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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele

An Invitation to keep watch over his flock and pray for the edification of his body the Church

The Lord walked by the sea of Galilee in which he observed from afar two brothers who were fishermen Simon who he later named Cephas (Peter) and his younger brother Andrew who were about their trade casting their nets in the sea for the daily catch. He then called out to them: “Follow me” which they perceived were words that moved their hearts to compassion for he added: “I will render you into fishers of men” At this, they leapt from their boats leaving their trade, lifestyle and all that they knew behind for they responded wholeheartedly to his invitation in following him. (Mtt 4: 18-20)

When we think of prayer or have been exposed to it – many via weddings and most of all funerals, prayer for these (the younger generation) who are away from the faith; prayer is nothing but babble! They are certainly not captivated by such especially within the context of funeral services which just wash over their heads so to speak because these standard (set) prayers etc. are not being taught nor implemented in such a way by the clergy which make people actually want to be part of the Church.

Standard prayer and also ritual which is rather dry and becoming tasteless is unfortunately becoming like Panadol or nurofen in response to flue/ bronchitis like symptoms; ineffective and obsolete! We really need to live by what we preach via living in the world and not in our own safe houses – fully aware of what people are going through in struggles we all face.

How many times have we come across those who either are in the ranks of the clergy or lay (religious people) who outwardly appear all holy, pious, and immaculate, whilst when dealing with others they are the exact opposite? They are as holy as a block of Swiss cheese and via their actions towards others - sour as a cocktail of lemon and vinegar!

A classic example is when the young or stray actually begin to be drawn to the Lord commencing to as the cherubic hymn states ‘’lay aside all earthly cares’’ but stupidity under the guise of tradition gest in the way. Old ladies scorning young women for not covering their heads with veils and wearing pants as opposed to skirts. {Church canon law here was implemented only because cross dressing was becoming problematic}

Then young men scalded because they have tattoos by the religious people because they are demonic {tattoos especially religious ones were the tradition of the Ethiopian and Coptic Christians especially the women because the Islamists had a tendency to rape and when they saw religious symbols imprinted on the flesh of their victims – they could not vilify due to being defiled}

Having stated thus, I must clarify a most important issue which is predominant amongst the Slavic Christians - the issue of mensturation (women in phase of their period) We have nothing to do with the LEVITICAL LAW! We have been called out of darkness via he (IESUS KRISTOS) who is light - to dwell in the pastures of life within the Ark of Salvation which is Holy Mother Church! Hence, such who are in phase of their period are NOT TO BE BLOCKED from Holy Communion!!! It is very clear that in the account of the Apostle Luke that: "The woman came behind him, and touched the border of his garment; immediately her issue of blood resolved!" (Lk 8:44) We need to stop the stupidity that we make up out of ignorance, inferiority complex, and miss-interpretation IN BECOMING AN IMPEDIMENT TO OTHERS on their journey towards God!

In truth, the elder generation did not enjoy such privileges or freedom we have today and thus within the understanding of their minds think anything contrary is evil. Furthermore, remote monastics who are not holy and full of vice yet try to appear that they are spotless curse our young who come to them for advice but are shunned because of this unholy pedalling stupidity which closes the doors of the kingdom to those who desire to grow in the Lord.

Unfortunately, such people make the lives of the young a living hell and with such mentality portray God as a monster who delights in the sufferings of others and inflicting thus on those who don’t submit. What a nightmare of Christian testimony is being rendered; atrocity in all its connotations!

If one is holy, one knows the suffering of others because they have or are going through such themselves and do everything in tenderness of heart to encourage others to walk in the way of the Lord. The greatest testimony we can render onto others is to actually live out the truth by our struggles and for once – stop pretending to be something and someone we clearly are not! It’s only when we come to terms with our own self and stand wholeheartedly before God – exposed fully that through his wounds we find solace and are truly healed.

In actual fact, we are via such terms called to become a well of refreshment where others who dwell in the desert of uncertainty and political tyranny may come to quench their thirst in being replenished by he (Jesus) who is the Living Water poured out into the depths of the well of our souls!

There is a great reason why God chose to be born in time within the context of a land that has been in war from day one and chose the most common people with all sorts of vices to be his successors in his presbytery. He is the peace that the world cannot give neither fathom, and potter moulding the clay of each vessel which is ready for service once withstood the heat of the furnace!

Thus the brothers leapt from their boats leaving their trade, lifestyle and all that they knew behind for they responded wholeheartedly to his invitation in following him. Hence, Jesus went throughout the region of Galilee in proclaiming his ministry within the synagogues in which they were witnesses to his kingdom via the signs and wonders that accompanied his words which is the glorious gospel that renders healing to the afflicted and diseased amongst his people! (Mtt 4: 22-23)



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