, such as the miraculous oil streaming icon of the Apostles Peter and Paul which occurred on the eve of the 25th of September 2017 Anno Domini after the vesperal (Evening Prayer) service commemorating the fore feast of the Universal Exultation of the Holy Cross.

Also the Epitaphios icon (the Shroud of Christ) which streamed olive oil throughout the Great Friday ceremonies in April of 2021 Anno Domini. Further, the miraculous oil streaming icon of the Pentecost which occurred on the day of the 13th of July Anno Domini after the Divine Liturgy.

It is with immense joy that we communicate another blessed occurrence through the presence of the Theotokos who is God’s gift to us as our Mother via those very words addressed to Apostle St. John from the cross: “Behold your Mother!” (Jn 19:29)

On Thursday 15th February 2024 Anno Domini within the Divine Liturgy commemorating the Presentation of the Lord, the Icon of the Theotokos ‘AXION ESTI’ (She who is worthy of all veneration and blessedness) similar to ‘Hodegetria’ (She who points the way) or the Perpetual Succour as known in the West, began streaming olive oil from the hand of the Mother of God.

It is interesting to note that this very icon (a print mounted on thin wood) was thrown away by an ex priest at which I was thankful to receive such a beautiful icon in my care. In addition, the Lord manifests his grace through his saints and through she who is full of grace from the moment she accepted divine grace personified whom she nurtured within her womb.

The following extract is taken from our encyclical entitled MARIAM which highlights the origins of the copy of the blessed icon in our possession.

In the monastery of Karyes on Mt Athos (Monastic peninsula in Greece) the archangel Gabriel revealed the second part of his greeting (Ave Maria) first addressed to the Virgin via writing on the wall just like the Lord wrote on the wall of the hall of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar (605-562 BC)

This time there was no need for the prophet Daniel to interpret its meaning which back then was of destruction, but now affirming the edification of the Church and praise for the New Ark of the Covenant (Mariam) All now could clearly read for themselves that the hall of the king is indeed the Theotokos and the Church praises her particularly in the Divine liturgy after the Holy Spirit is called down to transform the gifts of bread and wine into the body and blood of our Lord. (AXION ESTI)

“You are worthy to be blessed O Theotokos, ever blessed and all pure Mother of our God. More honourable than the Cherubim, and all glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim: in virginity you gave birth to God the Word: true Theotokos, we magnify you!”


A parishioner of ours who has endured various trials received news a few days before that they had developed throat cancer which of course sent this poor soul into further anxiety. Our Holy Mother was always a great figure in the prayer life of this person, and I insisted that greater devotion to Mother Mary be employed.

I then collected a little of the oil and gave it to the afflicted member of our parish church and asked that they anoint themselves with it, keep it with them at all times, and ask the Theotokos to shelter them from such afflictions.

A few weeks later, the parishioner then proceeds with courage to attend the monitor consultation for the throat cancer at which the doctors were stunned. The throat cancer had completely disappeared. This of course could only happen through God who is wondrous and blessed amongst his angels and saints, particularly through she who gave him human birth.

Just as the Lord honoured the divine commandments when he came amongst us as Emmanuel, we too are to honour the Father and his Mother who is blessed among women (Lk 1:42-45) this same woman who heard the Word of God via the Archangel St. Gabriel’s message (Lk 1:26-38) and nurtured God the Word in her womb. (Lk 11:28)

Thus with the whole Church, in unison with angels and saints we acclaim:  All Holy Virgin Mother Mariam full of grace, you are the protector of Christians and plead for us before thy Son the Pantocrator. Hear the pleading of our hearts we make this day and in your goodness and tender maternal love; come speedily and deliver us from all misfortune for we call on you in faith. Shelter us under your protecting veil and intercede for us at all times for you cover all who honour you as Mother of the Lord under the strong protection of your holy omophorion.


With every Blessing sincerely invoked upon you in Christ our glorious Bishop, through the intercessions of His All Holy Mother Mariam,


Metropolitan Archbishop and Exarch



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