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Lord, I love You and trust You!

Writer's picture: Father MarkFather Mark

Homily on the fourth Sunday after Pentecost.

Romans 6: 18-23; Matthew 8: 5-13.

Life can be complicated with many challenges for us as Christians to overcome. Oftentimes, it can seem that the world is against us and is seeking our downfall. This can be disheartening even for the person with the deepest faith in the All-Holy Trinity!

As a Christian we have two choices the first - to be angry at God that we have had a difficult time - and the second to trust the All-Holy Trinity that all will work out for the best. Yet despite his difficulties the Centurion in today’s Gospel took the second path -he trusted that our Lord and Saviour would heal his servant – which Christ did because of his humble faith!

We as Christians can learn much from the way in which the Centurion trusted in our Lord and Saviour! He trusted that the Lord would do what he wanted if he asked Him in a humble and loving way.

How easy it is for us Christians to demand that the All-Holy Trinity do something for us in much the same way a spoilt brat does of their parents! We are called to trust the All-Holy Trinity in all things and if we have a particular need to ask Him in faith as did the Centurian!

We have a Father in Heaven who has told us through Christ that we are to be like the birds of the air and trust that all things will be provided for us (Matthew 6: 25-34). One thing is for sure is that to cultivate a trust like this in the All-Holy Trinity can be difficult at first but once one has developed such a trust the rewards will be great.

Many a time in my life I have faced some worry or another, but each time, I have trusted in the Lord He has helped me! This is not to say that I did nothing to resolve the situation but rather that I prayed to the All-Holy Trinity seeking His help and did what I could to better my situation and He helped me in many wonderful ways!

Remember, there is much truth in the old adage that God helps those who help themselves. Put it this way - if one wants to win a race what is the best course of action – to sit and do nothing but pray that one will win the race, or to pray that one will be able to perform the best one can backed up by daily training?

Moreover, it is important to be grateful when we are granted help from the All-Holy Trinity! We must not be like the nine lepers who did not thank our Lord and Saviour for the gifts which they received in their healing (Luke 17: 11-17)!

Therefore, let us always thank the All-Holy Trinity for the gifts that He provides for us for He does so freely and will always accept the prayers of a humble heart (Luke 18: 10-14).

This week we celebrate on Wednesday the feast of the Holy Apostles- our Metropolia’s feast day. This is a day to celebrate all that which the Holy Apostles achieved through the grace of God in their ministries on earth. This is a day to focus on how they trusted the All-Holy Trinity - despite the terrible sufferings that they all endured at the hands of men.

These men are role models for us in our Christian life! These men despite the hardships kept going so that the Gospel might be preached to the ends of the Earth. These great Saints stand before the Throne of Christ and pray for His Body the Church here on Earth.

I encourage you to set sometime this week to ask their intercessions for your life that you may grow in your faith and do that which the Lord desires you to do!

These great Saints understood what it meant to go into the wilderness not knowing what to expect - yet they pushed on with the grace given them at Pentecost to preach Christ to the world.

Let us pray that we will have that same faith and courage that these Saints possessed through the grace of the All-Holy Trinity. We live in an age that more than ever needs the grace and guidance of the All-Holy Trinity!

Indeed, many people are spiritually starving as- in the place of God - they have before them the values and desires of this world. Whilst there are many good things in the world – the world cannot save and bring people into wholeness. This is why so many people are lost and struggling under the weight of depression and absolute desolation.

Let us be like the Apostles and proclaim the Gospel to these lost souls so that they can taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34: 8) – for He desires that all come to him and partake of the Holy Mysteries of His Holy Church! There and only there, can a soul truly be healed and brought into deep communion with its creator – God!

Finally, let us focus on how we can be Christ to others – this year has been hard for many, especially with the escalating cost of living. Let us seek to be of service to our communities as it is through such actions people will see that the All-Holy Trinity loves them! We are called to build up our communities through a labour of love being at service to one another.

Moreover, it is through such acts of kindness that others will become curious about why we want to help them – this then becomes a good time to share with them the beauties of the Gospel so that they may have the opportunity to know God.

Therefore, let us pray that the All-Holy Trinity may bless our actions and help us to bring many people to Him for He so loved the world that He gave up His only begotten son (John 3:16)!


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Updated June 2024 by Nika Designs

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