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Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded towards one another.

Writer's picture: Father MarkFather Mark

Homily on the 7th Sunday After Pentecost.

Romans 15: 1-7. Matthew 9: 27-35.

In today's Epistle, we have Saint Paul telling us that we ought to deal kindly with the weak and to try and nurture their faith. We live in an age where many competing voices all have an opinion about everything – even the truth of Christianity. Oftentimes, what these people believe comes from the ill-informed views of those who seek to destroy and not build. Remember that these poor souls are often miserable and seek to drag others down with them - as the old saying goes, 'misery loves company.'

Many are searching for the All-Holy Trinity in our age. Many people have been left thirsting for something refreshing to drink after drinking from the rancid chalice of this age, filled with the bitter wine of despair and hopelessness. Many people feel more disconnected from others in what was promised to be the great age of connection with the internet and mobile phones being at the forefront of this connectedness.

How did we get to this place? Unfortunately, we have gotten here because many people have started to place man at the centre of the Universe instead of the All-Holy Trinity. When man does this, he is partaking in the ancient rebellion of Satan and cutting himself off from the source of life – the All-Holy Trinity. In participating in this prideful rebellion, he also loses a connection with his peers, and jealousy, anger, and hate (the fruits of the Evil one) take over!

Why you may wonder do, I bring this all up? Quite simply, due to the emptiness felt by many, there is a desire felt by them to come to the All-Holy Trinity. As a result, many search to find the true Church of Christ. Many find the Orthodox Church, but for many this journey to Orthodoxy will involve some pit stops along the way in some not so orthodox sects, like Hill Song and other Evangelical Sects.

Unfortunately, these Sects do not teach authentic Christianity and, as such, leave people broken and confused. How can a Sect which has put itself outside the bounds of the Church truly do the work of Christ? Unless putting one's hand in the air singing pop hymns, and asking for credit card numbers is the work of Christ? I think not!

We as members of the Body of Christ as Saint Paul mentions in today's Epistle, must be patient with these newcomers and truly welcome them and any questions that they may have. In fact, it is our duty to show them love and compassion and gently lead them to the fullness of the truth that is Orthodoxy. This will involve gently correcting any false beliefs that they may have been taught in these Evangelical Sects and others.

It is often too easy to want to be stern with these new members to guide them to the correct belief. However, let us remember that each of these people will have had different experiences, which we cannot blame them for – it is our duty to teach them the truth lovingly. If we are harsh, they will run for the hills and never want to darken the Church's door again! Think of it in this way; we must guide them gently to the fullness of the truth in much the same way a parent teaches their children to learn an important lesson!

Furthermore, let us, as Saint Paul points out, look to the example of the Lord – for the Lord was patient with Israel. Therefore, let us be patient with our new brothers and sisters – it is by being loving and patient that others are drawn to Christ.

People are not attracted to anger and bitterness, which can sometimes be seen in some congregations. In fact, it is because of angry and bitter congregations such as these that we have created for us the stereotypes of Rev Lovejoy and his wife in the Simpsons!

Moreover, our Lord and Saviour, the second Person of the All-Holy Trinity, showed this patience and love throughout his ministry. He was patient with His disciples and revealed to them the truths of His Gospel. He was gentle with them and firm with them only when absolutely required. We must seek to be like Him, for he is the ultimate model of the Christian life.

Unfortunately, many people in the Church have forgotten the importance of patience and rather have become like the Pharisees judging others for not doing things the way that they would do them. We must not let this spirit thrive as it is contrary to the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour.

Unfortunately, some parishes have become like this and have become places of judgement rather than healing; something admonished by our Lord and Saviour!

Remember, we are not to be like the Pharisee praying in the temple for all to see and admire, for he got his reward already – the admiration of some of the temple goers. Instead, we are to be like the Publican who knew that he was a sinner, yet he trusted in God and approached Him with humility in his heart to seek His forgiveness.

We must not forget that, like the Publican, we too are sinners and need the mercy of the All-Holy Trinity (Luke 19: 8-14). Without the mercy of the All-Holy Trinity, we cannot grow and walk on the right path, which leads to Communion with Him - the God of all truth, beauty, and love! Fortunately, if we are humble and are willing to come to the All-Holy Trinity in the Mystery of Confession and the Holy Eucharist, He will grant us that which we seek – forgiveness and union with Him!

Finally, let us pray that All-Holy Trinity may teach us how to better draw others into the truth of Holy Orthodoxy. Let us also pray for a renewal in our mission to spread the truth of the Gospel.

For this Gospel is the love letter of the All-Holy Trinity addressed to all of mankind! This Gospel is also His invitation to all to come to His wedding feast prepared for all who are part of His beloved Bride the Church. This is the Heavenly Banquet where He serves the Food that gives life within (John 6: 53) – the Holy Eucharist – His very Body and Blood given for many for the remission of sins!

Moreover, He is the light of the world and the divine physician who can heal all that is broken. Remember, His Body, the Church, is a hospital where all come to see Him, the Divine Physician, to be healed. Let us not make His Church a place that turns people away in anger and disgrace but rather the place where people encounter Him in the Holy Mysteries (Sacraments) established by Him for Salvation.

Let His Church be a place where people can work out their salvation in fear and trembling, as Saint Paul puts it (Philippians 2: 12-13). Meaning that we realise that salvation is not a one-off event, but rather the culmination of a life 'putting up the good fight having finished the race keeping the faith (2 Timothy 4:7). '



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