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Miserere me

Writer: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Homily on the 19th Sunday after Pentecost.

“Young man, I say to you, get up!” Lk 7:14

In today’s gospel proclamation we hear the recount of Christ raising from the dead, a young man that was being sent off for burial.

For us this recount is a certain affirmation that in Christ there is no death but only life.

Furthermore, it is a clear and undebatable sign that Jesus truly is as He exhorts in the gospel of John 11:25 - “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believe in me, though he die, yet shall he live!”

As a parent I always worry about my children and their future, especially in times like these, where you need a minimum of $50,000 as a deposit to even think about buying your home.

Moreover, doing your normal weekly grocery shopping has become nothing more than a joke! You cannot leave the supermarket without spending a minimum of $200. A few weeks ago, I went to buy a few items for only two nights worth of dinner and that alone cost nearly $100.

However, as I have always been shown time and time again, placing your trust in God and of course getting off my backside and working for things, He (God) makes what seems to be impossible become possible because just like most parents there is nothing we wouldn’t do for the benefit, wellbeing, happiness and comfort of or children; always keeping in mind that in God, that love is magnified infinitely!

One aspect in my children's upbringing that I am immensely content with is their love for Jesus and His Church. Allow me to explain further.

A few weeks ago, my wife Presbytera Lianna told me something so wonderful that I almost began to cry from joy. On my bedside table I have three icons of our Lord, His Holy Mother Theotokos and the icon of the resurrection. In front of the icons I have a bible and on top of that I have a small blessing cross.

Therefore, every morning while I’m at work, my youngest daughter Lucy comes into my bedroom, then picks up the blessing cross and makes her sister Mia and my wife kiss/venerate our Lord’s cross. After which she kisses then places it back and they continue their day.

Hence, may I say I have never asked my children to do anything like this nor have I forced them to mimic me and my wife when it comes to our faith, however it has been done on their own accord and of course via the grace, love and wisdom of the Holy Spirit!

In addition, our oldest daughter makes me so proud and happy for example, on Thursday night she was explaining to me and my wife all the people she loves – grandparents, cousins and friends from kinder. She then stops and says - “actually the people I really, really love the most are, Mummy, the baby in mummy's belly, Lucy Daddy and Jesus! Again, me being the emotional man that I am nearly burst into tears because she remembered our Lord!

Thus, when we incorporate Christ into our lives, everything changes and things become a little sweeter. All of a sudden, difficult situations in life which seem intolerable become a breeze to conquer.

At times, the rush of this world become too much that we need a time out and the beauty of Holy Orthodoxy is that it offers ALL people this time out no matter who, what, when, where or why.

I from time to time struggle a lot with work life, family and ministry life balance. It becomes overwhelming and there are times where I freak out into a panic and begin to feel like I’m going to lose my mind.

However, again I retreat to God through the mystery of confession or if it is not possible at the time, I will just stop what I am doing and remember the icon of the resurrection – Jesus pulling Adam and Eve out of hell.

I then remember that all when need to do is call upon His All-Holy name – Lord Jesus Christ Son of the Living God have Mercy upon me a sinner! Thus, in time all things mellow down and harmony is restored.

Thus before I finish, I would like to briefly explain how one is to understand the Jesus prayer. If you wish a deeper and longer explanation of the subject there are many articles online.

Thus, when one prays the last portion of the prayer – “have mercy upon me a sinner” it is not a question about forgiveness because we are horrible terrible sinners!

Mercy, which has been explained by Metropolitan Raffaele in his encyclical “Faith” means to reach out. And when one says - “a sinner” we are not supposed to beat our chest and contemplate on our failings or shortcomings in total rear of damnation. It is only a phrase that keeps us grounded in that we are to remind ourselves that we are not perfect like Jesus; for He alone is perfect.

We rise and fall every day but via Christ mercy; His reaching out onto us, He pulls us out of the hell we either wilfully or unfortunately find ourselves in as in the icon of the resurrection.

In conclusion, may we practice this same mercy via reaching out onto those who we know may need an ear to listen, or a shoulder to cry or to simply be next to someone to show them we care; to put into practice the commandment to love on another!

Through the prayers of the Holy Theotokos and Saint Joseph Her spouse, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us!

“God has come to help his people.” Lk7:16



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