Homily on the Sunday of the last judgment.
As the Lentern fast commences we prepare ourselves for the greatest feast of all Christ’s Holy Pascha.
Many people often wonder why we fast for the forty days leading to Christ’s Resurrection. In the West fasting is considered an act of mortification; punishing oneself for the “sins” they may have committed.
However, this could not be further away from the truth! The fact is the God in His infinite wisdom knowing all things is aware that we broken humanity make unwise discissions from time to time; placing our bodies under strain via unhealthy dieting, lack of exercise and perhaps the use of drugs and alcohol.
Thus, as has been proven even by modern day science, fasting has many health benefits in that it balances out the good and bad in the body; enabling us to be healthy in mind, body and soul! (Aligning one's whole self with the heart of God.)
I recall being asked by a friend several years ago - “why do orthodox Christians put themselves through such old unnecessary and outdated practices? They serve no purpose! Thus, when I explained to him why we orthodox Christians truly fast - his tone changed.
Therefore, in today's epistle the Apostle Paul writes to the people in Corinth (Greece) that if food become a means of impediment, we must stop immediately and control ourselves. If we eat ourselves into a food coma and we become sluggish; beginning to become lazy when it comes to things pertaining to God ie – Divine Liturgy, Prayer, being a light for people in the world Mt 5:15 then that’s when we are to take a break (fast) a rebalance our whole-self to its intended state.
This Friday the Church commemorated Saint Leo Bishop of Catania Sicily. St Leo was well known by his unwavering charitable works; further being granted the gift of healing bodily infirmities.
He was famously known to feed the homeless; many times, giving the little food he had to the poorest of families. He was a perfect example of what Christ commanded us to do when He (Christ) said - “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ Mt 25:45
Thus, there was a magician/sorcerer named Heliodorus who was once Christian however preferred to follow evil after being rejected to be an apostle by Christ Jesus.
Therefore, once Saint Leo found out that the sorcerer was going around using black magic to trick people into making them believe that his “Mirical's” come from God the saint put him in his place.
One day whilst Saint Loe prayed the Divine Liturgy he walked out of the sanctuary and grabbed the sorcerer by the throat; ordering him to quit his manipulative work.
Hence, the Saint thus ordered that a fire by lit and Saint Leo along with the sorcerer stepped into it. After several minutes the sorcerer was burnt and died, however through intense prayer Saint Leo remained unharmed.
Thus, fasting in a monastic way is not for everyone! I can comfortably say I will not be doing a monastic fast, however there will be things that I will be doing differently so as to improve my spiritual and physical life.
However, some people attempt the monastic fast but do it incorrectly. They start off with the right intentions but later eat all the food in the fridge; becoming defensive telling them that the food is not for them!
Therefore, this is why it is very important to have a spiritual father (Priest or Bishop) to guide us in the correct path. Something that works for one person may not work for another; a specific plan needs to be arranged for the specific person.
Hence, if one would like the opportunity to attempt the fast on their own that is also fine however, from personal experience if one becomes bitter or fasts with the wrong intention it must cease immediately! It is lying to oneself but more importantly it is the equivalent to looking at Jesus in the face and lying to Him!
Thus, just as God is truthful and transparent with us at all times, may we also learn to be the same with Him – not that any person can ever outsmart God but for common courtesy.
In conclusion, God does not need our fast it is we who need the fast in order to rebuild our relationship with God; to heal our mind, body and soul. Therefore, let us contemplate on what it is we would like to achieve this lent; asking the Lord through the prayers of His all-Holy Mother to hear and answer them.