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Lent: Presanctified Liturgies

Updated: Apr 26, 2023

Wednesday evenings in March and April 2023

Good Shepherd Chapel, Abbotsford

Wednesday 1st March 2023

Father Mark and Deacon Epiphanious began the evening with some quiet prayers before giving thanks and honouring the presanctified Lamb. They then took the Lamb to the side and prepared the presanctified communion, honouring it with incense. After some more prayers, the candles were lit.

The entrance was blessed and the procminion was chanted in the sixth tone. The liturgy continued with lots of lovely chants and prayers.

Archbishop Raffaele arrived and joined the liturgy. The gifts were brought and thanks was given to God for His Love. Communion was shared by the clergy and then given to the congregation.

Wednesday 8th March 2023

The bells tolled in the cool autumn eves air, calling people to evening prayer.

During the Lenten Wednesday night liturgies, the congregation gathered around her bishop for the celebration of the ancient liturgy of Pope St. Gregory the Great.

After the evening prayers which thank the Lord for the past day and ask for protection and grace for the coming night, the reserved sacrament (communion) which was sanctified over the past Sunday Eucharist was shared in order to strengthen the Lenten commitment – bestowing grace to take things on as opposed to giving things up.

Metropolitan Raffaele spoke about the little surprises (grace) God gives during these holy seasons. He reflected upon times where the unexpected takes place (prayers answered) in order to give us encouragement to grow in our faith and commitment to one another via the Communion of Saints; who in their earthly life gave exceptional examples on how to live the gospel. He reminded us of the greatest gift given to another human being – the gift of presence, the gift of our time which stems from love divine.

And as is custom with veneration: the newly received relic of Apostle St. Bartholomew was venerated whilst prayers were offered for his intercession

Wednesday 15th March 2023 A.D.

The evening service began as the bells tolled through the evening breeze calling people to prayer.

Although there were fewer parishioners present, the few that joined in the evening prayer and communed all felt the peace they longed for in busy and difficult lives which rendered wholeness.

As a reflection Metropolitan Raffaele spoke about a familiar saint celebrated this coming Friday: St. Wenceslas (vecheslav) who as we know from a familiar carol - went out on the feast of St. Stephen and rendered to those who were visited via misfortune.

Hence, those who bless the poor with their means will in turn find blessing: the call from the chalice which ties us in communion - a call to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world as the presence of his body the Church!

May this Great Lent usher in that call of mission where we begin to resolve that which has been neglected starting on our home front.

Wednesday 22nd March 2023 A.D.

Mid Great Lent Presanctified liturgy was ushered in with the bells calling all to prayer in this time of grace, spiritual detox, and healing.

Metropolitan Raffaele incensed the icon stand where the cross embedded in basil leaves lay on a white chalice veil surrounded by the cherubim.

As the bells of the thirable and the pleasant perfume of incense accompanied the prayers of God's people and veneration for that which is holy, Metropolitan Raffaele offered a small reflection upon the cross which is a reminder of God's love for all and our call to safeguard the dignity of others.

We recall in Great Lent the Solemnity of the Cross where St. Helena the mother of St. Constantine the Great made pilgrimage to the holy land (Israel) and was in search of where the true cross resided. The Bishop of Jerusalem, St. Macarius, asked her to fast for three days until the Lord would reveal its wearabouts. On the eve of the third night, the Lord came to her dream and pointed to a basil bush. Soon after, excavations were done and the cross was solemnly processed through the streets of Jerusalem rendering healing and grace to all who venerated it.

The clergy and congregation partook of the All Holy Mysteries (Holy Communion) so that they could be strengthened by the presence of God himself who enters into the intimacy of our hearts and nurtures us with his very love - that same love who proved itself by voluntarily being nailed to the wood of the cross for the love of all creation and the gift of its health and continuity.

Furthermore, Metropolitan Raffaele instituted the blessing of bread of St. Anthony the Great (abbot) of Egypt - recalling his live for the poor; a reminder to become bread for others in their need and a testament to the holy who are very much alive and at work in our Church.

Parishioners then took the blessed bread home and made sure some loafs were shared with those who need wholeness in these uncertain times through the prayers of St. Anthony the Great who indeed prays to the Lord for our needs.

Wednesday 29th March 2023 A.D.

The evening commenced with the tolling of bells which invited people to prayer - the evening prayer of the Church where the faithful are communed into the life of the Trinity who accompanies those who are capable to love as he does.

The evening reflection was given by Metropolitan Raffaele; touching on the life of the author of this great lenten liturgical celebration (the pre-sanctified liturgy) St. Gregory the Diologist who was one of the bishops of Rome in the 6th century.

Gregory was of noble stock and well educated, yet the well of his soul ran dry amidst the world's theories and knowledge. He then took up the monastic life where he was filled with living water - the gift of bringing those who were dry back to life through his love which stems from the Good Shepherd.

People loved him and wanted him to lead a stricken society and church which was hijacked by those who were foreign to the works of the spirit - accumilating the weath of others.

Therefore, Gregory work against such people and others who had derailed from the Son of God via preaching him as a creature created in time (arianism) and presenting him as a task master who will not come via his spirit due to human fragility (donatism).

Father Gregory loved the poor and the marginalised, providing for them and tending to their needs personally (through soup kitchens).

It is here that the Lord appears to him as the poorest of the poor - reminding him to fight the good fight for He never abandons those who work in his name!

Parishioners then greeted one another and eagerly talked about upcoming paschal celebrations.

Wednesday 5th April 2023 A.D.

The people of Holy Apostles came together for the last pre- sanctified liturgy of Great Lent, which celebrated the forefeast of Annunciation.

Metropolitan Raffaele reminded that the forefeast recalls the bringing in of the Gospel (Good news rendering relief and wholeness) via the Word of God (Jesus) inviting Mother Mary, on behalf of humanity, to embrace the presence of the All Holy One (Emmanuel who desires to live amongst his people). Humanity replying with a grad Yes to God's invitation.

There is a familiar song amongst non apostolic Christians called Mary, did you know. This song tells of what happens to Jesus, who he is and what his mission is all about - describing to Mother Mary as an ordinary mum what would take place.

Yet, Archangel Gabriel informs Mother Mary exactly with great detail about what would happen if she says yes, how the babe's life would be cut short - yet it is necessary for this life to be that scape goat that is rejected, that lamb that is offered so that lives may receive meaning once again and dignity restored.

When Mother Mary said Yes, it is here that the power of God covers her and his very presence which is Grace fills her womb so that from that day forward, all human hearts are rendered as his dwelling place, his cradle where Amazing Grace is re-born and Fallen men may rise again on wings of prayer as we join with the Archangel in the prayer of the Ave Maria.

The faithful then partook of Holy Communion and were blessed as they prepare to enter into Holy Week in remembrance of the significance of that first Yes to God and the healing that follows !

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