Homily on the third Sunday after Pentecost
Matthew 6:22-33.
One thing I have learnt from being a working priest as well, as having been a University student, is that life can be difficult at times! We all know what it is like to look at our bank account balance and see that we have very little money to get us through to the next pay day. However, in today’s Gospel our Lord and Saviour tells us that it is vital that we trust God. He makes the point that the animals do not worry about where their food is going to come from – meaning that the All Holy Trinity provides for them.
There have been many times in my life when I have had difficult circumstances to contend with - whether these circumstances were to do with finances or employment. In these times it was sometimes difficult to trust the All Holy Trinity, but one thing that I learnt quickly was if I just went about my business and prayed in faith to the All Holy Trinity- every difficulty resolved. Sometimes just like Job in the Old Testament, the All Holy Trinity will let things happen so as to make us stronger, and like a parent, He does this so as to ensure our future growth. Remember, the All Holy Trinity has a deep love for each and every one of His children, and like any parent He wants the best for his children. This was most certainly shown by the reality of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection! What great a love this is to die and rise for all, so that all people may have the opportunity to come into the great Communion of Love: which is Christ’s Body the Church. Therefore, my dear people whenever you are faced with difficult circumstances trust our Lord as Psalm 37:24 states:
“Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholds him with his hand”.
This verse shows us that if we have faith in the All Holy Trinity He will be there to help us and
pick us up should we need it.
Furthermore, we live in an age where the message broadcast in society is that possessions make a person. It is true that there are many people who judge themselves and others on how big their salaries are, or on how many things they own. Also, it is true that many people see possessions as the only way to find true happiness – i.e. the more I own the happier I will be. Unfortunately, this has left many in the world emotionally and spiritually bankrupt. Why is that celebrities are so addicted to psychologists and therapists? It just goes to show that one can have the most and best of everything in life and yet still be completely miserable. Whilst it is necessary to have some possessions to live a comfortable life our Lord and Saviour is clear in Mark 8:36 where he states:
“For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?”
And again, our Lord and Saviour states in Matthew 6: 19-21:
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
What our Lord and Saviour means to express in the above scriptural quotes, is that it is better for a man to store up holy treasures that will give him entry into heaven, rather than store up treasures on earth - which he cannot take with him after death. What then are acts which build up for us treasures in heaven? Acts that build up treasures in heaven are things like: regular prayer, confession, good works, and regular reception of the Holy Mysteries of the Eucharist etc. Therefore, it is vital that we as Christians set our hearts in the right place – a heart that is for the All Holy Trinity is a heart that will have great treasures in heaven.
Finally, let us not be like the rich man in Luke 16: 19-31 who had every good thing in life, yet when he died, he ended up away from God and in torment. Rather, let us be like Lazarus the poor man, who despite his suffering trusted in the God, and as a result stored up many treasures in heaven!
