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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele


There came to pass that the administrator of the local synagogue named Jairus came to Jesus who was in that area and on seeing him, he cast himself down at his feet and began weeping; he begged the Lord to come visit his house for his only child a daughter of twelve years of age was approaching death. (Lk 8:41)

This past week has been one of experiencing people’s pain, anxieties and troubles with various situations. Regardless of what those situations were, one aspect is clear; brokenness of the human psyche which had diseased itself with the uncertainty of what will be.

Like Jairus, people are brought to their knees when an unexpected situation arises out of no-where and we know that the quick fix anticipated mentality that normally masters us is cast aside via reality.

The unfortunate reality of the Church is that a very good number of clergy have no idea how to respond to such circumstances. Nor do they have the spiritual wisdom to act promptly as a good surgeon and work on the body to prevent infection. Furthermore, they lack humility in coming to terms with their limited understanding and not referring the person to a more skilled cleric who has the gift of service and remedy via the faith they live and uphold!

It is very sad to see a local church that must rent a priest from elsewhere for a couple of months, years, just to keep the place functioning (more on life support rather than a living functioning body) out of touch with that particular community’s needs, whilst forming his own club with a selected few. Then after some time in having made a good living; off they go! I warned various synods of fill in the gap ordinations and positions; these backfire!!!

A certain woman had a constant menstruation issue (flow of blood) for the period of twelve years, she spent all her money on specialists who drained her funds and yet she became worse in health. She knew that Jesus was coming to the town that day and then worked up the courage to come behind him and just touch his clothing; at this she felt power come inside her to which the blood flow ceased instantly. (Lk 8:43-44)

Again, we have someone the Levitical law would classify impure because of something completely natural however irregular, yet she had the humility to understand that things can’t continue as usual and no earthly means would suffice to fix up the problem; Jesus was the only one in her heart who could accomplish this by just touching him – his clothing!

Yet the unfortunate stupidity rampart within orthodox circles which sadly cling onto the Levitical law which is TOTALLY OBSOLETE block wounded souls from receiving the grace through the mystery of mysteries. In other words, these ignorant clerics, bishops and other such people have come to adopt the belief that if a woman has her period, she can’t receive Holy Communion!

If we really want to talk about the natural state of the body, then what happens to men when

they begin loosing liquids in their course of motions? This surely must disqualify them from the mysteries? It is a flawed argument because when such rules were written which the Church should of never adopted (however political the circumstances were) such a stance; men can, and women can’t! Men and Women are equal in nature and one should never have dominion over the other, but work harmoniously together however diverse appointed gifts to divinely appointed genders are!!!

Whilst the Lord still addressed the crowd that had gathered, a relative of Jairus came to him saying: “Your daughter is dead! Don’t worry about calling this rabbi there!” When Jesus heard the comment he turned to Jairus and comforted him saying: “Don’t allow fear to seize you; stand firm with your faith and this will truly render wholeness onto her!” The Lord then came to the house permitting only Peter, James, and John together with Jairus and his wife to enter. At this, the place was filled with mourners to which he said onto them: “Do not cry with lamentations for she is not dead but only asleep!” Then those who gathered in mourning began to throw insults at him for they were convinced she was dead!” (Lk 8: 50-53)

It is interesting to note that when one comes to do good or help in whatever way they can, people tend to criticise because it’s either not good enough or totally unexpected especially when good results are achieved; jealousy tends to kick in. We perhaps have been in various situations where we can see that those who have a certain role fail to see a crucial aspect and don’t really know how to deal with it. Yet, when we merely suggest or instinctively take charge of the situation in having the perception of what needs to be done, we tend to find opposition after a good result and may find ourselves outside that circle or group - never to be invited again!

One thing that any rank of ordained ministry and true believer must come to terms with is that although we are part of the Holy Communion of Saints, yet its frail earthly component (institution) will always try to crucify us regardless. This of course begins with the severing of ties, unwelcomed amongst certain groups, fabrications of events or supposed deeds that one is totally oblivious too, wilful anguish and position hijacking rendering, and last but not least; total besmirchment and exile! Yet the Lord reminded us not to be depressed about this because (a) he is Bishop of his Church (b) the Old Testament Church (institution) rendered such onto him!

If we are always at leisure and everyone loves us and speaks good of us to the point that we too become acclaimed by others outside and our parish setting is a nice little enterprise; something is dreadfully wrong and spiritual bankruptcy is at hand. Yes, there are times for goodness and growth, but we can’t get into the trap of keeping to ourselves; we need to continue to expand our horizons and live the gospel extending into the wider community – those people who the instituted church don’t want to know about because the clerical ranks don’t want to be reminded of who they really are! The incarnation happened for all of creation and desires all to come to salvation – we need to be salt for the earth and light for the nations; we currently have lost flavour and economise!

Without exaggeration, I have at least a different person addressing the same concerns each week how spiritually dead they are, how they thirst to know the faith, how impure they are made to feel and how drained and ill-nourished they have become! The problem is that there is no longer any equilibrium; either the Church has been marred into an agency that promotes justice for the community in reducing supposed sacred space for what have you, or it has become the embodiment of pharisaic structure and a sadudaic procedure of customs which chokes the human soul just wanting a breath of fresh air; the grace of the Holy Spirit coming to touch their lives via all the Church has to offer as it was and always SHOULD BE!!!

We need to let go of many aspects the present form of what Church is because the sad reality especially here in the diaspora is that our people are very messed up spiritually and don’t know what is what! We need to go back to square one and re-evangelize IN THE CULTURE AND TRADITION OF OUR LAND! It’s not Greece, Russia, Serbia or Macedonia here; it’s Australia and we don’t tolerate superstition, nor do we tolerate stupidity of other cultures which war against each other and then have the audacity to call such arguments – the defence of canonicity (that which is correct as rule) how many migrant families no longer go to Church because of this? Numerous!

We are there for the salvation of all to which the Holy Spirit (not us) will work on them in his time according to the grace he suffices for that particular case. Yet, I constantly hear of priests and bishops refusing to baptise an innocent child who is worthy to find refuge in the Lord’s Church – all because the couple may not be married or may be other, or perhaps may never of bothered because they don’t understand the service due to it not being in English and have not been offered genuine pastoral catechesis (religious instruction)! SHAME ON YOU WHO BOLT THE DOORS OF THE KINGDOM FOR THESE LOST SHEEP WHO THE GOOD SHEPHERD RISKS TO FIND AND BRING HOME!

People want to be recharged. People find it hard enough living life in their struggle to maintain a family, maintain employment; they want to be lifted out of their misery when they come to church and not be told they aren’t acceptable so that they can be buried further down than what they are! The saddest reality is that we have endangered the portrayal of the Church’s as opposed to St. John Chrysostom’s Hospital for the broken, but we have rendered it as: A RELIGIOUS CONCENTARATION CAMP! Sadly, the only one who can stop this is the Lord himself at his Parousia (return) where there will be an exact repeat of what happened in Jerusalem the first time he cleared them (business clerics) out!

In the meantime, we ask his grace for shepherds who have a human heart, who know what it means to suffer, who are aware and have experienced how hard it is to live and make ends meet, and who don’t talk above and beyond the people, but talk with them and through their very example; teach the faith of the Apostles!

At this he threw them (the mourners) out and took the child by her hand saying: “Little one, arise!” Her spirit returned to her body at the sound of his voice and she leapt up from her bed. Then he ordered food to be brought to her to which her parents were astonished at what had occurred; at this he asked them to keep the gift rendered to themselves. (LK 8: 54-56)



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