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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele


As he approached the gates of Jericho, there was a man begging by the roadside who was blind, who heard much commotion and perceived that someone great was passing through. He thus inquired about whom the person was, and was informed that it is Jesus the Nazarene.

Instantly, he began crying out onto him saying: “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” The people in the crowd scorned him as he was disrupting the spectacle at which they tried to silence him. Yet, he cried out even louder with all his soul: “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

At this Jesus asked for the man to be brought before him and when the man (Bartimaeus) was in the Lord’s presence, Jesus asked: “What would you have me do for you?” The blind man replied: “I desire to see again!” Jesus thus replied: “Receive now your sight for your faith has healed you!”

The gift of sight instantly returned to his eyes, and immediately he began glorifying God and rejoicing in the Lord – following him in thanksgiving. The crowed who witnessed the miracle praised God for his mercy! (Lk 18:35-43)   

Physical blindness can only truly be described by those who live it, for none of us can even catch a glimpse of what it is like. There are various impediments which are hurdled by determination to live a good quality of life via the assistance of various means. However in the dark we may see such a condition to be, the reality is that other senses begin to assist, senses that we who physically see do not have.

Medicine and research have come a long way regarding physical impediments, the hope of breakthrough therapies towards healing is becoming a stepping stone away from cures. We need to hope for the best and believe that a large amount of disease can be cured in the near future. If someone we know has been affected by such, we strive to spend time with that person via genuine care and concern as the means of compassionate outreach.


Yet, certain realities emerge in the fragility of human nature where it either welcomes or repels such an approach due to various factors. It is also true that those (family members/carers) around such people conditioned by such impediments may express sentiments (as seen in the gospel account regarding Bartimaeus) that do not stem from the person affected - the isolation process from a circle of friends emerging – often due to personal gain.

Bartimaeus (the name recorded in the first written gospel by St. Mark) was an old man and conditioned for several years thus perceives through the senses that Jesus is no ordinary man, he is someone beyond. In actual fact, he remembered the birth of the Holy One in Bethlehem (City of David) and addresses the Lord in affirmation to the prophecy; “Son of David” adding the acknowledgement that God is merciful; “Have mercy on me!” 

Like today, yesteryear was plentiful with false ideologies and spiritualties due to the core being rotten – those promoting such were charlatans that covered their tracks alike chameleons who blend in with scenery colour. Yet, when times of desperation hijack our peace, people don’t think, they want! This is where cult mentalities (groups and individuals) prey on such poor souls in need of assistance - in need of a cure.

One can learn certain theories about a given subject and in this case spirituality, yet it takes much detoxing in order to comprehend clearly, to attain insight via experiences and often knowing how to deal with bad ones rather than good. Above all, spirituality is a gift that the All Holy Spirit imparts where you cannot easily acquire unless you are wholeheartedly willing – alike the peace the Lord offers which cannot be found in the midst of worldly cares and commotions. (Jn 14:27)

Again, Like Bartimaeus who sat and patiently waited with hope for God’s mercy to visit him, likewise we are to fine tune ourselves through the guidance of our spiritual elders who have gone through hell and back – the renewal of the senses via living in the grace of God!

Bishop Anthony Bloom of Sourozh (1914-2003AD) reflected upon the writings of St. John Climacus Monk of Sinai (579-649AD) regarding Living Prayer - the prayer of Bartimaeus stating:

“Despair is conductive to new spiritual life when we have got the courage to go deeper and farther, realizing that what we are despairing about is not the final victory, but the means we have employed to reach it."

“Then we start to hit rock bottom in quite a new way. God may bring us back to one of the means we have already tried, but which, under him, we may be able to use successfully. There should always be real cooperation between God and man and then God will give intelligence, wisdom, and power to do the right thing in achieving the right goal!”

Let’s make no mistake, even the most assertive of us have been blinded by various characters who have wanted something from us in order that they could continue their journey of stealth. Many of us who are sensitive souls unfortunately fall for stories of misfortune. Thus, doing everything we can in order to accommodate, accept and nurture such people due to falling for their technique of acquiring.

Hence, like those who physically do not see but have other abilities through the senses, we too allow such unfortunate situations (people who have taken advantage) to equip us with the ability to fine tune – evolving in our future discernment and response. We then are able to distinguish from people who are truly genuine to those who unfortunately carry the fragility of deceit.


A classic example of this was when a prestigious fragile individual (Judas Iscariot) wanted to follow the Lord for the wrong reasons – using his status via forcing God’s hand. A mauver which would  make God act according to the fragility of the individual’s mindset rather than the greater good which stems from the heart of God who desires the growth of all things to its good and true potential.

Such deceit exhausted various avenues which ultimately sold his Lord’s life due to envy for God’s non-compliance with the betrayer’s personal desire – the wiping out of Roman rule as soon as they touched the Messiah. All backfired when there was no retaliation of God’s part, at which in defeat and total pride, the betrayer executed himself as an act of rage and despair. This of course can be similar to what humans do when all logic flies out the window, especially with the sense of entitlement: a common theme on our roads!

How many times have we seen people due to heavy traffic (although our roads are behind leading nations due to yesteryears complaints by certain people who claim to be one thing but do another) nearly bowl people down as they cross the street – the elderly and the conditioned in particular? Blindness occurs when the ego is on a high and we fail to see our surroundings – the lack of sensitivity to those around us. This is truly poor vision!!!

A family friend who was a great lady that always kept to herself, was never boastful, most compassionate and very caring looked after her husband when he fell ill – he was treated like a king. This is a reflection of what love is and does, especially a love that was gifted at the altar with the first I do! She would always make sure he was tended too in every possible way throughout the day – refusing care assistance because he was her soulmate!

After years of care, her husband passed and she was left with a broken heart. Eventually, this wonderful lady began to succumb to blindness – a state that saw her rapid decline. It was heartbreaking to see this beautiful soul who once was a source of inspiration, compassion and care, now in need of nurturing – passing within a few short months. Truly, when a soulmate passes, the other one follows – the desire of being reunited in the promise bestowed to faithful hearts!

In a few weeks, sweethearts will be celebrating their valentines – a commercialized tradition which desires a shopping frenzy to demonstrate via the material, one’s love for another. The blindness of commercialism is indeed a cancerous tumour on the festivals of God which were divinely appointed to bring people together in love and great respect regardless of the material prestige. Yet, a small but meaningful gift in whatever form it takes can also be uplifting.

St. Valentine (226-269AD) was a presbyter in the diocese of Rome and was known for his kindness and strong faith via the gift of teaching. He was an instrument of peace especially when he would hear couples quarrel as they walked past his home. At this, he would cut a rose from his garden, ask them to hear him out, bless them, offer the rose and restore peace to their relationship. He was the wedding priest couples would seek most eagerly.

Although Christianity was outlawed due to being under suspicion via not been well known, the emperor at the time Claudius ii the Goth (born: 270 AD reign: 268-270AD) had a soft spot for Valentine and asked him to explain the Christian faith. Claudius was almost sold as he liked the concept, for it explained Valentine’s good nature and kindness. Unfortunately, there were various objections from the senate especially when Valentine exposed the fraud of cults at the time and the greatest was the pantheon of supposed deities.  

Various people were delivered from a broad range of maladies through the prayers of Valentine, including the daughter of a magistrate who was blind and received her sight at the laying on of Valentine’s hands. When the authorities saw that Valentine’s faith community was growing (with high ranking families joining) this was out of control in their eyes, forcing the emperor to succumb to the objections of the imperial magistrates via having Valentine beheaded.

The Christians of Rome then gave him burial via entombing him in the catacombs of St. Priscilla, and his sanctity was made better known via glorification (canonization) through Metropolitan Gelasius the Bishop of Rome (492-496AD) Thus, it was in this timeframe that veneration for Valentine spread throughout Western and Eastern Christendom aiding vision in the spiritual arena.  

Lord my God, grant me the courage to change the things that I can change, the serenity to accept those I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference. Lord, grant me the courage to not give up on what I think is right, even when tides of hopelessness wash over our shores which tend to dishearten.   Serenity Prayer






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