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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele


When fasting, do not be like the numerous hypocrites who lull in seasonal surroundings; sad faces, camouflaging themselves with the appearance of austerity for the definitely will be subject to the judgement of righteousness that awaits them. Rather, when you sincerely fast, do not appear to be doing so; anointing your head with oil and washing your face so that you may go about your daily business as usual. Remember that the Father who is in the sanctuary of his presence sees through all things and will reward you openly for your wholehearted intentions. (Mat 6:16-18)

This Sunday Evening at the Service of Vespers (Evening Prayer) The Orthodox Church enters the Season of the Great Fast; from the glorious colours of white and gold that adorn her altars, icons and clergy, to the more mellow colours of royal purple and blood red.

Truly, the season of the fast has ushered in change or as the Greek word would have it (metanoia) change of mind where we are not so much told that we have to consider 40 hour famines in order to think of others, nor do we become morbid as todays Gospel stated where one makes a fuss of themselves hungry for attention that: 'others see you are fasting'

If anything, Lent is a time to look at ourselves, take care of ourselves, and focus on what we can do better as the Lord would put it 'strive for perfection' after all we are made in His image (ikon) thus we have a responsibility to our body and soul.

The West (Latin observance) would see this time as a penitential one where they focus on the tortured body of the Saviour on the Cross and most definitely have their faithful focusing on their sins and imperfections..... Hence ASH WEDNESDAY....where the palms of last Palm Sunday have been burnt and their ash blessed and imprinted on peoples forehead symbolizing penance and repentance.

On a practical note - in the old days where soap was scarce, ash was used to clean clothing which had fantastic results; garments were brighter, whiter and scented.....penance (inner change) equals freedom from sin.

In our Sacred Metropolis, we use the custom of unction where we anoint the head of the faithful bearing in mind the Gospel of the Good Samaritan (Jesus) who healed the stricken man lying on the roadside (broken humanity) via oil and wine (LK 10:34) that is blessed in the vesperal service: a reminder that Lent is the season of healing and growth not the season of mortification – clearly to which certain tenants of the old law no longer suffice! (Heb 10:1-4)

The East (The Orthodox Church) focuses on the icon of the placing in the tomb where MARIAM the Theotokos (Mother of God) Holds the STANDING body of her Son in the grave signifying the Anticipation of the Resurrection as opposed to the awestriking masterpiece of Michelangelo’s Pieta’ where the Blessed Virgin holds onto the body of the Lord laying lifeless and battered.

In other words, the Orthodox Church views Lent in its proper context, after all the word itself in English signifies SPRING, thus its spring time for the soul as it were. Hence, a time where we look into the garden of our persona and unearth the weeds of impediments that block or in this case choke the vegetation of our progress in the hope that when the season of Easter or as it should be called Pascha (Passover of the Lord) dawns, we will have toiled the soil during lent to make way for a most abundant harvest.

At Pascha so as we have died with the Lord; died to our old selves, we may rise with Him - putting on the new person where we have excelled in such a way that we have progressed and are able to handle life and its complexities much better than we did before.

In our churches we offer candles to God, we place our intention before him while burning incense as an offering of sacrifice and as the vesperal (evening) psalm states ' Let my prayer arise to you as incense and the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice'........ No matter how dark our world, our life, our depressions, our complexities are, we always have the Light of the Faith that guides us through the night that we may arise with joy at the dawn of Pascha morning and arrive at our destination singing with all the saints and good people of ages past "Christ is Risen!"

May this season be a fruitful time for all of us...hopefully clergy will get out of that bad habit placing hard penances on people; that is not what we are about....if anything they (clerics) are to support their people saying; my friend, I too bare the sufferings you are talking about...lets pray for one another and bare one another's burdens.....thus for what you have confessed have no further anxiety about it; the Holy Spirit has loosed your sins....go in peace!

Hence, we have often heard the saying “sharing is caring” – St. John the Baptist made it clear at the shores of the Jordan when people were asking him what should they do to attain the kingdom; giving what you can afford to someone who has nothing at all! (Lk 3:11) Yet greed gets in the way and like the Lord further exhorts in the parable of sower and seed:

“The seeds that fall amongst thorns is a reminder for those who are surrounded by worldly wealth which ultimately binds them and chokes their spiritual journey.” (Lk 8:14) It’s not the fact of one’s wealth which is in question, but the way they use what they have been blessed with to make the world a better place (humanitarianly speaking) rather than resembling Ebenezer Scrooge!

Depression is a growing concern and it is alarmingly present in the lives of those who are high and mighty in worldly contexts – spiritual bankruptcy is in actual fact the cause! If our spirit is not in good condition it most certainly manifests within the human mind and ultimately begins to show on the body!

A recitation of the Lord’s prayer or a visit to church or even the lighting of candles or burning incense is just not enough – its’ a start but as the apostle Paul exhorted: “When I was a child I thought like one, but when I grew up – I acted accordingly!” (1Cor 13:11) Hence, we need to develop a strong connection with God; although we are put off and rightfully so via the official channels (church groups) so to speak/write, but we need to allow our growth to be pruned via correction and effort if we are to truly be successful in all things!

“Whoever will be ashamed of professing me in so far as using my own words which I have left you in society that ever leans towards total harmful and repugnant attitudes to the gift of life bestowed; I assure you that when your hour comes and you stand before my presence where the Father and the holy dwell – I will shame you!” (Mk 8: 38)

When we try to smooth things over – butter it up or sugar coat, the truth will eventually hurt because when we wake up from the slumber of being in denial – the awakening of reality hits hard! Therefore, many Christians and so called churches these days tend to lay the cross aside or cover it up so it doesn’t offend others! We have developed a serious disease where however good it is to respect others, yet we compromise by allowing stupidity to take hold of us by denying the love of God who came to die in the flesh so all flesh may rise in his (Jesus) name.

Apart from the political and religious shenanigans that have and are plaguing the world at present, we are dealing with an economic crisis which raises concerns for our living arrangements – as if the past Covid 19 saga wasn’t enough. Fuel and grocery prices are rising along with other necessities…..we desire a solution in returning to normal. Modern society is not accustomed to change as such in previous years, centuries and civilizations who were far more advanced than we are – however ignorant we are kept concerning these facts in our age of technological brilliance.

Yet, are such indignities experienced helping us think and strive to live better in evolving as a race – the race God made in his image and likeness? (Gen 1:26) or will we be like the crowd at the shops in the past last couple of lockdowns who were fighting over the last few packs of lavatory paper extraordinarily escalated???

St. Gregory Palamas (1296 – 1359AD) who is a great theologian (Father of the Church) was a bishop and Abbot of Esphigmenou monastery on the Holy Mountain of Athos in Greece. He was not popular amongst some of the monastics due to his rigid stance on monasticism, yet he was gifted in word and doctrinal homiletics - leaving us a nurturing homily regarding our present dilemma and this day’s gospel proclamation stating:

People in general are not only pleased to listen to sacred teaching, but also enjoy passing their opinions on the words, each one apparently scrutinising what is said, according to how ignorant or wise they may be.

Yet, putting such words into action, however, or reaping from them the fruit of beneficial faith, requires gratitude and good intent, which are not easy to find, especially among people who consider themselves righteous and are wise in their own opinion as were the scribes and Pharisees.

The problem with many who try to find a solution in any given religion is that they are not willing to go through the mill; one needs to be refined like gold in the furnace as the Wisdom of Solomon states (Wis 3:6) It is ever so fashionable for people to learn the basics and take up certain practices – I tend to laugh and disregard many supposed authors who perhaps have come into the faith, yet they have been their only 5 minutes so to speak/write and here they are launching books; read all about it!

Yet for those of us who have done the hard yards - - the Holy Spirit actually breaks through all of those piety stall devotions and brings us back to where we started; the desert of holy darkness where the light of the presence slowly begins to emerge!

Jesus said onto him: “You shall love the Lord God wholeheartedly; embracing him with the totality of who you are – heart, mind and strength for this is the first and great commandment yet it is fulfilled by loving your neighbour as nurturing your own self!” (Mt 22: 37-39)

Perhaps many of you have never read this passage as written above – the reason why I keep on stating that most translations (bibles) are a product of theological misconceptions and historical blunders; in short – for the tip! Yet, within those very profound biblical statements – laws rather, is the unveiling and totality of the Lord’s incarnation; Love Divine came to love that which is incapable of loving (fragile humanity) and casts out from it all that which is contrary to love!

During this timeframe of Lent, we are escorted back to basics; placing once again that which we wilfully or even coerced via our social networks have laid aside – communicating with those we live with, and giving them and others we may have neglected the time of day. Furthermore, we may have also been given the opportunity to think about things we have put off or avoided tending to; the paving of a promising outcome for the future –tending to the inner garden.

When we are faced with abnormal worldly affairs – various institutions and those who belong to them tend to have their say regarding the matter. Unfortunately, faith too is tainted with religiosity – the disease of those who have various troublesome issues, yet lay them aside and target others whilst promoting apocalyptical sentimentality; the equivalent of substance abuse that indeed causes collateral damage!

Many of you who are married know well that when a relationship is formed, it takes both to meet half way – where one is lacking another makes up for it and love grows. This is the same relationship we have with God via the Lord’s incarnation where he came to love and make up for what is lacking; commanding us to resent all that is contrary to love – laying aside our earthbound ideologies via embracing the awesome mystery that in God there is only love and no room for anything else!

How do we get there? How can we? Where do we begin? It’s very simple! “Do not be afraid!” “Love one another as I have loved you!” “Render good!” “Despise hate!” “Pray for all people!” When Jesus addressed high profile people as in today’s gospel – he actually gave us a hint; the key to acquire this state which encapsulates humility! When he told him to give away the riches and help the poor and then become a disciple – that’s not what is said/written nor what it means!

In actual fact it is the fulfilment of the law to love God wholeheartedly and those around you, yet this can only be done by one way, one action: stop pretending to be something and someone you are not – detox from that which you have become, love who you really are, and once you are yourself again - then you can truly follow and help others in the same boat as your former self!

Hence, the purpose of the incarnation is unveiled in the parable of the prodigal (Lk 15:11-32) where Jesus as Father embraces our fragility, and Jesus as brother makes it possible for our wounded selves to be made totally whole via the Fathers love through, with, and in him!!!

The other day I went down towards the airport for an event, and there is a lovely little church along a quiet lane beyond…….my heart sunk when I saw that yet again another bargain had been obtained and it has ceased to be a place of worship…..some may say “not enough members for its upkeep” but I would rebuttal and say that there are many Christians who would gladly tend to its upkeep and keep it in God’s care rather than benefit with sales and become spiritually bankrupt!

Churches must never be sold and converted….for its not just a building, but the place where the living God comes amongst us – it is hallowed ground and no wealth can ever remove nor cover this certainty even if the faith of those who once administered it (the church building) has gone completely bonkers!!!!

In addition 30 pieces of silver could not purchase the pearl of great price (the Lord) for that which is Holy, Eternal, and beyond us cannot be obtained via earthly transactions. {Thus, the one who was called Iscariot came onto the presbyteral college and said onto them: “How much are you willing to give me if I sell him onto you? “ The few members of the synedrion sort to bargain amongst themselves and then fixed a price saying onto him via a spokesmen for the council: “We will pay you 30 pieces of silver if you find a way you can deliver him onto us without causing a public spectacle!”} (Mt 26:15)

Moreover, his blood, his grace, and his presence given to those who have true faith forever consecrates and makes holy; no made up rite of de-consecration nor excuse due to small numbers or other such reasoning’s can ever obliterate that which God ordains in the mysteries (sacraments) of his Church which are eternal!!!!

In conclusion, if we truly say that WE ARE CHURCH….then we must come to our senses and rediscover that just as the body relies on the immune system, so too must we as the mystical body of Christ in the world HELP OTHERS when they are not functioning to whatever capacity – in reaching out to them… we need to fortify the immunity by such actions via repelling infection of whatever kind.

The Holy Spirit is the font of all grace and we are called to stoop down and draw from the springs administering to the body as its head CHRIST OUR BISHOP has strongly commanded! For the treasury of our hearts should be abundantly filled with the people we love. (Mat 6:19-21)

May I invite you to pray for the soul of our dearly beloved reposed Metropolitan Basilio who bestowed us apostolic succession consecrating me a successor of the Apostles (bishop) in 2017AD via the College of Apostles. Thus, Metropolitan Basilio and Archbishop Theophilactus consecrated (bishop no- 421) RAFFAELE in 2017 AD as Archbishop of Melbourne and Exarch for Australia who was elevated to the rank of Metropolitan on the 25th March 2021 AD.

Thus upon this day we celebrate the anniversary of consecration of our beloved Metropolitan Basilio. Metropolitan (bishop no- 351) BASILIO Grillo Miceli was consecrated via (bishop no- 346) EVLOGHIOS and (bishop no- 348) VIRGIL on February 26th in 1995 AD.

The greatest gift we can give to another human person is the gift of presence – the gift of our time. It is a wholehearted act of kindness when we pray for others, especially for those who have no one to consider them via prayer.

May I invite you to pray for the soul of our reposed Metropolitan Basilio – may his memory be eternal!

Invoking the Lord’s blessing upon you in experiencing a truly authentic and energised Lent....

The doors of Holy Apostles Exarchal Metropolis are opened to all should you need us!

With love in Christ the Caring Shepherd,


Metropolitan Archbishop and Exarch



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