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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele


“The heavenly Jerusalem is where the Father Pantocrator ordained his Son to be wedded and throughout the ages the Lord of the harvest sent forth his servants to announce the great news to his people, but many refused to come and take part.” (Mt 22: 1-3)

The above correct translation of the text lets us in the rsvp books of God’s personal invitation to us the Old and New Testament Churches, and yes – nothing changes! We want it our way. We want to be in charge. We want to make it our business that we dictate and intimidate if necessary to anyone: sinner or saint who dare challenges us. Furthermore, we will even twist scripture in order to suit our purpose thus accommodating our needs and crush anyone who dare reminds us of how far we have gone from what once was – not that the church changes, but the institution of which we make and remake has truly marred itself into spiritual bankruptcy!

Thus, due to the response (rsvp) on the hearts of individuals which was in favour of declining participation, the Father Pantocrator again sent his ministers to remind the invited guests that the table is fully prepared with fine food and the firstborn calf which has been tended gracefully too has been slain that the banquet may fulfil the wedding requirements: come to the supper. (Mt 22: 4)

Again the Lord who is mercy personified came of himself that we may know him and love him and in turn continue to honour the commitment we supposedly embraced when immersing ourselves in sanctified waters (Holy Baptism) : “Love one another as I love you, for through the same love I have for you and you share with your people, they too will come to recognise that you are my disciples and in turn wholeheartedly respond to my call!” (Jn 13: 34-35) Yet we continue to throw rubbish on those who are indifferent, those who may not be of our fold, and be the source of antagonism in harbouring hatred onto others because they may have something (gift, grace, or position) we don’t; jealousy is a vicious mistress!

Therefore, when the invited guests heard about the Lord’s continued plea to respond wholeheartedly to his invitation, many were frustrated, others ignored it completely and continued with their business whilst some out of fury whose hearts and minds stood challenged seized the servants of the Lord, treated them totally with contempt and proceeded to eliminated them via murder. (Mat 22: 5-6)

How many times have we seen especially amongst the ancient church (those who refused to change the orthodox calendar) beaten to a pulp, starved, eliminated, and even deemed un canonical???? The greatest atrocity in modern times is that which calls itself THE ECCUMENICAL PATRIARCHY who is responsible for the injustice committed against the Holy Monastery of Esphigmenu in Greece (who produced marvellous Saints and Fathers of the Church like Gregory Palamas) which called on the Greek army to stop supplies in order to starve the monks and deny aid to them so they (the patriarchy and state church) in arrogance can stamp out the old calendar which is their thorn in the side! Yes I agree that many of the monks may have a few loose screws especially when it comes to conspiracy theories which the Lord himself forbids us to contemplate, but NO Christian MUST EVER treat fellow Christians and anyone in such a diabolical way!

Hence, the Father Pantocrator then said to his ministers: “In the fullness of time the wedding feast is at hand - thus those who were my people who ignored my invitation, they shall never taste of my banquet. Now go into every street and bring everyone you find along the way. Therefore, they gathered both those who were fitting and those less so at which the upper room then was full of guests.” (Mt 22: 8-9-10)

It is not surprising to know that those who consider themselves as good religious people via their attendance with church related activities are by no means going to be the first on the last day. In other words, how many times have we seen those who profess the faith become faithless when it comes to their own mortality or more importantly, when treating others so spitefully; church administrators and committees have rendered the lives of good people and clerics as a living hell (of which I can testify too) because they were filled with the same pride of the ancient rebellion! (Clerics are not immune to possession or spiritual paralysis if they succumb to such behavior)

Again, how many times have I personally heard and seen those who claim to have a theological background especially amongst the HETRODOX; who are high up in positions of prestige deny basic doctrine like the Resurrection, miracles, and Jesus as God? Yet, when thirsty people who long for He Who Is living water come to seek him, learn from him and know him – they are immediately repealed by these (HYPOCRITES) who in reality never had a drop of living water run through their veins because their hearts are totally corrupt, vein and far from him making sure the Church is the bank where only deposits can be made which of course are at their disposal!

Thus, the Father Pantocrator came to greet the guests and noticed the odd ones out who had no garment fitting for their position and invitation to such solemnity. Therefore he pulled these aside and said: “You had the audacity to walk in this holy place yet you wilfully deprived yourself totally of that which was required for attendance?” These were then shamefully speechless! (Mt 22: 11-12)

Unfortunately there are many who assume unlawful positions in the Church via their arrogance to self-proclaim which is problematic in orthodox circles – you may refer to the latest exarchial encyclical for further information. Whilst there exists the other party which is fuelled like an arranged marriage; you get the top job if you tow the line, do as we say, and of course rake in the funds! Sadly, the latter is full of arrogance, pomp and abhorrent behaviour; the men in black club which are at odds with one another and will quickly do each other in if threatened!

This is not the Church bishoped by Jesus Christ and his Apostles, but the den of thieves the Lord himself accused the temple of Jerusalem in being; very far from the house of prayer and centre of Eucharist in liturgizing onto the living God!

In actual fact, these are in the same category as Judas Iscariot and those with him who conspired in selling the Lord in order to slay him!!!! Some of you may think that I have gone completely off the rails via taking a different stance this time round….No! If anything, the men who run the church clerical and lay must make a decision and come to a conclusion. For most definitely they will be burnt by the Holy Spirit via the malice they harbour on others in the name of the living God in profaning the sacred office they supposedly hold and constantly scandalise! Thus they must either come to their knees and beg for forgiveness via walking away or living the rest of their lives in contemplation (monastic life) or unvest and begin a normal living (civilian) immediately resigning due to unholy conduct!

Thus, the Father Pantocrator then said to his hosts: “Bind these completely and throw them out of my presence where the light is absent in the land of despair and oppression. I have called many but only those who respond wholeheartedly are chosen!” (Mt 22: 13-14)



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