The people of that region then presented onto him a paralytic who was carried on a stretcher. Jesus perceived their faith and exhorted onto the disabled: “My son be not afraid but rejoice for your sins are removed!” (Mt 9:2)
Such a statement back then would have signed one’s death warrant because as we read further into the account of the Apostle Matthew, “ONLY GOD CAN REMOVE SINS” Yet salvation history repeats itself- from the land of the Pharos where God continuously proves himself to his people which was not good enough, to now where he comes amongst them and not only is it not good enough, but it’s against their concept of who God is!
This reminds me of how orthodoxy (old and new calendar observance) has begun to shift from the canticle we sing at Great Compline ‘’FOR GOD IS WITH US’’ to we need science and its ministers to inform us better of how to deal with certain realities. Now any bishop and please God – right thinking individual will come to the conclusion that YES we need doctors who are trained and given their life to the study of medicine to help us in our needs and maladies. Unfortunately CULTS have this dangerous impediment of PRESUMPTION “GOD WILL HEAL EVERYTHING”!
The good Lord gave us a brain, rendered us equipped with remedies in nature (from which medicine is furnished) to deal with all sorts of maladies; we should not interpret scripture outside Apostolic Tradition! In other words, when Jesus was led into the desert to fast and pray in his humanity, he encountered evil personified who twisted scripture saying: “If you are truly God become son of man, then in your hunger and with the power of your divinity; will now that these stones turn to bread so that you can nourish yourself!” (Mt 4: 3)
Hence, we are clearly dealing with spiritual illness that in truth effects physical health!!!! One of the exarchial clerics was reading an article of depression posted by the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) and was concerned to discover that they had sold themselves to modern psychiatry. Psychiatry is an important study which may render assistance with mental issues, but is flawed when dealing with that which it’s totally ignorant of (spiritual pollution)! Thus, such renders itself powerless when clearly dealing with powers unseen, powers that have a tendency to masquerade in order to be un-detected. Some time ago I spoke/wrote of how important it is for clerics to be spiritual doctors and surgeons when dealing with these issues, but unfortunately we have either locked away our medicines (the power of the Holy Spirit in the Mysteries of the Church) or we have reduced ourselves to mere first aid attendants (the Holy Spirit doesn’t work in the Church that way anymore)
There are many paralysed people amongst us (those who don’t fit) and we like the Pharisees who were overly concerned with the Levitical Law can’t bring ourselves to terms when God does something great or works in people who we think are SINFUL! We tend to forget that the greatest saints were ordinary people who struggled with all sorts of things and because they were considered shameful, they were shunned and generalized to be out of God’s grace! Yet the Lord himself, time and time again proves that this is not so! If anything he (Jesus) strives to wake us up and have a good look at ourselves before condemning others. The remarkable attribute of the heart of God is that HE TRANSFORMS ONES SHAME INTO FAME!
Yesterday (Saturday) the Church commemorated the Nativity of St. John the Forerunner (Baptist) the one who goes before the Lord and prepares for his coming. The remarkable testimony of John was to wake people up from their stupidity and turn from their condemnation complex! The recipe for this was of course to come to the inner realization that we are not as good as we say we are and are in desperate need of God to reach out onto us and help us (mercy) In addition, John was destined to become a priest of the temple due to Zachariah his father being a cleric (handed down tradition) John escaped from the stupidity of what was going on in the temple, where Jesus later addressed as: “A den of thieves as opposed to a house of prayer!” (Mt 21:13)
John like many of the later Desert Fathers particularly of the Egyptian desert went away from the facade (convenient faith structure) and entered into an authentic communion (monasticism) with God through firstly coming to terms with their own selves and living simply in prayer. In addition, they reached out to those who were suffering and impeded by all sorts of cyclones human nature presents. Hence, via the in dwelling of the Holy Spirit, tenderly helped them weather the storm - paving the way to a true conversion where one could be themselves (relaxed) in front of the Lord and their brothers and sisters of that particular community. This is not to say it was a hippy affair where it’s all lovey dovey, nor is it the case to say we don’t need structure – we can already see this in various denominations who allow their sacred space to be used for all sorts of non-sacred activities, rather it was a turning point in the life of the individual which via the Grace of God ushered in a renewal of persona and lifestyle!
These days I bury many souls and you can see that the people and even family – they have very little faith due to various reasons. (A) the clergy don’t know how to tailor the services and make it meaningful (wanting people to participate and pray - perhaps come back to church) for the families via evangelizing (B) the faith has not been implemented correctly (everyone is a terrible sinner and they will roast in hell) (C) today’s issues can’t be justified nor implemented with yesteryear’s criteria (people want truthful and solid answers whilst being aided spiritually amidst their sufferings) (D) we have become a joke and are institutionally blocked (scandals and actions have impeded people’s trust that we truly are God’s house/body on earth
When Jesus perceived their hearts concerning his words and how he dealt with the paralytic who was thought to be cursed by God for his sins, he spoke onto them saying: “You who think evil of others and do not examine your own hearts! What is easier to accept for one who lays invalid – your sins are forgiven you? Or is it also in your power to command such to arise from their infirmity and go home with peace in their hearts?” Then the Lord turned to the paralytic and said onto him: “Arise now from your infirmity, roll up your mat and go home in peace!” (Mt 9: 46)