Homily on the 1st Sunday of Great Lent.
In this all-holy season of Great Lent as we prepare to make way for the King of Glory (Jesus) to enter into our lives in order to be healed from all earthly impediments that prevent spiritual growth, we are also faced with the harsh reality of the fragility, brokenness and defiled part of humanity; the current war between Russia and Ukraine.
Thus, as the majority of the world watches in horror and disbelief we can only imagine what people must be feeling – parents losing children, siblings losing brothers and sisters, friends losing friends, a spouse losing the love of their life. All this on both sides of the conflict!
Hence, it is part of our human nature to take sides when two or more parties are caught between a conflict, however the reality is Ukrainians and Russians are both dying! Thus, life is a precious gift that God has granted – NO person has the right to take that away but God alone! We all know someone that loves us and have a person in our life whom we love. Therefore, for every life that is lost, it is not only God that is saddened by it but there is a person or persons that endure the same hurt/pain at the loss of that life!
Therefore, since the time of the Apostles Jesus made it clear that the Church and Governing Land (Country, State) are to stay out of each other's pockets so to speak! The Church mustn't interfere with the government and its laws and the government mustn't interfere with that of the Church’s!
However, as per usual some clergy of other sects cannot help themselves and feel compelled to add their opinion. It is not our job to take sides or condemn others; especially within this time of Great Lent when we pray the prayer of Saint Ephrahim within the context of the Pre-Sanctified Liturgy - “Lord you are our King who bestows all goodness upon us – grant us awareness in order not to condemn other when they fail us; usher our minds to mirror thee in order to enfold them in thy flock so that they may praise thee for evermore. Amen.” (Third portion of the prayer.)
Hence, it is the job of the Church to pray to the All-Holy-Trinity and to the Theotokos our Mother to intervene at all times; especially when we have no control over a given situation, where we feel helpless or wish we could do more to render assistance.
Moreover, just as the Apostle James exhorts within Holy Scripture - “Prayer without works is dead” we are called to lend a hand where we can. For those of us on the other side of the world it is more difficult to do this in the physical sense. Thus, if there is a non-for-profit charity that is helping we can make a donation or support local business in the afflicted areas. Every little bit helps!
Even something as small as offering your time online to talk to a person who has no one to talk too – the smallest act of compassion often makes the biggest difference in the life of someone in despair!
Having stated thus, we as Christians carry the light of the world within us (Jesus the Lord) via virtue of Holy Baptism and Chrismation. Hence, we are obliged to ensure that the light (Jesus) reaches out to the darkest places on earth; onto all people so all may see and live in His presents and dwell in His Glory!
Therefore, in Church history we have seen villages, states, countries and nations unite and assemble within the temple of God (Church) to ask for war, famine or plagues to cease. Thus, because of the faith the people showed – wars, famines and plagues were subdued and peace and health was eventually restored to the people afflicted.
However, these days prayer, rituals, rites and Liturgy have become somewhat of a showpiece for people. Something that the great grandparents used to do - so in order not to offend the parents and to keep the tradition alive, people continue it; totally ignorant to what they do. Sadly, not even pastors truly believe in the power of prayer, the power of the All-Holy-Spirit and the power of love that stems from the heart of God which brings war to an end!
May we pray for all people not only for Russia and Ukraine but for all people affected by war around the world. Children and innocent blood is being shed every hour because of such atrocities! Furthermore, may we never be afraid to stand up for our faith and for those who stand up and give up their lives for it!
We implore the intercessions of the Theotokos, Joseph Her spouse and Saint Basil the confessor.
Lord Jesus Christ Son of the living God have mercy on us! Amen.
When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, “Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.” “How do you know me?” Nathanael asked. Jesus answered, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.”
Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.” Jesus said, “You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that.” He then added, “Very truly I tell you, you will see ‘heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” Jh 1:47-51