When the people of Samaria gathered to greet him, they asked that he stay, for they were thirsting to hear his words that replenished; he wholeheartedly stayed another two days amongst them. (Jn 4: 40-41)
We are in the season of Holy Pascha and as the Resurrection Odes of Praise from the Morning Prayer Service proclaims: This is the day of the Lord’s resurrection, let us walk in the light of his glorious presence. He who is love personified came to tend to the wounds of our hearts leaving us the words of divine medicine: “Love one another as I love you!” Therefore by this glorious and all holy feast let us embrace one-another in the joy of his Resurrection in the hope that hate is redeemed by wholehearted forgiveness.
Although the Hebrews had divisions back then like now – who was conservative, who was not, yet any party in the middle was totally unacceptable; the Samaritans were considered half breeds. For those who are accustom to the Orthodox Paschal liturgies, one may be familiar with a gem of words offered by St. John Chrysostom who refers Pascha as the feast.
This Feast of feasts It is not one such that exists as an Exclusive Brethren affair, but a reminder that Pascha happened for the very reason to include all who came into existence so that they may know the Lord who came to be our Supper from the moment of Incarnation in granting us the gift of being fully alive. Therefore the then Archbishop of Constantinople boldly proclaimed: “Rejoice today, both you who have fasted and you who have disregarded the time of preparation; the table is prepared – feast sumptuously for the calf has been offered and let no one go away hungry!”
The woman of Samaria was one who lived in shame due to her craving the pleasures of the flesh which left her empty again, and again. No one had time for her because she was considered to be a mistress and a perverted individual full of filth and was no good to herself. As we know in our own cultures, people in the same shoes as her (the Samaritan woman) were indeed labelled and at often times dealt with verbal abuse due to their (prostitutes) weakness.
Hence, she was more of a night girl and avoided the day if she could so she didn’t have to deal with the hurling/casting of stones via indignities people shouted at her. For those of you who know the Middle East and surrounding territories, it’s rather hot and people tend to stay indoors in the afternoon when the sun scorches. Yet, this was the time that she would come to the well to draw water for herself and run quickly back home – out of sight as it were.
Therefore the Lord came to the city of Sychar in the region of Samaria; the very place where Jacob gave a portion of land to his son Joseph. It was at the sixth hour when Jesus drew near to the very well which Jacob constructed – to which he came to refresh himself from the journey. Thus, a woman then came to draw water from that well to which Jesus turned to her and asked: “Could you refresh me with water?” At this point the disciples went into the city to purchase food. (Jn 4: 5-8)
The Lord was well aware of the purist Hebrew tendencies which most of his disciples had ingrained, yet not to shame the woman or have her treated like women were in those days; he sent them away to purchase food so that it could be a one on one encounter. To purchase food! If we think of poorer countries and perhaps the way our own society is heading regarding finances at a domestic level, we know that such dispositions (prostitution) is a means to aid one’s domestic household. Alas, these become incorporated to entities that produce an extraordinary cash flow that stem from dark and often harmful avenues!
How many mothers for the sake of feeding their young - sacrifice their bodies so that they can put something on the table for their kids to eat? It is a delicate issue that needs much TLC rather than guns blazing and fists waving whilst pontificating the wrath of God – something that is not for us to do! The Non Apostolic Christians are good at that – the USA is full of it especially with all the church shootouts they have due to the classic disease of interpreting Holy Scripture outside THE CHURCH (Apostolic Faith)!
Why? We have it written with that little account (Jn 8: 3-7) where they dragged such a woman through the streets whilst causing a riot and publically humiliating her. Then they were like sharks to blood demanding she be stoned! Yet Jesus reminded them (by exposing their conceit when he wrote in the sand the names of her accusers alongside with their sins) that it’s not for them to cast judgment for only HE who is the IMMACULATE ONE (Jesus) is the lawgiver to whom all flesh will be subject to his righteousness!
The Woman of Samaria was startled at his request and replied: “How is it that you who are a Nazarite approach me not in demand but in humility ask of me if I can refresh you with water? You being a Nazarite - the purest of Hebrew linage tend to keep away from our people in fear of being defiled!” Then Jesus looked at her and replied: “If only you were to know who has now reached out onto you in supplication for water, you would truly be the one who asks him to replenish the empty well of your soul with living water!” (Jn 4: 9-10)
Here begins the thirst or craving to be loved! This woman of Samaria who people kept at arm’s length is now drawn to communion by the one who in the Genesis ‘Breathed upon the waters’ (Gen 1:2) the bestower of life! He then unburdens her shame of not having a husband(s) ‘as was the custom amongst them’, but various clients; although now exposed, yet he (Jesus) like a surgeon amputates a cancerous tumour – relaxing her soul and makes it breathe easy again via restoring dignity to her very persona!
As the Gospel account unfolds, the woman of Samaria perceives that Jesus is in fact the Lord who was promised to come amongst his people. Hence, the faith journey of Photini (Illuminata) the Samaritan woman begins! Thus, for the very fact that she received illumination (grace) to be aware that the Young Rabbi who asked her for water was in fact the Lord, after the Pentecost, she was baptised by the Apostle John the Theologian and beloved - along with her five sisters; Anatole, Phot, Photis, Paraskeve, Kyriake, and two sons Photeinos and Joseph. These various names share the verb Photisi – coming from the Greek meaning ILLUMINATION.
The Woman then said onto him: “Kyrie, I perceive that you are the one that is promised to come! Our Father’s worshiped the Living One upon this very mountain, yet the Hebrew law prescribes that Zion alone is the place to render worship!” Then the Lord revealed the Gospel onto her saying: “Daughter, the time is at hand when He who is Father will be worshiped not upon this mountain, nor in Zion. Although your hearts were not familiar with the Law given to Moses, yet He who is Saviour coming from the Jews now heralds the hour when those who truly believe will worship he who is Father in spirit and truth as he desired from the beginning. For God is Spirit and his truth has been revealed to Zion who has worshiped in spirit and truth!” (Jn 4: 19-24)
Unfortunately again, this is what happens when scripture is taken out of context and translated and interpreted by those who are OUTSIDE THE APOSTOLIC FAITH!!! WHO IS JESUS TALKING ABOUT??? This subject is a thorn in the side for those who do not share the APOSTOLIC FAITH! When the person Jesus refers too here is talked about or the person’s name is mentioned amongst NON APOSTOLIC Christians; irritation which unfolds in hatred begins to stir! However offensive people may think I may be with this next comment, the truth must be stated: When mentioning the Name of Mariam/Mary amongst such people- It’s like throwing Holy (sanctified) Water on an unholy entity!
If we truly believe that Jesus Christ is God, then we can’t deny his intervention which we have come to know as INCARNATION. Thus, in order for this to happen, it took our RSVP in responding to his invitation via the one who lived in the temple, in being offered to the temple convent as a young child, learnt how to worship, learnt, how to pray, and above all learnt how to listen and reply wholeheartedly via living the commandments: Honouring the Father!
Thus, he (Jesus) in turn fulfilled his own commandments and in taking bone, flesh, and blood from her, he Honoured his Mother to which all Christians MUST NOT TRANSGRESS!!! The minute we reject MARIAM OF NAZARETH as the all blessed amongst women and ALL HOLY THEOTOKOS “MOTHER OF GOD” we have complied with the ancient rebellion in rejecting Christ’s salvific mission!
At this point, the disciples returned from purchasing food from the city but when they saw that he was in deep dialogue with the woman of Samaria; they all marvelled at how this could be, yet no one had the courage to ask questions upon the matter. Thus, the woman then left the well and with renewed faith entered the city she dare not of done in the daylight and revealed what had happened to her; inviting others to come and see he who is Christ. The news spread rapidly and many were amazed and hastened onto the well so that they could come and listen to him and behold him! (Jn 4: 27-30)
