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One Faith, One Truth!

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Homily on the 17th Sunday after Pentecost.

What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.”

Therefore, “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.”

And, "I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I read this passage within Holy Scripture is converts to the Orthodox faith.

Sadly, many clerics and highly educated folk that have come to THE (one and only) faith are in it for two minutes before they begin to publish books on what they interpret orthodoxy to be. Many also hold seminars and Q & A nights where they teach their mal-interpreted form of orthodoxy to people that are perhaps thinking of joining the faith. If you ask me that is a recipe for disaster!

Thus, such people are predominantly seen in the USA where religion has become an obsession amongst its people. We see (orthodox) people becoming like the bible bashers that no person can tolerate! I have watched many orthodox videos online and the things that clergy and faithful say or teach regarding the faith is totally contrary to the teachings of Jesus, the Apostle’s and the Holy Fathers of the Church!

Moreover, the bishops and patriarchs of these institutional churches are allowing such behaviour and twisted teachings to continue. Forgive me, but are not the bishops supposed to be the protectors of the faith? Rather are they not meant to do all that is necessary to safeguard it even if it means they must anathematize a person/cleric?

Unfortunately, and I say this with a heavy ashamed heart but the majority of Christendom are a bunch of sell-outs! They have sold the Lord and the true faith for 30 pieces of silver just like Judas Iscariot had done! They are quick to give up, change to suite or move with the times in order to please humanity and of course themselves for self-gain!

Thus, this is what happens when people aren't given ample time to detox from their previous religious teachings. Then they jump straight into teaching a faith they think they have grasped and learnt but the reality is they haven't even scratched the surface!

Yesterday, I came across a video of an orthodox priest with 6 of his parishioners and they were in front of an abortion clinic with signs and posters against abortion. They also prayed and sung verses from Holy scripture that had mention of children.

Therefore, on the one hand I completely understand that they are standing up for the children that have no voice to speak and that is beautiful. However, on the other hand to most women who are about to make the decision to terminate a pregnancy, it has no to little impact because all they see are a crazy bunch of over religious people that are part of some cult!

Please do not miss understand what I am saying, I am 150% against abortion it is a crime against human nature and a crime against The Holy Spirit because He (God) is the giver of life and only He has the authority to retrieve what He has bestowed!

Hence, as the old saying goes - “you don’t catch flies with vinegar but with honey”. Acting like a bunch of rebellious protesters screaming, yelling and carrying on like monkeys is only going to add fuel to the fire. Moreover, every case is different and unique! The way you speak to one person can offend another, so we must cater to each person's needs just like God does with each and every one of us!

Therefore, anyone can find a crazy Christian cult, they are popping up everywhere, but what people tend to overlook is the orthodox faith because over the centuries it has been made to look like an army camp. Just look at a Russian patriarchal Liturgy on YouTube and you'll see for yourself, it resembles their Armed Forces!

Of course, there must be some form of structure or you would have deacons and priests all over the place and it would look more like a circus act, but to have a military style form of worship is way over the top; not even God wants that type of worship! He (God) wants our worship to come from each and everyone's heart; pure and authentic!

The prayer of the heart is worth more to God than an 8-hour Liturgy or all-night prayers that have no meaning and are done due to fear rather than wholehearted love.

You see that is what fear of God is. Not fearing Him because we have fallen short in areas of our lives or punishment because of (sin) due to the teachings of some clergy; nothing of the sort. It is rather the knowing and understanding of the Holy Spirit coming upon us and realization that He can turn us into His very tabernacle in which He wishes to reside in (Our Hearts) Holy Reverence!

On Wednesday evening I celebrated the Liturgy to commemorate the Protection of the Theotokos in Constantinople/Istanbul in the mid tenth century. Thus, after I had communed with the Lord’s Precious blood from the chalice I kissed it in veneration and for the very first time it felt like I had just kissed Jesus on the cheek.

The warmth from the chalice resembled the warmth of a person - it was the one of many beautiful experiences/encounters I've had with our Lord and I became quite emotional.

God is with us at all times there is no doubt about that, but do we have the humility to firstly admit that we don’t know it all and we have been wrong about certain things regarding that faith? And lastly are we willing to, as we say in the Divine Liturgy- “lay aside all earthly cares” and just be true to God and too ourselves at all times?

As I say time and time again, ask our Blessed Mother the Thotokos/Bogoroditsa for Her prayers and intersessions and your prayers to Christ are multiplied one-thousand-fold, for Jesus grants all the requests His Mother makes onto Him; as does any good son!

Therefore, through the prayers of the Theotokos, Her husband Joseph and via the prayers of the Angels and Saints, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us. Amen



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Updated June 2024 by Nika Designs

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