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Omnipotens Deus

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Homily on the 27th Sunday after Pentecost.

“Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” Lk 17:13

Today we hear the recount of the 10 lepers that were healed by our Lord Jesus when they begged Him from afar to be healed from their infirmity. However, after the Lord healed them only one returned to give thanks to God for the miracle of His (Christ's) healing touch!

Thus, as we know the All-Holy-Trinity desires the salvation of ALL! God, unlike fragile and broken humanity, will always give a person the possibility for healing to take place in order for Him (God) to mend the broken state of their very persona!

Hence, Jesus who is the mercy from on high via His love and compassion restored the health of all the lepers who shouted - " Jesus, Master, have mercy on us." However, only one of the ten returned to thank Jesus and to make an offering onto God for having delivered him from his illness.

Therefore, Jesus wonders were are the nine others that also received healing. Why did they not come back to praise God for having saved them? The amazing thing here is that Jesus is not angry or upset that the others did not come back to give thanks but rather saddened.

Thus, throughout Holy Scripture we hear about God reaching out onto His people gracing them with love, life, health, children, victory over the enemy, eternal life and the list goes on. The love of God can never be accurately measured nor described because our minds or our technology can not comprehend it; his love would measure off the richter scale as the saying goes.

Moreover, even if a person would reach a point in their life where they feel like their is no hope, the All-Holy-Trinity is one phrase away - Jesus Son of the Living God, Have Mercy!

I can personally testify to this simple but most powerful prayer. I have been delivered from forms of depression, anxieties, preoccupations of the world and more. Simply calling out on Christ's All-Holy name is enough for evil to burn away and for peace to be restored in ones heart!

This Saturday evening the Church commemorates the memory of Saint Nicholas Archbishop of Myra or otherwise known as Santa Clause.

St Nicholas was born in the city of Patara modern day Turkey. His parents were wealthy and pious Christians. Sadly their lives were cut short due to a pandemic that reached havoc in the region.

Thus, the young Nicholas went to live with his uncle who's name was also Nicholas and evidently was the bishop of Patara.

St. Nicholas was truly devoted to the Lord and His church from a very young age; living a life of monasticism even before becoming a monk. After his uncle ordained him to the priesthood, St. Nicholas spent some time in Jerusalem were he visited all the Holy Christian sites.

In the year 325AD St. Nicholas returned to Patara where he was consecrated bishop of Myra. St. Nicholas was also one of the Fathers of the Church that took part in the First council of Nicaea. During the council we know that St. Nicholas was a defender of the true Orthodox faith and denounced the heresy of Arianism. The belief that Jesus was not begotten of the Father before all ages but was rather a created being; coming to existence at some point in time.

Moreover, as we all know and profess in our Apostolic creed - "I believe in One Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the only begotten of the Father before all ages!" Thus, when St. Nicholas came face to face with Arius at the council, he was so frustrated at Arius that he struck him in the face for preaches such heresies!

St. Nicholas spent most of his life giving his inheritance to the poor, the widows and the orphans. He would be seen many times with food and medical supplies supporting all the underprivileged. Sadly the world has played Chinese whispers with St. Nicholas's true story and now he has become the jolly big man dressed in red, giving presents to the children of the world!

Hence, I am by no means being the Grinch who stole Christmas. I believe the children should have a bit of magic in their lives. I myself love to see my girls experience the magic of Christmas morning when my girls yell out - "Mummy, Daddy Santa came, look at the presents!"

However, it is also very important that we know who St. Nicholas truly was, a true Christian who lived out the gospel of Christ every moment of his life; a truly remarkable man who's actions all Christians should mirror!

All may be wondering why I have chosen to post this homily on a Thursday rather than the weekend. As many of you know my youngest daughter Lucy was born with a medical condition in which we have waited 2 years to be rectified.

Thus, this Friday morning she will be having her surgery to rectify her condition so I would mostly be a the hospital by her side this weekend praying for her and fulfilling my duty as her Dad. I kindly ask all of you to keep my little cheeky girl in your prayers.

To all who will be celebrating the Nativity of our Lord Jesus next week, I wish you all a blessed Christmas full of love, the peace of Christ and spiritual joy that will nourish and replenish you and your faith!

“Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” Lk 17:19

Through the prayers of the Theotokos, St. Joseph Her spouse, St. Anna and Joachim parents of Mariam All-Holy. St. John the Baptist, St. Elizabeth and Zacharias parents of the forerunner. Of the Holy Apostles and of St. Nicholas of Myra, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us. Amen



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