Homily on the 36th Sunday after Pentecost
In today's Epistle the Apostle Paul expresses to the Apostle Timothy the importance of remaining anchored onto Christ in a turbulent world; where evil uses the distractions of the world as a means to separate us from the shelter of God’s love.
Moreover, St Paul further stresses the importance of being consecrated to Christ in the grace of Apostleship exhorting - Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you. 1 Tim 4:12-14
Therefore, wisdom is not measured in one's years but the grace imparted them via the grace of the Holy Spirit in having a heart aligned with God’s heart – And God, who knows the heart, testified to them giving the Holy Spirit, just as He also did to us. Acts 15:8
In my few years in serving the Church as a deacon I have had the privilege of meeting wonderful people whom I truly care for; enjoying their compony each time we gather – a true blessing from God and the treasures of heaven in which He (Christ) speaks of in the gospel of Matthew - But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Mt 6:20
These people are the reason why I have a burning desire to serve the Church of Jesus Christ. To pray for someone and to see with your very eyes your prayer being energized by the power of the All-Holy-Spirit is truly breath-taking! Seeing someone's life change from utter despair and sadness into a tremendous joy is remarkable! It gives me the drive, determination and will to continue living a life dedicated to the service of others in Glorifying the Father, Son and Holy Spirit One God!
Thus, just because a person is not a cleric or monastic does not mean that their prayer isn't effective as that of a cleric. Once we receive the grace of Holy baptism and chrismation what do we sing – All those who have been baptized in Christ have received Christ Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia! (Baptismal Hymn)
Therefore, via our baptism we all share in Christ’s Priesthood as the Apostle Peter exhorted in his letter to the people of Rome - But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9
In the past I have had people ask me what makes the clergy so important? Or Why do the clergy have all these privileges that the laity aren't permitted to have? And to be honest in my younger teenage years I asked myself the same question and the answer to that is a structure! May I explain.
The reason why we have a ranking system within the Church; specific people in certain roles and positions is because – Firstly, we are all different individuals with diverse gifts ie – Iconographers, Chanters, Readers, Teachers and so on.
Secondly, as individuals we come together with our talents to make up the one body of Christ (The Church). Hence, if I may use the example of the human body to put it into simpler terms – What use is it to have two left feet? One will get in the way and we will stumble. So that is why we have a left foot and a right foot. All are different but just as important as the other; the body is incomplete without one or the other.
Lastly, if the Church did not have structure it would be like handing over the Church to the monkeys at the Melbourne Zoo and have them watch over what goes on in the Church; something that is happing in many Church groups as a result of one of the greatest heresies of the modern world! (Denominations) We must remember that there is only ONE Church! ONE Body! And ONE Christ!
Last weekend I had a very interesting conversation with a middles aged man from Greece. His wife had just asked me where our Exarchate finds the melodies for our Church services to which I replied – Well there are many diverse melodies the Greeks have their own the Russian’s, the Serbians and so on.
Well, her husband did not agree with me in the slightest, he assertively responded that there is only one form or style and all orthodox Churches use the same style no matter where in the world. Thus, I was not in the mood to argue because I knew he was one of those people stuck in his own way and that’s it.
Then the topic of Divine Liturgies came up and I explained how blessed we are in this Exarchate to have many diverse Liturgies such as St John Chrysostom, St Basil, St Mark, St Patrick St James Sts Linus & Cletus, St Gregory the presanctified liturgy - just to name a few.
Once again, the gentleman was not having a bar of it, he sternly replied – “Well that’s where you are wrong! There is only one liturgy and that is Saint John Chrysostom’s Liturgy. It is the only one that is celebrated every Sunday of the year no matter where in the world”!
By that stage I had enough so ever so kindly I explained to him that during Lent the 40 days leading to Holy Pascha we celebrate the presanctified Liturgy with Saint Basil the Great on the Sunday and so on. Well did he feel a bit embarrassed! All he could say was - “Well, em, ah, oh, well ah there are different ones sometimes during the year but I don’t know when.”
Thus, this is the problem with what we in the Church refer to as “cradle orthodox” those who have been born into the institutional churches and learn nothing (nation club enforcements) because their churches don’t teach its people the true teachings of Christ and His Apostles. They have the attitude where the clergy have to know everything leaving the people ignorant in order to keep on coming back to give money in other words - “passing the till around!”
Therefore, here in this exarchate dedicated to the Holy Apostles our mission is to teach the true ancient meaning of being Christian without discriminating against anyone! Unlike the state Church which say – Come as you are but then they do anything and everything to mold you into what they want and into something that you are not!
When Christ says to us “Come as you are” the Church means it. To be Christian is to embrace others and to help them improve on the good qualities they already have - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Jn 3:16
Sadly, once again due to covid restrictions we have had to cancel a most important feast day of the Church – The Presentation of our Lord in the Temple!
The Jewish people celebrate the fest of Hanukkah or the festival of light. Some may know the story of the burning menorah (nine branched candelabra) In the old testament God commanded that an oil lamp was to be lit to signify his presence.
Unfortunately, the Jews ran out of oil and could not burn the lamp; it was one of the worst things imaginable to them for they were the chosen ones. So, God in His loving kindness knowing His people were deeply troubled commanded that the lamp would burn for several months without oil on its own accord.
Thus, when the Christ child was brought to the temple by His Mother Mariam and Stepfather Joseph the elder Simion exhorted – Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel. Lk 2:29-32
In conclusion, may we use this time in preparation for Lent to examine ourselves and work out what we would like to be better at or what would we like to accomplish to make us better Christians. As I have always stated, the Church and its clergy are here for all 24hrs a day 7 days a week. As our Lord exhorts many times within Holy scripture to not be afraid, all are reminded to not fear in making contact with us for the Church teaches us to never be ashamed and if there is something that is “shameful” God will certainly turn that same into fame as He has done throughout history with many of the Martyrs and Saints through His divine love for us His people!
Through the prayers of the Theotokos and Her spouse Joseph, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us!