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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele


The Lord used another parable concerning that which is to be considered as priority stating: “The land of a wealthy farmer brought forth abundant harvests. Therefore, the time came to consider the storage of crops for they had multiplied and the barns were insufficient in space. Hence, the wealthy farmer reasoned within himself saying: “I need to demolish the present barns and build larger ones in order to cater for the over abundant produce!” (Lk 12:16-18)

There is a great need these days to be practical, precise and to the point! Like the farmer who was rather wise concerning thus, we too need to exercise such within church structure. We may look at the various denominations and see how everything started with the basics; yet hard work, determination and purpose bridged structure and refurbishment. Everything works well for a few years, yet new realities begin to surface and new horizons discovered.

When a strong network of community ensures support in all areas; the sky’s the limit so to speak/write….like the fertile farming land – the number of faithful (families) belonging outgrow the barn (church building); greater structures are needed along with education facilities. Again it works well and the institution perfectly functions and is abundantly nourished!

When I served as a Deacon within the Russian Church, their Cathedral was in the suburb of Collingwood which was a former Anglican building - converted for byzantine worship. Parking within suburban Melbourne was a bit of a problem back then due to time restrictions; now this is an absolute nightmare in space, place and especially in fees and council fines!

Therefore an existing purchase of land warranted the building of a new centre of worship and other facilities which was the right direction to take considering the above impediments. The grand new cathedral built and furbished within the breathtaking Slavonic style was truly a mark of presence for Slavonic Orthodoxy and a National reinforcement of cultural heritage.

At the time that all had been achieved and the reaping of crops was steadfast in abundance the now abundantly wealthy farmer tranquilly reasoned within himself saying: “Look at the goods that I have achieved over these years which have yielded a most profitable abundance… is the times to be indulge in comfortable living – fine dining and frequent merriness; this is the life!” (Lk 12:19)

We find ourselves in a time that the once fertile soil and grand store houses for goods have not only become centres of grand worship of the past, but are verging on becoming mausoleum’s; the abundant harvest has been crippled and the soil poisoned with uncertainty – nourishment is scarce! The selling of hallowed ground (churches) ensures the upkeep of commodity rather than offering them to the vineyard tenants of the Lord and his faithful who would look after them and worship him as is right! The need to meddle within social justice rather than to cultivate the crops which the Lord desires in order that God’s grace may extend out onto the wider community is regarded as paramount!

The Holy Spirit will always provide through our love and good works to all people, as long as we stop the stupidity of COMPRIMISING Jesus Christ and BEING ASHAMEND OF HIM in order to not offend others! The Lord exhorted that he has other sheep who do not belong to the fold that need due tending (Jn 10:16) in which at the appointed time these will come to know him through our love we have for others.

Furthermore, the charity of Christ urges us to tend onto others regardless, but with the reminder which must not be compromised that Christ is the Shepherd of Nations who came to bind all in his fold – a warranted contemplation as we embark on the observance of Advent. For we should look forward to thus with joyful hearts and in the Apostle Paul’s exhortation (1Cor 11:26) when we gather for the Lord’s Eucharist which is the only accepted worship and fulfilment of revelation; we proclaim the divine mysteries of his passion, death and resurrection until he returns!!!

Therefore, returning to the previous setting (the new cathedral building) the old church in Collingwood was going to be sold – however their stance against the selling of sacred buildings was! At the time, there was a much younger community which was part of the same communion needing a place for worship. Although it was granted them for a time, rent was becoming ridiculous – the community had put in place a fund to purchase the building which was steady. Yet, the ancient transgression came back in full force; jealousy and greed! Hence, these poor souls were evicted and the building was sold to developers.

Although he failed to listen to what God exhorted in scripture concerning thus, that very same night in which he reasoned these things in his heart; he died. Then the Lord God said onto his soul: “You foolish child, now that your soul has been called from your lavish existence – those things which you worked hard for and then were so sure to enjoy throughout the years; that which you provided will be devoured by others….this is what happens to all who are just as foolish rather than investing in the rich abundant grace which the Lord bestows!” (Lk 12:20-21)

As Bishop and Exarch of the Church present in Australia, we too like many others do not have the necessary funds and structures– we all have secular jobs for employment as is the apostolic custom. Hence, the churches that should belong under our care are hijacked by these very lay committees, trustees, administrators etc.; destroying the true sense of community and purpose of communion – another enterprise under the guise of religiosity: total un-canonicity!!!!

Thus, rather than investing in fertile ground – the nurturing place for souls, these and OTHER SO CALLED CHRISTIAN CHURCHES prefer to cripple the crops (deny continuity of Christian worship) via placing conditions in the name of Christ yet SHUNNING HIM with the allowing of OTHER to use sacred space. May I remind you of a previous blog when I was horrified to witness a beautiful church dedicated to the Apostle Paul given access to eastern remedies: THE YOGA STUDIO!

Last Wednesday, the Church entered into the season of ADVENT and we recall the entrance of the THEOTOKOS (The Mother of God) into the temple (the temple/convent school for girls back then) to grow in favour of God; nurtured by his grace for the appointed time. Further, we remember that when young Joseph and Mariam journeyed to the region of Nazareth in the city of bread (Bethlehem) for as we do these days now and then: SENSIS NIGHT, each door they knocked on for hospitality was shut in their face!

This is a reminder to those of us who struggle in faith – not that we don’t believe, but we get disheartened by those who are in positions of prestige, authority, and capability who are supposedly of the same faith and communion or similar; these SHUT THE DOOR ON OUR FACE! We have gone back to apostolic times where the house churches are once again the centre of worship for the local neighbourhood family communities. Yet, this fragile boy babe, who was the thorn in the side for the ruling party and religious of the time; although unwelcomed by the world, he was offered a poor shepherds cave where the goods were stocked and grain was milled.

This is our comfort, this is our hope; the poor, weak and insignificant are raised by the fragility of the infant who comes as shepherd of his fold, giver of life and abundant grace to his Church (all who believe, live and risk for the sake of the wider fold)!!!

“Oh Bethlehem you who are Ephrata (fruitful), although you are considered insignificant amongst the tribes of Judah, yet from the meekness of your status I shall raise you on high above all others; my grace will arise out of your city for the ancient of days will come and shepherd you as king of Israel!” (Mic 5:2)



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